Overclocked: A Story About Violence

Chapter 1 - the brittle container


From the table we take palmtop and chain with the locket. We hear out 2 communications, left on the automatic responder. In the inventory from the purse we obtain credit map. We pass into the drawing room. From the shelf under the television set we take money. We read also newspaper. We get down in the lobby. We speak to the administrator. We obtain from it the map of city. We leave from the hotel.

Street Of rivington

We read the newspaper, which "it will bring" to us by wind. We try to use a credit map on bankomate to the right of the entrance into the hotel. It does not work. We go to the river station (below screen).

River station

We pass to the moorage. We talk with the man in the black raincoat, then with the man in the red jacket. We return to the building of river station. We look at the poster and at the bus stop. We go inside the building, and we automatically on the ferry boat will move to the island, where psychiatric hospital is built.

Psychiatric hospital

It is utilized selector connection in order to be connected with the personnel of hospital. They will admit us inward. We pass to the porch, where nurse stands. She brings us inside the hospital. We follow the nurse into the corridor with the chambers. We talk with the doctor. After conversation we look into all chambers through the windows. After passing along the corridor further, in the hospital will appear the inspector To moretti. We associate with it. Let us inspect other chambers. We return in Hall. We attempt to visit into the office. Inspector To moretti will hail us. We approach it, we talk. We go now in the office. We talk with doctor Young. We obtain signal pager, folder with the matters and keys from the chambers. We investigate the closed cabinet with the medicines. We leave from the office.

We attend all patients in chambers 1-5. We attempt to associate with all. In the office we talk with doctor Young. We leave from the hospital. We ring by means of PDA to inspector To moretti. Since we on the street, then we associate immediately with the man in the red jacket. We go inside the hospital.

We go into the corridor to the left. We go in the first door to the right. We take the pencil with the leaf of paper, which lies on the table to the right. We talk with the nurse. We pass in chamber 1. We talk with the boy, we use hypnosis with the aid of the chain with the locket.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–y

Boy is situated in the mine. We govern im. in it there is a pistol and scrap. We investigate the tunnel, which leads deeply downward. Is utilized scrap on the right side of lattice, on the left side and again on the right. So we will break in it. We are selected from the mine to the street. We attempt to move upper barrel, but it is very heavy. Let us move away from the barrels up to the great distance (downward screen) and from there we shoot the pistol on the barrel in order to let out oil. Then we throw down this barrel to the earth and roll it to the fence. After being taken away to the barrel, we climb over the fence.


We talk in the room in the left corridor with the nurse. We leave from the hospital. We obtain on PDA communication from Kim MNAMARA. Again we talk with the man in the red jacket. It they call Stewart Miller. We leave through the gates from the territory of hospital and on the ferry boat reach the city.

Street Of rivington, bars Nighthawk

We pass to the street Of rivington. We go in bar Nighthawk, located to the left. We sit down ourselves on the chair before barmenom and associate with it. We leave from the bar. We go into the hotel.


We talk with the administrator Flinnom. On the elevator we rise into our number. The woman of David will there us ring. We listen to the communication, left on the automatic responder. In the impulse of anger David will throw telephone into the mirror. We study mirror. We ring Kim, then we ring Terri Ingrahm. We click on the bed in order to lie to sleep.

Chapter 2 - The wounds


We ring Terri Ingrahm. We get down in the lobby. We associate Flinnom apropos of the broken mirror and telephone. We leave from the hotel. On the street the drunk visitor of bar will throw in us bottle. After returning to the hotel, we speak on this score to the administrator. We leave from the hotel. On the ferry boat we reach the hotel.

