
1. Plane Crash

Game will begin from the short entrance roller, in which we will see the recent minutes of the life of the aircraft of that suffering the wreck above the ocean. Let us swim to the structure similar to the lighthouse, retaining safe distance from the burning fragments of the broken liner. We rise along the stairs and go in the door. We find stairs on other side of accomodation and we get down on it to the bathyscaph. Inside the bathyscaph we harvest to the lever in order to leave for the way on the bottom of ocean. Conveniently we are arranged before the illuminator and we observe the beauties of the unknown underwater peace.

2. Welcome to Rapture

We take movable radio from the shelf to the left of the illuminator. We listen to communication from the atlas. We leave from the bathyscaph. We displace to the left and we rise along the stairs. We control the struggle of gumanoida with the device of safety system. We go to the passage, covered with the pieces of concrete. We raise from the earth adjustable wrench and divide concrete blocks by it. We pass into the following region. It is cost before the stairs until we see near itself ob"yatuyu with flame couch. Then we rise we upstairs and bring by key on vapor of fatal impacts to gumanoidu, which attacked on us because of the angle to the right. We do not forget to search the body of the enemies in the searches for plasmids, first-aid kits, cartridges and other useful things killed by you. Then we rise along another stairs and we take of the special automaton Gatherer's Garden - the first of plasmids Electrobolt.

You will reveal after awakening that they became the possessor of supernatural power. Now you can release electrical discharges with the presence of the corresponding reserves plasmid. We let out the electrical discharge into the control panel of door. We go in the tunnel. We go to the tail of aircraft, which breached the transparent wall of tunnel because of what in it beginning swiftly to arrive water. We climb up into the tail of aircraft and through the emergency exit we are selected to other side of tunnel. We continue to go on the tunnel to the door with table Securis. We penetrate this door into the semi-dark accomodation. We find here the pair of shpritsov with the reserve plasmid and we kill several gumanoidov.

We penetrate the door, above which burns the table with inscription Airlock Active. We rise along the long stairs. We kill gumanoida envelopped in fire. We pass into the adjacent accomodation and on the elevator we rise to the upper level of underwater complex. We focus attention on pointer appeared in the upper part of the screen, it will indicate correct direction to you.

We go in the arch with inscription restaurant Kashmir. We destroy one additional gumanoida and we take from the carriage revolver. We go in the restaurant. We search for the man toilet, in which must be broken the part of the wall in the distant cabin. We climb through through this opening into the adjacent accomodation. We move on the fittings to the opposite balcony. We get down on the stairs. After the end of the skirmish of gumanoida c by robot, we shoot your revolver at the padlock, which locks lattice. We pass into the following sector. We take away cartridges for the revolver in killed gumanoida. We go along the corridor, along the way destroying all enemies. After reaching the stairs, we let out the electrical discharge into two gumanoidov of those standing in the water. We get down to the center of hall and go to door Neptune's Bounty.

As soon as lattice it will be slammed shut directly before your nose, immediately let us move away from the door and hide ourselves in the arch opposite the waterfall. We kill gumanoidov, releasing the electrical discharges into the water. We leave from the shelter, after will sound the communication from the atlas. We pass into sector Medical Plaza. Here we look at the screen, on which is transmitted the rotation from Andrews Of rayna and we await aid from the atlas. We pass into the following accomodation after its command, in which we turn gate in order to fall into the medical pavilion.

3. Medical Pavilion

We displace to the left and we stop before the closed double door. Doors stopped up the device of safety system. We break open the program code of device. The essence of breaking is such. The screen, divided by squares, will appear on the screen. You should connect pipe so that the liquid would without difficulty pass way from the starting point to the final goal. After the successfully realized breaking, the device will pass to your side and will help you to be straightened with the enemies. We pass into the following accomodation. We here kill two gumanoidov and rise upward on any of two stairs. The control panel is established on the balcony. We harvest to the lever in order to open door after your back. In the portable radio will be heard the voice of the atlas, which will say to you that you must obtain key in doctor shtaynman. We penetrate the door and we be sent toward another control panel. We depress lever, in order to tax nourishment in Hall medical pavilion. We get down downward. We are straightened with gumanoidami and we penetrate the door, which was opened, as soon as light in Hall appeared. We control the actions of spectre and we penetrate one additional door into the very womb of medical complex. It is worthwhile to note the accumulation of a large quantity of gumanoidov in all accomodations and corridors of complex. You be attentive. Also we do not forget about the automatic salt drying towers. We at first let out into the tower electrical discharge and then we destroy by any its accessible method.

First of all we search for the door, above which is brought out the inscription "Dr. Steinman's Aesthetic Ideals". We go in this door and go to the end of the tunnel. We leave from the tunnel into the large accomodation, in which must be located doctor shtaynman. As soon as doctor will note you, he swiftly will run away, leaving after himself the heap of ruins.

