
Crime Scene Investigation 3: Dimensions of Murder


Case 1 - Pictures At An Execution

intro - welcome to Vegas
click on the crime scene icon

crime scene - intro

first click on it and use the camera to take a picture, make sure the spatter on the wall and the victim are in the shot

area around body
blood spatter - above head, use camera, then swab
shoe print - use camera
blood pool - under head, use swab
purse - use gloves

body itself
ring - left hand, use gloves
hair - left sleeve, use tweezers
empty pedestal - click on the plaque below the empty stand ,use fingerprint powder, then tape lift

gallery owner
after scene is cleared, ask all questions - get shoes, fingerprints, picture of statue, and phone number
look at the shoes, tilt up ward so bottom is showing - spray with lcv, use swab

retrieve body
ask all questions - get material from wound, fingerprints, semen

first trip to lab
compare all blood swabs to the victim blood swab (dna)
search semen - compare to result "D" (dna)
run hair through microscope - compare to result "D" (microscope)
compare gallery owners prints to pedestal prints (trace/prints)
compare shoe to shoe print in blood (trace/treads)

ask all questions - open at studio location
commission search for murder weapon
question boyfriend - open hotel room location

hotel room
collect delivery receipt - table near entrance door (far left) use gloves
look at plane ticket - coffee table
collect note pad - in desk next to bedroom doorway, use gloves
go into bed room - click bed, use flashlight on shirt, collect with gloves
examine shirt - use luminal on l stain, collect with swab

artist studio
ask all questions - get answering matching tape, brush can
examine brush can - ( do not rotate or move the can) use tweezers on rightmost brush, use swab on top rim of can

compare victim dna to shirt blood (dna)
compare brush hair to hair on victim (microscope)
run blue paint (chem.)
play tape (trace/AV)

ask about number on pad

crime scene
talk to owner - ask all questions, get key
spray tip of key with lcv, use swab
dust top of key with dusting powder, collect with tape lift

compare key print to victim prints (trace/prints)
compare key blood to victim blood sample (dna) - WARRANT UNLOCKED

ask for warrant for gallery office

gallery office
click on desk
far left - click on binder with stain, use uv light, use swab
scroll to middle of desk, look at scissors
click on cabinet (rear of office) pan left, click on safe, continue to pan left, click on paper shredder, collect shreds with gloves
click bird statue (near the large crates) collect with gloves
click on table, click powder, use adhesive disc

search stain from binder - compare it to result "C" (dna)
run powder from table (chem.)
assembly shreds (assembly table)

go to morgue
ask about statue

ask for warrant for safe
interrogate boyfriend again

go to morgue
ask about nose bleeds

go to gallery office
go to safe, collect bag and bank records with gloves

go to lab
run bank records (trace/sp. link)
run bag of powder (chem.) - CASE UPDATED

go to brass
go to brass
interrogate gallery owner - ask all questions, get bookies card
confirm alibi with brass
ask about murder weapon, get statue - CASE UPDATE
examine statue - (do not move the position of the statue) spray beak with lcv, use swab
swab blue smudge on breast of bird

run blue smudge (chem.)
compare beak blood to victim blood (dna)

go to morgue
ask if statue matches wound

go to brass
ask for warrant to studio

so to studio - ask all questions
examine statue
click painting, collect with gloves, use swab on blue paint
click grey thing in right rear corner of lower level, use gloves on bag
click upper level, check boxes next to bed, use flashlight, use gloves in paper scraps
rotate ticket stubs 180 and look at back, use ninhydrin

go to lab
run blue paint (chem.)
run bag (chem.)
run fingerprint (trace/prints)

go to brass
ask for arrest warrant
ask all questions

Case 2 - First Person Shooter

case start in lab, Catherine intro - click crime scene icon

crime scene (game booth) intro with nick
click body, use camera

body itself
click body again, collect rifle, dust for prints, use tape lift
(no not rotate rifle in 3d view, print right in front of you)
click head, use adhesive disc
click chest, use swab
click blood smear, use swab
click wallet (under thigh) use gloves

click poster, click dark spot next to it, use tweezers on bullet
click large speaker
(pan behind the characters)
click shirt, use gloves
click gun rack, click handgun at bottom, use gloves
click near slide lock at bottom of the case, use print powder, tape lift