Psychiatric hospital

After having a talk with the nurse, we go inside the hospital. We speak in the office to doctor Young. We pass in the chamber of # 5. Patient attacks us. Is rapidly in the inventory signal pager utilized. Doctor Young will arrive and will pierce to patient calming means. We speak in the office again to the doctor. We attempt to take radio from the table. We leave from the hospital. Is utilized in the inventory signal pager, in order to force doctor to leave from the office. Ourselves we pass into the empty office, where from the table we take radio. We pass into the corridor with the chambers. Doctor will be dissatisfied by false alarm. We go in the chamber of # 1. Is discovered PDA, we click on the cassette. We select: the chamber of # 1, 10.11.2007, night, part of 2 we press on the button of playback. We hypnotize young fellow in order to dip into the recollections.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–y

We get down downward, we pass on the tunnel to the brickwork. It is utilized weapon on the wall. We shoot at the bricks so that the passage would be formed. We take one brick. We pass further. We go in the door aperture to the right. We approach the fan. We block by its brick. We take away inside the mine. We shoot the weapon on the brick in order to neglect fan. We rise along the stairs at the end of the mine. Fellow will obtain at this time scrap.


We go in the chamber of # 3. We read the communication arrived on PDA from the inspector To moretti. We place radio on the table and we tune it for the frequency of y08MGts, which was indicated in the communication of inspector. Music will begin to play. Fellow at long last will be opened.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–e

We move on the tunnel. Is utilized lantern, in order to illuminate to itself road. We pass to the iron door. We look at the code lock. In the inventory the leaf with this record is located: y0?2 - : x. we calculate 10 - 2 = 8, 10 2 = 12, 10: 2 = 5, 10 X 2 = 20. We press on button 8, then we harvest the button of confirmation (more to the right zero). Lamp will catch fire. Further we harvest to 1 and 2, then to the button of confirmation. Then to button 5, confirmation. To button 2 and 0, confirmation. It is discovered door, we pass. It is utilized weapon on the fan. We scold ourselves on the mine, further we rise along the stairs. After being taken away to the barrel, we move through the fence.


David wants to obtain still more than information about this patient. In PDA we select cassette and record: the chamber of # 3, 10.11.2007, night, part 1. We lose record. We hypnotize fellow in order to visit his recollections.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–e

Fellow is located on the kitchen. Is discovered the average box of cabinet, we obtain lamp. We leave from the kitchen through the door to the right. We go downward along the corridor. We go in the chamber of yard (left door). From the table we take key we leave from the building (door above of corridor). We pass to the building of prison to the left. It is discovered by key door. We pass into the end of the corridor, where it is again by key discovered door. We crawl on the ventilation.


We leave from the chamber. After short conversation with the doctor David will leave the hospital. We ring to inspector To moretti. David will ask in it handcuffs. We leave for the hotel, where in Flinna we take away the handcuffs, which the police left for us. We return to the hospital. We pass in the chamber of # 5. It is utilized handcuffs on the rabid patient. We talk with it, we hypnotize.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–shch

We push to the fence to flank, that stands to the left of the fellow. We study chain on the winches. We look at the opening in the barrel. Fellow definitely wants to explode winch. We go in the small bunker to the left. We take I be empty canister. We pass into the tail end of the hangar, to the table. We take apparatus to the left of the table two wires with the clamps. Clamps we catch to the battery, which lies on the table. We take I be empty the bottle, which lies under the table. From the army jeep we remove flag. We leave from the hangar. Of the road we to the left find reservoir with the gasoline. It is discovered cover. We understand, that is necessary the hose. We return to the tail end of the hangar. Considerably more left from the table we find fire extinguisher. Is utilized knife on it, in order to obtain hose. Is utilized hose on the reservoir with the gasoline, and then canister itself, in order to fill by its gasoline. We fill into the bottle gasoline from the canister, put flag in the bottle. Molotov's cocktail will come out. We go to the table in the hangar. Is utilized Molotov's cocktail on the clamps, in order to light up him. We take cocktail and we go to the winches. Is utilized canister with the gasoline on the barrel, then Molotov's cocktail, in order to blow up gates.