We return with the same way to the center of medical complex. Now you must solve task in the penetration into region Dental Services (stairs next to the entrance into doctor shtaynman's region). The entrance into this region is tightened by the thick cap of ice. It is necessary to light entire ice by some means in order to free passage. We go into the crematory. In the tail end of the crematory with the aid of the electrical discharge it is temporarily concluded from the system

the camera of observation we rise along the stairs. We destroy gumanoida near the pantry. We find opening in the wall of pantry and, after being bent down, we climb through inward. We select from floor Incinerate of plasmids, with the aid of which you will be able to let out fire. We ignite gumanoidov, which surrounded pantry from all sides. It is expected the end of fiery fairy scene. We leave from the pantry and go to the frozen passage into region Dental Services.

We light ice with the aid of the new plasmid. Only that we should here take away - the plasmids of telekinesis. It lies at the left region of dental complex in the broken machine Gatherer's Garden. In order to establish in the nest of the plasmids of telekinesis for you it is necessary to reject one of two already available to you plazmidov. That to leave to decide only to you, but I recommend the leaving of the electrical of plasmids. After taking possession of plazmidom of telekinesis, we go with it into doctor shtaynman's clinic. Using force of telekinesis, "catch" the grenade, which flies to your side from the balcony and, start it into the covered passage. We pass into the following accomodation. We destroy two safety systems and we pass into the operating room through any of two doors. We control the actions of the doctor through by glass- operating. Literally it will rush to your side with the automaton atilt in the minute. Time arrived to put an end to the scoffing experiences of doctor. This enemy does not present special danger for your health. If you have plasmid incendiary, then it is possible to try to entice doctor to the petroleum spot behind the operating table and to rapidly set fire him. As one additional version it is possible to propose to use electrical of plasmids, if we entice doctor to the puddle of water in the angle of operating room.

After the murder of Aesculapius we immediately listen to communication from the atlas. We search the body of doctor and we find in it key we return to the tunnel. We go to other side of tunnel, until to the left we see the open passage. We go in this region. We penetrate the glass door to the large of halls. Atlas again leaves with us to the relation with the requirement to kill small sister, and Tennenbaum it wants so that you would spare it. Selection after you. I will note as soon as that for the murder of sister you will obtain 160 points and altogether only 80 points you will obtain, if you leave it to live.

After making of the specific decision the atlas will send you to the automaton- store, established directly in this hall and until recently hidden by massive portiere. We investigate contents of store even we buy, then that to you it does not be sufficient most of all at the given moment.

We enter from the hall through the door in the eastern side of hall, then we penetrate one additional door into the central sector of medical pavilion. We be sent for Hall's side. Along the way you will encounter large dad and small sister. Pope is serious rival, not even number to doctor. With the fight with it to especially effectively use the explosive or penetrating into his armor ammunition. Also constantly it is necessary to be been in motion in order to be from dad at the safe distance, because, in spite of its overall sizes, it is moved sufficiently rapidly.

When it is finished with the robot, we are determined with the sister: to kill it or to subordinate to itself. We get down in Hall and go to the distant open door. We kill along the way of gumanoidov. We go in the accomodation and along the stairs rise to the second floor. We press on the knife switch in order to open way to the bathyscaph. We get down downward. We go in the bathyscaph. In the bathyscaph we lower lever to the lower position and is selected route Neptune's Bounty.

4. Neptune's Bounty

We rise along the stairs and go around column from the right side. We select from the floor ammunition, we move through the ruins and go in the door. Passing long corridor, we leave to the moorage, on which is missed dad with the sister and pair of gumanoidov. We climb up under the wooden flooring, until they have time to note you. We find hereabout automatic gun, we let out into it electrical discharge and we break open safety system. We perform the same operation with another gun under the flooring on the opposite side of moorage. Now it is possible to take up operation on the liquidation of dad. Attempt to retain it in the center of area in the zone of the firing of guns. Also it is possible to try to entice it to the minefield, outlined by red circle.

After destroying dad and after being dismantled with the sister, we be sent toward the moorage in the southern side of dock. We search for the hereabout metallic door, before which is missed gumanoid. We destroy enemy and we penetrate the metallic door into the following region. We approach automaton Gatherer's Garden and it is pivoted to the left. You proved to be in the zone of the firing of the automatic gun of rocket letting out to your side. It is utilized the plasmids of telekinesis in order "to catch" rockets and to turn them to the reverse side. Two or three precise entry and gun at long last will be destroyed.

We get down on the stairs and we be sent for the side of gigantic inscription "Fountaine Fisheries". Perelazim through the boxes with the fish we go in the door. We look at the dead lady, who lies on the floor. We gather ammunition and health. By stuchim adjustable wrench into the door on the opposite side of room. We listen to monologue Peach Wilkins. He wants so that you would reach to one office (Wharfmaster office) on the upper moorage and took there usual camera. Before you will be able leave for the searches for camera, for you it is necessary to be slain with the gumanoidom- spider. This enemy can be moved on the walls, the ceiling and fall to you directly on the head, inflicting thus serious loss to your health. In this episode we try to be held to the onset in the room of the automatic device of safety system, which will help you rapidly to be straightened with the spider. After which Wilkins again will open the inspection window in the door and will pronounce small monologue. We take away device for the launch of rockets from the table and we leave from the room. We move through the obstacle in the form of boxes with the fish, rise along the stairs on area with the automata and go to the right. Now gates must be opened. We kill all gumanoidov, which are missed near winch and, we pass into the following sector.