suspect #1 - ask all questions
get fingerprints

go to mobile analysis unit
compare blood from ground to blood from chest (dna) - HQ unlocked
compare rifle print to the marketing director (trace/prints) - question warrant (Maya)

go to morgue
ask all questions - get bullets
examine body
click bruise on chest, use camera
click marks on feet, use camera

go to lab
use .45 on assembly table - remove clip and then remove slide (gun wil test fire and bullet added to evidence) (you will also get the owner info
you have to click and drag the parts to make them come off
compare bullets from body to bullets from the wall (microscope) you have to align them
BUG WARNING - sometimes even when you have the 2 bullets lined up it will not confirm the match, to fix this, move each bullet one click in the same direction, until it confirms the match

go to brass
ask all questions
open victims hotel room location
interrogate Maya - ask all questions
open gun club location

go to hotel room - intro
talk to person ( Andy ) - ask all questions, get prints, get permission to search
click duffel bag (nothing to pick up but it needs to be examined)
click nightstand between beds - click card on stand, use gloves
click orange thing under pillow on bed on left bed, (scorpion) use gloves
click computer, check internet, check email - use pen drive to collect
click counter in rear of room - collect graffiti game poster
talk to Andy again - ask all questions

go to gun club - intro
talk to clerk - ask all questions, get sign in sheet, get permission to look around
go to rear of shop, click the firing line, pan all the way left, click controls on leftmost firing lane, click bottom button to make target come closer - collect photo of victim with gloves
lift print from picture - use ninhydrin

go to lab
analyze email from hotel room (trace/sp. link)
run business card (trace/sp. link)

go to brass
ask about cell phone - get cell phone, spin 180 dust rear of phone for prints, use tape lift (print useless but still needs to be collected)
interrogate Maya - ask all questions, open parking garage location

go to garage
talk to person (Craig) - ask all questions, get prints - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
get warrant for Craig's gun

go to garage
inform Craig of warrant
search car, collect bullets for floor of rear seat - use gloves, examine scorpion jar, collect gun from trunk of car - use gloves

go to lab
compare print from photo to Craig's prints (trace/prints)
compare print from weapons case to Craig's prints (trace prints)
process Craig's gun (remove clip and remove slide) (assembly table) get test fire bullet
compare test bullet to bullet from body - CASE UPDATE

go to gun range
ask all questions - get bullet from range

go to lab
Catherine give you a csi owned gun adapter
go to assembly table - place .45 on table, place adapter on table, remove .45 slide and clip, replace with adapter slide and clip - get test fire
compare bullet from Craig's gun to bullet from gun club (microscope)
compare bullet from body to bullet from .45 with csi adapter (microscope)

go to brass
question Maya - ask all questions

go to hotel
question Andy - ask all questions

go to garage
question Craig - ask all questions, get ring

go to morgue
to report, ask about scorpions, ask about ring - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
question Maya - ask questions
question Craig - ask all questions

go to hotel
question Andy - ask all questions, get permission to collect file from pda - use usb drive

go to lab
run pda file (trace/sp. link)

go to brass
ask question
interrogate  gate Maya - ask all questions, get file

go to lab
run file (trace/sp. link)

go to brass
ask for progress on murder weapon - get adapter
(do not move from original position) dust for prints, tape lift

go to lab
put adapter on .45 - get test fire
compare test fire to bullets from body
compare fingerprint to Andy's prints - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
get warrant to arrest Andy - ask all questions


Case 3 - Daddy's Girl

case start - intro Grissom's office, click crime scene button

victims apartment - intro with Sara
pan all the way left, click doorway
click foot print, use camera,
click key, use gloves, use ad. disc on tip of key
click blood boll (center of room) use camera
click table (near camera) collect note pad with gloves, use print powder to reveal latent message
click blood to get closer (left side of pool), use swab
click necklace, near Sara's feet, use gloves
click refrigerator ( 2X) examine freezer
click spatter on wall (near Sara's head) use camera, then use swab
click desk (between Sara's and guy) click open drawer, use mikrosil, click right portion of desk, use magnetic powder, use tape lift
click blood pool (one on right) use camera, use swab
pan right, click sofa, click pillow with mark on it, use UV light, then use swab
click table/window area (far right) click shoe print, use camera
click black shreds on window frame, collect with gloves
talk to boy friend ( Michael )
ask all questions, get shoe (check bottom, spray lcv, use swab) get dna, open locations (Lucy's office , Michaels apartment)