First of all we run up along several stairs to the upper level of moorage. Then we penetrate the pair of doors and as a result we fall into the large accomodation with dad and small accumulation of gumanoidov. Quietly we penetrate the arch and we break open the schematic of the automatic gun of that established in the angle to the right of you. Now with the aid of the fire support it is possible to try to destroy dad and entire remaining trifle. We search for on the floor along the left wall the sonic diary Of mashy. We hear out it and memorize the following numbers: 7-5-3-3. To you will prove useful this code from the door somewhat later.

We penetrate one additional arch and we go to the side of office Wharfmaster. We bring down lock on the lattice. We destroy gumanoida with the automaton. It is concluded from the system the camera of tracking and we rise along two stairs to the upper level. In order not to fall in the field of vision one additional camera of tracking, as soon as it is converged from the last step we hide ourselves in the small accomodation with the knife switch and the closed lattice. We bring down lock on the lattice, we go in the accomodation and rapidly we hide at the table in order not to come under cross fire of the salt drying towers. We do not forget to use telekinesis in the fight with the turrets of those letting out rockets. After cleaning accomodation from the automatic devices, we go to the wall opposite the entrance door. We take away into the adjacent room through the breach in the wall. We find door with inscription Interrogation room. In this room we take from the table camera. However, that hour to the connection with you will leave Peach Wilkins. He wants so that you would photograph by this camera three different gumanoidov- spiders.

We direct the objective of camera at the first gumanoida- spider, which we see after the glass and as a result obtain the first photograph from three. We leave from the office and go along the corridor. As soon as will be scattered smoke from the explosion, which thundered in front it is possible to go to investigate the region, struck by blast wave. We approach the edge of plate and we liquidate that standing below enemy. We jump to the boxes and further to the floor. It is discovered only in this accomodation door and we leave in the the small of koridorchik. We pass by fire and it is discovered one additional door in order to leave into the tunnel. We go on the tunnel to the bifurcation, destroying along the route the camera of tracking and two gumanoidov. On the bifurcation we look along the sides. We see with that and from other side metallic doors. We investigate the territory, which is begun after these two dver'mi, for the purpose to reveal two gumanoidov- spiders and to photograph them.

When all three photographs had you on the hands, we leave into the tunnel and go on it to the reverse side. We return to the accomodation, into which you jumped after explosion in office Wharfmaster. Now gates are opened and way to the lower level of moorage is opened thus. We reach the area, on which is established vending machine and bank of genes. Udostover'tes', that you have electrical of plasmids and the main thing is plasmids incendiary. Use the services of the bank of genes, if you lacks one of the plasmids. We destroy gumanoida- spider and follow into the room, with the closed door and Peach Wilkins after it. Stuchim into the door. It will admit you, but will force to place all available to you weapon into the yellow device with the inscription "Pneumo"(k to you it it will return, do not be disturbed). We get down downward. We light snow on the floor in order to take that toning up of plasmids. We get down still below and we penetrate the door into the large accomodation, in which for us one must skhlestnut'sya with Wilkins and by its friends. Weapon you do not have, but there are plasmids. Attempt to entice enemies into the water and to let out electrical discharge on them. Also it is possible to try to force open safety systems so that they would be for you, but not against.

After destroying Peach Wilkins and entire its honest company, we find stairs hereabout and we get down on area. We take away weapon from the yellow post (true, with the reduced quantity of ammunition) and we get down still below. We go in the accomodation, in which we light snow, near the winch of western bunker. We go inward, we control two spectres. We continue to heat snow and slowly to go on the tunnel. We listen to communication from the atlas and go forward to the following level.

5. Smuggler's Hideout

We leave from the tunnel into the grotto. We find hereabout slope and we rise on it into the cave. We here destroy automatic gun. We leave from the cave. We go on the tunnel in the direction of the stand of submarine. The atlas will leave with the approximation to a harbor with you to the connection. He wants so that you would select into the control room for the sole purpose - to open the hatchway of submarine. We go into the control room along the only possible route. We activate switch in the control room. After active dialogues on the portable radio we leave from the control room through another door. We shoot at the in front confronting balloons and the flanks in order to destroy largest possible quantity of gumanoidov. We get down to the harbor. Without reaching it pair it is meter, we hear and see the explosion, which destroys submarine. Following pointer, we go into the accomodation, in which we immediately turn gate in order to shut door after itself and to pass to the following level.

6. Arcadia

We follow to the end of the narrow corridor. We bring down lock on the door and we leave into the park. Once it was efflorescent and smelling sweet, and now entire vegetation in it of pozhukhla withered. We go into the left side of the park along the path lined by stones. We go in the door designated by tables "Rapture Metro/Arcadia Glens". In this sector you for the first time will meet with very insidious enemy - gumnoidom-gudini. It can disappear and appear in the most unexpected place and let out fire to the side of enemy. We displace to the right and we rise along the stairs. We search for hereabout the door, designated by table "Rapture Metro". We leave to the balcony and rapidly we run to other side, simultaneously shooting at the accumulation of gumanoidov in front. We penetrate the door and, in the calmer situation, we once recharge our weapon. We get down on the stairs to the lower level nearest to you. Following numerous tables "Rapture Metro" we reach the entrance into the region "Arcadia Glens".

We go we inward and go to the left. After the turning we meet large dad with the sister. We are straightened with it and on the wooden flooring run past the door, designated as Waterfall Grotto (only later you you will glance into this region) into region Rolling Hills. We penetrate the door and we get down along the slope to the wooden shed, under which is established the gun. We destroy gun, lonely gumanoida we next and search for hereabout stairs. We are investigated with sequential large dad, whom you will meet, as soon as you will begin to get down on the steps. In the following location we be sent for the side of the thus far still closed entrance into Rapture Metro. We obtain manuals on portable radio. Atlas requests you to find Giulia Lengford, which was occupied by the cultivation of forest, and to ask it soak to you to save forest from the drying. Fortunately, you very near its research laboratory. We go in the laboratory. We destroy camera first of all to the right of you. We penetrate the door. We look at the screen, from which to us will look, and speak Giulia Lengford. She wants so that you would leave into Waterfall Grotto and would find there the model of rose Gallica (Rosa Gallica).

We leave from the laboratory and immediately we fall under the dense guardianship of gumanoidov. After destroying uninvited friends we go into region Waterfall Grotto (you already know, where she is located). After visiting in Waterfall Grotto, we immediately begin with any methods to get rid of the group of different coat gumanoidov. In one of them we find the genetic of tonics. We resemble to the edge of break. We look at the water wheel, near which grow red roses. We get down downward with all precautions, we tear away one rose and we prepare to reflect the attack of gumanoida, which was descended from the stairs behind you.

We return to the laboratory Of lengford. It will ask to send to it the rose through the pneumatic dispatch tube. We place rose into the yellow post with the inscription "Pneumo". We go in the receiving and without having found in it anything we pass interesting into the adjacent room. Here Lengford will report to you that it opened safety system, so that you fearless will be able to be missed on the laboratory. Following pointer, we find the entrance into the tunnel, on which we go directly to the office of the very mrs. Of lengford. Looking in the glass-, we become the involuntary witness of agonizing death of Giulia Lengford from the action of yellow gas of that filled entire office. Before death it will derive on the glass of the number: 9-4-5-7. We wait, until gas completely is aired out from the office, and only then we go inward.

We take from the table new weapon - chemical installation. We find under the picture the closed safe and it is put out at the lock of number seen on the glass. In the safe we find sonic diary, key and formula (Lazarus Vector Formula). We listen to sonic diary and memorize, what components you must find and gather in order to create liquid substance the vector of Lazarus, who must breathe in new life into the vegetation of park.

Let us begin from the chlorophyll. Phials with this solution can be revealed in killed by you gumanoidov, especially in gumanoidov-gudini. Try to find seven portions of chloroform precisely on this level. Other components: the distilled water and the fermentation tests of bees you will be able to find on the urban market, to which practically already tax by hand. We are selected from the laboratory Of lengford into region Rolling Hills. Here atlas again will leave with you to the connection. It will send you into region Farmer's Market, in which it is possible to find all components indicated in the formula. We leave from region Rolling Hills and follow at the beginning of region Arcadia Glens. Is hereabout must it is located the entrance into Farmer's Market, to you there. We displace to the right. Passing all arches, we see inscription Farmer's Market. After it we reveal camera. We go in it and turn gate in order to shut sorting after itself.

7. Farmer's Market

We investigate the body of farmer on the floor near the pneumatic dispatch tube. We find in it the ferment of bee, the first of those necessary for seven. We select from the floor the sonic diary, on which is recorded the information about the location of remaining ferments. We go in the door. From the tunnel we leave on the closed area with commercial numbers and tents. We warn ourselves numerous guns and the cameras, established in the secluded places. We select that toning up of tonics from the alcove along the right side. We go into the large accomodation with the balcony and the large scattered tree. We rise to the balcony and go in the door to the right of you. First of all we focus entire attention on large dad, more precisely we enter with it into the struggle. Then we go along the path in the direction of inscriptions on the wall "Silvering apiary" and "Worley Winery". We go in the door with the table "Securis". We go on the tunnel, until we see offshoot to the left, to you there. We look how the cluster of bees it is straightened with gumanoidom. After bee they will fly directly on you, but not here that was. We step back for the petroleum spot and ignite its, thus, after intercepting to bees to your side. When fire completely goes out, we go in the accomodation with killed gumanoidom. Further we go in the door for the counter in order to prove to be in the accomodation with the beehives. We pull for the lever on the control panel in order to release the special smoke, which forces bees to hide in the beehives, into the accomodation. Smoke will envelop everything around approximately 20-30 seconds. It is utilized this time for the search for ferments in the beehives. We repeat simple operation until you not had available of 7 ferments. Search will be complicated even and by the fact that as soon as you will leave to the beehives, whereas that hour into the accomodation will break the pair- troika of gumanoidov. So that you be on the alert.