go to Lucy's office
ask all questions - dna given and bisc search allowed
check trash can, collect paper with gloves
click appointment book on desk
collect letter opener, (no not rotate in view) use luminal, then use swab
talk to Lucy again - ask remaining questions - get speeding ticket

go to Michaels apartment
ask all questions - permission to collect car ties glasses permitted
rotate 90 collect hair with gloves rotate another 90 and use swab on substance on back of glasses

go to morgue
ask all questions

go to lab
compare blood from floor to Lucy (dna)
compare all blood from scene to the hair from glasses (dna)
compare the blood from letter opener to Lucy (dna) - CASE UPDATE Grissom
compare dna from couch to Michael (dna)
run substance on key (chem.)
run substance that was on back of glasses (chem.)
run the black fragment from window (chem..)
search prints from desk compare with result "D" (trace/prints)
compare shoeprint photo (near door) to Michael's shoe (trace/treads)
examine necklace (microscope)
assembly torn paper from trash (assembly table)

go to brass
ask all questions

go to Lucy's office
ask all questions - open hospital location, gives note

go to hospital
talk to nurse (Alex) - ask all questions

go to Michael's apartment
ask all questions

go to Lucy's office
request shoes - tilt shoes upward, spray luminal, use swab

go to lab
run shoe swab (chem.)
compare shoe print to print from table

go to Lucy's office
confront about matching shoe print

go to brass
ask all questions - get phone records

go to hospital
ask all questions

go to Michael's apartment
confront about abuse

go to hospital
ask all questions (he will set down his cup)
collect the cup - use gloves (no not move cup in view) spray base of cup with ninhydrin, then use swab on opening in lid (may have to move it a little)

go to lab
search fingerprints compare with result "C" (trace/prints)
compare Alex's dna with dna from couch (dna)

go to hospital
confront about dna

go to Michael's apartment
tell him about affair

go to hospital
Michael beat up Alex - Michael in lockup

go to brass
request to question Michael
ask all questions - WARRANT UNLOCKED
request warrant for Michaels apartment

go to Michael's apartment
pan to rear of apartment
click door near table, collect bag from garbage can next to grill
click folder on cabinet next to fridge, collect with gloves rotate 180, use ninhyfin on folder, collect screwdriver from folder, use gloves (hard to get out)
collect knife from island, use gloves rotate 180, spray luminal, then use swab

go to lab
run print from folder, compare to result (either D or C) (trace/prints)
compare screwdriver to impression from desk (microscope)
compare knife blood to hair from lasses (dna)

go to brass
question Michael - ask all questions - WARRANT UNLOCKED
ask for warrant for Lucy's office

go to Lucy's office
collect key and book from desk, use gloves on both
collect box of needles from open file cabinet in rear of room spray lcv on needles in top of box, then use swab, and collect fingerprint from side of box, use ninhydrin

go to lab
compare box fingerprint to coffee cup print (trace/prints)
compare key from office to key from scene (microscope)
compare hair from glasses dna to dna from needle (dna) - WARRANT UNLOCKED - CASE UPDATE Catherine

go to morgue
ask all questions

go to brass
request warrant to question Lucy - ask all questions
question Michael - ask all questions

go to hospital
ask all questions - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
request warrant for locker

go to hospital
click door behind Alex, pan left to locker
collect shoes with gloves, swab blood on bottom
collect garbage bag with gloves
collect bloody clothes with gloves, swab blood
collect picture with gloves
collect juice jug with gloves, swab blood on inside
ask Alex about bloody clothes

go to lab
run garbage bag (chem.)
compare blood from clothes to hair from glasses (dna)
compare blood from jug to hair from glasses (dna)

go to brass
compare shoe from locker to shoe print on table at scene (trace/treads)
run the trash bag (chem.)
compare blood from clothes to hair from glasses (dna)
compare blood from shoes to hair from glasses (dna) - WARRANT UNLOCKED
compare blood in jar to hair from glasses (dna)

go to brass
ask to bring in Alex - ask all questions

Case 4 - Rough Cut

 Grissom's office
click crime scene

campsite - intro with Greg

click body, use camera
click shoes, use tape lift
click cigarette (under leg), use tweezers
click left hand
click syringe (under elbow) collect with gloves
click head, take photo of head wound
click nose, collect larva with tweezers
click large rock to left of scene, click tire tread, use plaster cast
click tent, click shoe print, use tape lift
click bag at rear of tent, use flashlight, use gloves on bottle

go to mobile analysis unit
search print from tent, compare to result "C" (trace/treads)
search tire tread from scene, compare to result "C" (trace/treads)
run the cigarette but (chem.)
run the syringe (chem.)
run the bottle (chem.) - HQ unlocked

go to morgue
ask all questions - get dna. prints, and seeds from stomach

go to crime scene
click where head was, collect paper with gloves
click blunt from under where victim was, collect with tweezers, use ad. disc on substance near tip

go to lab
run seeds (chem.)
nub substance from blunt (chem.)

go to morgue
ask all questions

go to brass
ask all questions - open locations, his house, mothers house

go to victims house
question wife ( Carla ) - ask all questions, location opened - contractors office

go to the moms estate (Emily)
talk to Emily - ask all questions, get cigarette

go to contractors office
question contractor (Lou) - ask all questions, basic search permitted
click back of truck, click box behind air compressor, use flashlight, collect jar, use adhesive disc on inside of jar
click poker table, click red chip on floor, collect with gloves, dust it for prints, collect with tape lift

go to brass
ask all questions, get tire tread

go to lab
run lipstick on cigarette (chem.)
run substance from jar (chem.)
compare print on poker chip to victims prints (trace/prints)
compare tread to tread at scene (trace/treads)

go to contractors office
ask all questions

go to Emily's estate
ask all questions - get memory card and piece of paper

go to lab
run memory card - get photo of Carla with other man (trace/AV)
compare the paper Emily gave you to the "pay up" note from the scene (trace/AV) - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
ask for warrant for Lou's office

go to contractors
inform of warrant
click office door
click table on left side, use flash light, collect cell phone with gloves
click top of file cabinet, use flash light, collect jar with gloves
click stick (rake handle) propped against file cabinet, collect hair with tweezers, collect handle
click desk, collect torn up paper

go to lab
compare hair from rake handle to victim dna (dna)
assembly torn up paper (assembly table)
run residue from tub (chem.)

go to morgue
ask all questions - WARRANT UNLOCKED - transport to lab for case overview with Grissom

go to brass
ask all questions
get messages from victims voice mail
ask to bring in Lou - ask all questions - WARRANT UNLOCKED (don't leave until you have the warrant)
go back to desk and get warrant

go to Emily's estate
ask all questions and announce warrant
click garage
click shelf on right side, pick up clipboard with gloves
click book on counter, use ninhydrin on page
click shelf in back of garage, click second shelf up, use flash light, collect tin with gloves, dust for prints, and collect with tape lift

go to lab
listen to all 3 voice messages (trace/AV)
search print from book, compare to result "C" (trace/prints)
search print from jar, compare to result "C" (trace/prints)
run substance in jar (chem.) - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
ask to question Emily - ask all questions, get receipt - WARRANT UNLOCKED
ask brass to follow up on receipt
ask brass for warrant to victims house

go to victims house
talk to Carla - ask all questions, get shoes, inform of warrant
click coffee table, click panties, use uv light, use swab
click kitchen under construction
click outlet housing on wall, use magnetic powder, tape lift
click under sink area, look behind the doors, use flash light, collect lid with gloves, use adhesive disc in specks inside lid and dust the top of it for prints, and tape life

go to lab
run love juice from parties, compare to result "A" (dna)
search print from outlet compare to result "C" (trace/prints)
compare shoe print from campsite to print from tent (trace/treads)
run flecks from lad at house (chem.) - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
ask for warrant to question Carla - ask all questions, get finger prints

go to lab
compare prints from lid to Carla's prints (trace/prints) - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
ask for an arrest warrant for Carla - ask all questions