We leave into the tunnel, after all of beehive will be investigated and assembled all ferments. We follow into the region "Worley Winery". We rummage all placements of distillery in the searches for seven water bottles with the distilled water. When all components indicated in the formula will be in your available, we find the nearest automaton U -Invent in order to create substance Lazarus Vector. We return at the beginning of level, we go in the camera and we shut after itself sorting. We return to the previous level

8. Arcadia - visit of the second

Before leaving the camera, we listen to communication from Ryan. We destroy the pneumatic systems of safety, which flooded this section. We go into the laboratory Of lengford, good route is already known. At the entrance we are investigated with the lonely enemy and go without the stoppages into the office, which once occupied Giulia Lengford. We install flask with substance Lazarus Vector in installation Central Misting Control into the left free slot. We be sent for the receiving. We block entrance door, activating device lab access seal. From this point on, in your reserve approximately minute so that it will be prepared for the attack of the numerous horde of gumanoidov, which without fail will burst open into the laboratory, as soon as they will cut entrance door with welding. We hold all around defense, until installation is prepare launching Lazarus Vector into the system of spraying park. When atlas reports to you that everything preparedly for the launching, we go into the office and activate lever from the right side of installation. We leave from the laboratory and we be sent for region Rapture Metro (to the right of laboratory). We find inside Rapture Metro the bathyscaph, on which we leave into Fort Frolic.

9. Fort Frolic

Good to grant into the region, which rightfully can be considered as the cultural nerve of underwater city. Are here concentrated theaters, museums and other cultural institutions. We go to door Rapture Metro Hephaestus. We penetrate it and we go to the side of bathyscaph. We listen to the monologue Of sandera of Cohen (Sander Cohen), artist with the very uncommon nature. We leave hence, as soon as we will obtain new task. We are straightened with the pair of the gumanoidov- spiders, that literally will fall down to you to the head. Artist decided thus to verify your "combat" state. It is reflected the attack of the fifth-sixth of gumanoidov and we pass into the main atrium, as soon as Cohen otopret door. We rise along the wide stairs. We pass in Fleet Hall. After booking offices we focus "attention" to the camera of tracking, until it has time to notch you. We further harvest the button of the call of elevator. We turn around back and we enter into the struggle with three gumanoidami. Then we go in the cab and, after harvesting to the button, we smoothly rise upward.

We go in the theater. We follow the appearance of nervous pianist, which will end very lamentably for it, namely in the hot embraces of flame. Following the instructions of Cohen, we make the photograph of dead pianist.

We return to the center section of the atrium. We approach the group of the sculptures of those established on the small scene. We put the photograph of the former pianist in the framework. We take from the hands of the sculpture appeared on the scene new weapon - arbalest. Artist wants so that you would kill its three additional enemies, photographed their bodies and placed photographs into those remained free three framework.

Thus, on the turn - Martin finnegan. We rise to the upper level of atrium. Cohen otopret for you passage into region Poseidon Plaza. We search for the hereabout central door, behind which begins this region. We leave from the icy tunnel and look to the left in order to far away see Finnegana and to almost instantly lose it out of sight. We begin to approach the point, where it recently stood. After small metamorphoses with your body, the mobility again will return to you. We approach an extreme left pseudo- statue. We strike Finnegana, when it begins to melt. We further conduct battle, just as with any of gumanoidom-gudini. We photograph the body Of finnegana and, after returning to the atrium, we put photo in the framework.

Following victim - Rodrigez. We return to region Poseidon Plaza. We penetrate the icy tunnel. Then we go around the thrown-down column and heat snow near the door. We penetrate this door into another segment Poseidon Plaza. We search for strip- club Eve's Garden. Inside we observe the dancing near the post spectre. We climb up to the scene and go along the corridor into the small room with the corpse on the bed. We return to the club. We see near the bar Of rodrigeza. We begin to pursue it. Rodrigez will throw to your side the fireballs. We shoot at the back of eternally running away Rodrigeza and, certainly, as far as possible we avoid close contact with its fireballs. We make the photograph of victim and it is put out it in the personal gallery of Cohen in the atrium.

Cohen, after entering into the role of spirited artist, enters into the strip of anger and sends on you an innumerable quantity of different coat gumanoidov. We kill all enemies, after which Cohen nevertheless will apologize himself before you. We return to strip- club Eve's Garden. We go in the door next to the bar and rise along the stairs. We penetrate the pair of automatic doors, after which we destroy two fire stations, located along both sides of last door. We go into Rapture Records (on the northwestern side). We get down to the bonfire, before which stands the chair, on which was pulled down dead gumanoid. After hearing characteristic ticking, let us move away into the safe place - through the pair of seconds last character from the list of the personal enemies of Cohen will sound explosion, he will begin to howl from the upper level. We destroy all gumanoidov, sent By kobbom to you downward. We climb up into the ventilating shaft. At the output from it we encounter with your enemy. It is similar To rodrigezu in the arsenal Of kobba the same fireballs, the same tricks and motions. We photograph dead body and we carry photograph to the atrium. We observe the majestic descent of Cohen along the stairs. On no account we kill it, it still will prove useful to you. We leave from the atrium. We go into Rapture Metro Hephaestus. We sit down ourselves into the bathyscaph and leave for region Hephaestus.

10. Hephaestus

Hephaestus - Greek god of blacksmiths. Beginning from this level, your enemies will become more dangerous and, invulnerable, so that you be careful. We leave from the bathyscaph. We rise along the stairs, we penetrate the door and further on the tunnel, moreover does not have value, by what you select route - all roads conduct into one and also place. At the end of the tunnel it is discovered door and we see in front large table "Ryan indastries".