Case 5 - the big white lie

case intro - Grissom's office
click crime scene

crime scene - intro with Grissom
talk to Dr. Robbins ( he goes back to the morgue when you are done)
click dumpster, collect keys from top of dumpster with gloves
click vehicle, click inside front, click van number, use camera
click rear fender, use luminal on mark, swab blood
pan to rear of car, dust sill of rear hatch for prints, collect with tape lift
click crate, use camera
click body take another picture
swab blood on thigh
use camera on tire tread next to crate

go to morgue
ask all questions - get bullet and fingerprints

go back to scene
search crate victim was in, use flash light, use sticky disc on pottery, then collect with gloves

go to lab
run van number (trace/sp.links)
search victims dna, compare to result "B" (dna)
compare victims dna to dna from fender (dna)

go to morgue
ask if the victim did drugs

go to brass
ask all questions - location opened, victims office (motor home)

go to Victim's office
click lock on door, take impression with mikrosil
go inside
pan to front, click cockpit, use flash light, collect piece of paper with gloves
click camera on shelf above computer
click area in front of computer keyboard, use magnetic powder, than tape lift
click rear room of rv, click paper on right side, collect with gloves

go to lab
compare print from rv to victims prints (trace/prints)
run bank records (trace/sp.links) - CASE UPDATED with Catherine - location opened, art gallery

go to art studio with Catherine
question Nathan - ask all questions
question Gus - ask all questions

go to brass
ask about phone number
question Lucy - ask all questions, - location opened, Michael's apartment
verify Lucy's alibi with brass

go to Michael's apartment
talk to Michael and Carrie - ask all questions - location opened, carries apartment

go to carries apartment
talk to Carrie and Lisa - ask all questions - get photo and torn up photo from Lisa

go to lab
reassembly the torn up photo (assembly table)
compare photo of Nathan and crate to crime scene picture (trace/ AV) - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
request warrant for gallery office

go to Michael's apartment
ask all questions

go to gallery office
click desk, go to left side, collect paper with gloves
click crates in rear of room, click top of crate, collect urn with gloves

go to lab
run bank records (trace/sp. link)
place urn on assembly table, remove the broken pieces (one of the removable parts is hard to find, below is a picture of the solution, and the thing inside comes out automatically when you have completed the puzzle)
the hard to find one (shown here already removed) is in the bottom right corner

use ninhydrin on bag inside urn
search prints on computer, compare to result "D" (trace/prints)
run bag of powder through computer - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
bring Nathan in for questioning - ask all questions

go to Michael's apartment
ask all questions

go to gallery
talk to Gus - ask all questions

go to carries apartment
ask all questions - get crowbar

go to lab - case update with Catherine
compare crowbar with impression from trailer door - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
get warrant for Michael's apartment

go to Michael's apartment
ask all questions, and announce warrant
collect painting behind Michael
click TV cabinet
click memory card under TV, collect with gloves
click audio tape on left cabinet, use gloves
click open cabinet under TV, use flashlight, use gloves

go to lab
run memory card (trace/AV)
compare photo from card to photo of crate at crime scene (trace/AV) when you run the memory card a copy of the photo is displayed, but you have to drag the copy of the photo that is placed in your evidence bar to the computer, and match that to the scene photo
play the audio tape (trace/AV)
run the serial number from the microphone (trace/sp.link) - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
request to have Michael brought in for questioning - ask all questions - WARRANT UNLOCKED
ask brass for warrant to where house, warrant for outside given, new location opened

go to warehouse
talk to Gus - ask all questions, inform if warrant
click drain in front of garage door
click the liquid trail, use luminal, use swab
click the drain itself, use tweezers on the small white chunk

go to lab
compare blood swab to victim dna (dna)
compare white chunk (bone fragment) to victim dna - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
interrogate Gus - ask all questions
ask brass about his alibi
get warrant for interior of warehouse

go to warehouse
go inside, click crates by garage door, click tire mark, take picture
click rear left area of where house, examine first aid kit on wall, use flash light, collect gun with gloves, dust barrel for prints, use tape lift
click table with slot machine to left of where house, click on slot machine, take photo of serial number
click on computer, get copy of files with USB drive

go to lab
place gun on assembly table, remove slide and clip, get test fire
compare bullet from body to bullet from gun (microscope)
compare treed from warehouse to tread from crime scene (trace/treads)
search serial number from slot machine (trace/sp .link)
examine program from computer (trace/sp. link)
search print from gun, compare with result "D"

go to brass
interrogate Nathan - ask all questions

go to lab - case overview with Catherine

go to carries apartment
ask all questions - get broken watch, spray , swab blood

go to lab
compare watch blood to victim dna (dna)

go to brass
interrogate Michael - ask all questions, he gives tape from the victims mic

go to lab
play the tape (trace/AV)
compare the tape from Michael to the phone conversation taped by the victim - WARRANT UNLOCKED

go to brass
ask to arrest Gus - ask all questions





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