We get down on the slope to the door and we pass in the territory of enterprise. Is pivoted facing the table "office of Andrew Ryan". We go along the wall to the nearest door. In the following very large accomodation we find output on other opposite from the entrance side. We make lightning thrust to the nearest door, without falling into the objective of the camera of tracking. After opening this door, we pass into the corridor, which will derive you into the office Of rayna. The entrance into the office Of rayna is inaccessible because of the crafty device the electric field around the door created. We investigate the corpses of people, which once had carelessness to visit office. We find sonic diaries in the first and third corpse on the right columns. The second diary includes the directing information about the method of the access into the office Of rayna. Hearing diary will be finished by communication from Rayna and sequential change of your purposes. We further destroy the group of gumanoidov, sent by Ryan for the sole one purpose - to erase you for the powder. They will cut with welding the closed door Hephaestus Core and they will break into the office. After small skirmish with the enemy we go in the passage into region Hephaestus Core open now. We let out electric charge into the water, thus without leaving any chances to survive to several gumanoidam crowded near the corpse of large dad. We leave from the room into the tunnel, which will derive you into region Hephaestus Core.

We look from the balcony to the central core of station. We go in the door to the left of you. We are straightened with the pair of gumanoidov and get down on the stairs to the lower level of station. We search for region the entrance into region Heat Loss Monitoring, good indicating tables will make it possible easily this to make. Passing tunnel, we fall into the large accomodation with the working mechanisms. We go to the door on other side of accomodation. When to you it it remains to reach literally pair it is meter, three corpses suddenly will revive and will attack on you. We destroy all enemies, after which we obtain caustic communication from Rayna. We leave into the adjacent accomodation. We be sent toward the illuminated angle in the right side of this accomodation. We raise from the floor sonic diary. In it the code of the door of office Kyburz: 0-1-2-6. We get down on the stairs to the left of you and go in the ob"yatyy ferry boat flight. We go to the following stairs, along the way killing one additional suddenly revived gumanoida. After going down still below, we be sent toward the balcony, which overhangs the flooded region. We see the spectre of the worker of station. We are turned to 180 degrees and go to search for stairs on the right side of accomodation. We below take from the table sonic diary. We leave from region Heat Loss Monitoring.

Now you should find the entrance into region Workshops. Tables will prompt correct direction. We go in the door designated by table Workshops, we penetrate the tunnel and, after opening door, we go directly in region itself. We get down on the stairs, which is located next to the vending machine. After rolling up after to the left, we see that the entrance into office Kyburz cover two weapon emplacements. We destroy by any their accessible method and go in the corridor to the right of office. We find hereabout shelf for the books. We go for the shelf and we attentively study wall in the searches for the closed passage into the secret room. We shift zalyapannuyu by the blood shutter and we climb up inward. In the room we take from the right table the sonic diary, from which we learn, what you it will be required component for creating EMP the bomb. The housing of bomb lies on the adjacent table.


Nitroglycerine: let us find in office Kyburz.

Ionic gel (2 capacities): they are scattered throughout the entire region Hephaestus.

Wireless transmitter R-34 (4 pcs.): they are withdrawn from the corpses of large dads.

We leave from the secret room. We withdraw first R-34 from the corpse of large dad in the adjacent accomodation. We be sent for office Kyburz. We introduce code (0-1-2-6) and we go inward. We deactivate the electrical rays (we shoot at the special devices on the walls and the ceilings) and we get down to the lower level of office. We investigate table in window in the searches for button. We harvest to this button in order to open the glass door of the box, in which is stored the nitroglycerine. This manipulation, in a some manner activates weapon emplacement near the entrance door. We take nitroglycerine, destroy turret and leave from the office.

Now let us be puzzled by the search for ionic gel. We leave from region Workshops into the central sector Hephaestus. It is pivoted to the right and we get down on the stairs. We find capacity with the gel on the floor near the box. Way to the second capacity: we pass by Heat Loss Monitoring, it is upstairs, past automaton Gatherer's Garden and door Geothermal Control, we rise along the stairs and we take gel from the control panel.

The last component of bomb - transmitter R-34. one in you already exists, it remained to obtain three transmitters. We find the bodies of killed by you previously large dads and we withdraw in them R-34.

When all components will be in you on the hands, we return to the secret room in region Workshops. We place all components into the housing of bomb and we take away it from the table. We leave from region Workshops. We search for on the tables the door, designated as "Geothermal Control".

We penetrate it and we further search for output into the adjacent accomodation on the opposite side. We break open two weapon emplacements. They will become your cover at the moment, when you be occupied with very big deal. Is pivoted gate until the flows of magma begin to pour out of both pipes. Thus far you will be occupied, weapon emplacements will cover you from the undesirable contact with gumanoidami. We go in the hoist behind you and get down downward. We leave from it and run to the end of the flight to the elevator. We are understood on it to the main nucleus. We place bomb to the special base. We return to the office Of rayna. We destroy the pneumatic systems of safety and the group of gumanoidov. After which we harvest to the lever of the device before the door of office in order to open directly door itself. We go in the camera, we shut after itself sorting and we leave for the following level - Central Control Rapture.

11. Central Control Rapture.

Extremely short level, but very important in the plan of further development of subject. Arrived time to meet with mister Andrews Raynom, in order to explain some questions. We go in the large of halls. We listen to Andrews's chatter on the portable radio, after which in the hall will begin to blink red lights. We go in the right corridor, and it rises along the stairs to the uppermost floor. We take away into the ventilating shaft. We are selected from the mine into the small room with one output. We go along the corridor to the encounter with Andrews's itself Raynom. After finishing to pronounce the first part of its monologue, it will open door specially for you. We approach it and we observe from the side small scene with the participation of the main hero of game and Rayna.

We follow into the room with the device, which resembles organ and by monitor with emblem Ryan.

We start the process of selfdestruction. We listen to Frank fonteyna and Atlasa on the portable radio. We leave hence, when lattice at long last is opened after your back. We follow the sister, who will entice you into the ventilating shaft.

12. Olympus Heights

Tenenbaum sent you in the refuge of small sisters in order to save your life. When it finishes its monologue, we rise along the stairs to the second floor. We await, when small girl unblocks the entrance into the collector. We leave into the tunnel of collector, here with you to the connection will leave Fonteyn. It obtained complete control over you by some means, and now the level of your health completely depends on the actions of Fontaine. In your interests to as soon as possible find the antidote, which must save you from the destructive thoughts of Fontaine. Information about the antidote can be found in the apartment Of sachonga.

We go into the illuminated region at the end of the tunnel. We raise from the floor wheel. We approach the mechanism of control of the winches, which block output from the collector and fit wheel to the stock. It is pivoted wheel until gates not are completely opened. We leave to the street.

We follow to the barricade, above which are hung the posters "Who is Atlas?" We clean square Central Bistro Square from the hostile forces. We follow into region Mercury Suites, in which lives Sachong and other well-known people Rapture.

In the apartment Of sachonga in the flooded room we find on the table the sonic diary, in which is contained the additional information about the antidote. We leave from the apartment Of sachonga.

We step back to the elevator in the center of anteroom. We are understood on the slope to the second floor. We look that the apartment Of tenenbaum, only on the floor, it is blocked from within. We are understood to the third floor on the same slope. First of all, we focus attention on the camera of tracking, and then already to all remaining two-legged enemies. We find on the balcony automaton U -Invent. Sonic diary lies near it on the box near the rails. Inside the code of the access into Fontaine's apartment: 5-7-4-4. We go further on the balcony to the enormous opening within the wall. It opens passage into the bath in the apartment Of tenenbaum. We go in the bath. We move into the depths of the apartment, into the office Of tenenbaum. On the portable radio we hear its voice, after which the change of local purposes occurs.

We get down to the first floor. Input digits 5-7-4-4 on the code lock of elevator. We rise into Fontaine's apartment. In the corridor we consecutively the salt drying tower, the pair of gumanoidov and the camera of tracking above the door of apartment. If alarm signal sounds, then the entrance into the apartment will prove to be blocked. We go in the anteroom and rise along the left stairs. We penetrate the door. We step to the end of the corridor and go in the bedroom through the door to the left of you. The working office of Fontaine is nearby with the bedroom. We go in the office. We find the necessary antidote on the table with the test tubes and the flasks. Antidote will restore your health, but, unfortunately, it will possess one side effect. You temporarily will be deprived of the possibility of the selection of plasmids. To that they will chaotically change through the specific time interval, without any possibility from your side to end this disgrace. Tenenbaum advises to search for antidote from this effect in the laboratories Of sachonga in Artemis Suites in region Apollo Square.

We leave the apartment Of fonteyna, we get down on the elevator to the first floor. We return to square Bistro Square. We search for hereabout the entrance into region Apollo Square.

13. Apollo Square

Your only and main task in this level - to penetrate in the laboratory Of sachonga in Artemis Suites and to take away from there the dose of antidote Lot 192.

We penetrate the open lattice passage. We go on the large tunnel into the region with the gallows. Without attracting attention, we slip into the arch to the left of the gallows. The following segment of tunnel we examine with the pair of gumanoidov and destroy the camera of tracking, established on the column next to the burning railroad car. We run toward the end of the tunnel to region Artemis Suites.

We destroy the camera of tracking on the column behind the vending machine. We rise along the stairs. We find hereabout the entrance into doctor sachong's clinic. We search for in the depth of clinic the office of doctor. We take from the table antidote Lot 192. We listen on the portable radio Of tenenbaum and we be sent toward the bathyscaph, way to which will prompt pointer in the upper part of the screen. We hold way in Point Prometheus.

14. Point Prometheus

We rise along the stairs and run following Fontaine. We await, until the spot of petroleum residue on the floor burns down. We go in the tunnel. In the room after tunnel we destroy the pair flying safety systems. We pass into the adjacent accomodation. We here observe the scene, in which Fontaine will come in flocks column and will traverse the door into the region of museum with the threats to destroy Rapture, if you continue to pursue it. Unfortunately, you cannot go following it. Only small sister will be able to open door, but she entrusts only to large dad no one more. Only output in this situation - to become large dad and to force sister to open door.

In the same accomodation we investigate the corpse of large dad, but only after with you to the connection will leave Tenenbaum. We take away in it the controller for administration of suit. Tenenbaum again leaves with you to the connection with its plan how to rapidly and least troublesome reembody into large dad.

The first - from you must proceed the same it smelled as from large dad. We penetrate the eastern doors and we run to other side of accomodation. We kill gumanoida and we pass into region Little Wonders Educational Facility. We penetrate the tunnel. In the following accomodation immediately we squat to the floor in order not to come under fire. When large dad leaves the adjacent room, we climb to the metal construction and, after breaking glass-, we climb up in the accomodation. We destroy two towers. We leave into the basic sector of region Little Wonders Educational Facility. Three bottles with fermonami of large dad are scattered throughout entire sector. One bottle lies at the accomodation, designated as Autospy, and two of others on the tables in the corridor of the second floor. We find only output on the second floor. We look at the ceiling, immediately after let us traverse the door. We destroy the camera of tracking. We leave from the tunnel into the upper region Little Wonders Educational Facility. We go in one of the doors into region Optimized Eugenies. After deactivation you will be able to pass further. We go in room Live Subject Testing through the door next to the camera on the eastern wall. We go past the capacities with the yellow substance. We rise on the steps, we go to the right to door Candidate Induction. We inside find instrument for changing the voice and it is utilized it according to the straight designation.

Tenenbaum calls to follow in Failsafe Armored Escorts the armored clothing.

We return to the upper region of atrium. We go in sound-recording Tenenbaum region. We go in room Candidate Conversion in the western side of region. We destroy two salt drying towers. We take from the table sonic diary. It is explained, that Tenenbaum sent you not into the place. After the boots it is necessary to go in Mendel Family Library. We will leave there only later.

We leave from the room through the door in the northwestern part of the room. We go in the laboratory through door Securis. We leave from the laboratory through the door on the side opposite from the entrance. We take suit. Now to you it remained to find suit and helmet. We go in room Candidate Conversion. We find here helmet. We return to the atrium. We find the entrance into library Mendel Family Library. In the center section of the library on the table we find boots.

Everything. Entire ammunition is assembled and now you are completely ready to be immersed into the role of large dad. We follow into the accomodation, in which you missed Fonteyna, it was hidden in the museum. In order to call small sister by stuchim key into the opening in the wall to the left of the entrance into the museum. We follow the sister. We leave for the following level Proving Grounds.

15. Proving Grounds

Sufficiently simple and rapid level. You must accompany small sister to the end of the level so that she would open to you the last door, behind which hid Fonteyn.

Its health is reflected in the form of yellow strip under your health. Small sister is sufficiently brittle; therefore do not allow to approach to it too closely gumanoidov and other enemies. But if misfortune happened, then you will always be able to call one additional sister, after knocking by key on the opening in the wall, true, if above the opening burns green lamp. Moreover level from the very beginning it is not necessary to begin. Also it does not be worthwhile to fear the cameras of tracking, indeed you in the appearance of large dad. Each new sister, hardly after seeing on the floor corpse, it will run up to it and will begin to insert into it its syringe. It is most defenseless at this moment and as to spite at the same moment it begin to attack gumanoidy, moreover and not one and not two. I recommend to break open the salt drying towers (if they are located in the necessary locations), they will actually help you at these moments. In the very end of the level to you to pass away the latter possibility before the final battle to complete the reserve of ammunition, plasmids, health. It is extremely desirable to acquire by the shielding genetic tonics: Human Inferno, Frozen Field and Electric Flesh.

When you be ready to struggle, we take syringe in sister and we go in the elevator.

16. End Game

Game automatically will be preserved, as soon as you will leave the elevator. Also you will not be able to preserve game during the struggle Fonteynom. In the case of your loss it is necessary to begin first everything.

First a little about the fight. In essence we must dry up reserve ADAM in Fontaine, using a syringe whom to you small sister, gave. Reserve ADAM is clearly represented on the screen in the form of four flasks with the liquid of red color. You will be able to insert the syringe, when it will be located in the special device in the center of room into it. As soon as you will dry up it the first time, it quickly will jump out on area before the device and will attack on you. Further you must to the minimum decrease the reserve of its health, and it again will return in its place in the center of accomodation in order to restore its health to the initial level. It is necessary to repeat operation described higher three additional times in order to finally conquer Fonteyna.

There are three stages of fight. At each stage the specific force will be inherent in Fontaine.

In the first stage - fire, in the second - ice and in the third - electricity. Your task of using as the answer opposite forces in different stages of the fight: ice or electricity in the first stage; fire or electricity in the second stage; fire and ice in the third stage. Your chemical installation and plasmid - best friends in all stages. Grenades and other explosives also are extremely effective, especially in the final stage. In the third stage Fonteynu will join the group of gumanoidov. As far as possible ignore them at that moment, when Fontaine leaves to complete his health. You have not so much time in order to insert syringe into it. If you do not hurry, then it will again jump on the area with the complete reserve of health and for you it is necessary to again re-play the specific stage.

Fight will end, after you will dry up its health fourth time. There are two possible tail pieces depending on that how you entered with the sisters during the entire game: they subordinated to itself or destroyed.



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