We leave from the cell. We read the communication, which arrived from the inspector To moretti. We go in the office on the doctor. We return to it keys from the handcuffs. We leave from the hospital. Near winch we associate with the inspector. Then with Stewart, who stands on the street. We go inside the hospital. We talk in the office with the nurse. From the table we to the right take lantern. We go in the chamber of # 3. In the hands we take lantern and we associate with the patient. It is too light. We return to the office to the nurse. Is to the right of entrance door established panel with the switches of light in the chambers. It is utilized panel in order to turn off in all chambers. We return to the chamber of # 3. We take lantern into the hands, we associate with the fellow. Then we select in PDA the record: chamber 5, 10.11.2007, night, part 1. We say to the boy in order to hypnotize him.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–e

Fellow is situated in the room in the army camp. Girl will bring the book of another patient - Laura. She lies at the reality in the chamber of # 2. We leave from the room. We look at the door of the room, which we left. This was the room of yard it it lies at the chamber #e in actuality. We go downward along the corridor. We go in the room of Jonathan (in the reality it it lies at the chamber of # 1). It will break the book. We leave from the room. We pass further along the corridor. We see blonde, who envelopes in his room. It they call cliff, it lies in actuality at the chamber of # 5. We go in the room, they will drive away us. We overhear through the door, which makes cliff. If yard (we) says that the cliff stands far from the door, then we go inside the room and we rapidly take the leaflet with the combination, fastened to the wall to the left.


We try to have a talk with the yard in the chamber of # 3. We need the recollections of other patients. We go into the room to the nurse. It is utilized panel with the switches in order to include everywhere light.

We pass in the chamber #y to Jonathan. On PDA we lose the record: the chamber of # 3, 10.11.2007, day, part 1. We speak to Jonathan. It will be possible to only look recollections, but not to pouchastvovat' in them.

We pass in the chamber of # 2. We speak to Laura. We lose with the aid of PDA the record: the chamber of # 1, 10.11.2007, day, part 1. Again we speak to Laura.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–2

Laura is located on the observation tower. Is discovered by knife the metallic cabinet, established under the cupola of tower. We obtain from there the box, which Laura will drag to the enclosure. The lifeboat lies inside the box. We click on the platform to the left of the box with the boat. We tie rope to the enclosure. We further throw down box in the sea, then themselves we jump there.


We pass in the chamber of # 5. We lose with the aid of PDA the record: the chamber of # 3, 10.11.2007, day, part of 2. We speak to the cliff. We control recollections.

We pass in the chamber of # 3. We lose with the aid of PDA the record: the chamber of # 5, 10.11.2007, day, part 1. We speak to the yard.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–e

Yard is located on the kitchen, where cliff sits. We hear female cries. We assign to cliff a question. Without having obtained answer, we leave from the building and go to the prison. This time we cannot open door. We associate with the girls through the window. Further we go into the room of cliff. We take bottle from the table. We look at the place near the cabinet. Here it is possible to hide. We go to the kitchen. We place bottle on the table instead of the bottle confronting on it. We return to the room of the cliff, where we hide behind the door.


We pass in the chamber of # 5. We lose the record: the chamber of # 3, 9.11.2007, night, part 1. We associate with the cliff.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–shch

We look how yard it attacked on cliff and that later the cliff came to in the prison. We divide chair, we take leg. We look at the lattice of ventilation. It is utilized the leg of chair in order to pull knife to itself. With the aid of it we unscrew 4 bolts, then we remove lattice. We crawl on the ventilating shaft. Further we go along the dark corridor. There we will reach the large fan. Cliff will go by another way and it will prove to be in the small bunker. We leave from it.


We pass in the chamber of # 2. We lose the record: the chamber of # 3, 9.11.2007, night, part of 4. We speak to Laura. We control the recollections of Laura, where it is closed in the camera with Victoria.

We pass in the chamber of # 4. We lose the record: the chamber of # 2, 9.11.2007, evening, part 1. We talk then with Victoria.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–ya

Laura and Victoria in the prison. Governing the second, we look at the lattice of ventilation. Is utilized knife on the lattice. Victoria will drop it.


We read the communication, which arrived from the inspector To moretti. We leave from the hospital. We ring to inspector. He will speak about figure. We pass in the chamber of # 2. We tell Laura about the figure.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–2

Laura we rise to the observation tower. We look at the control panel of searchlight. We unscrew screws in order to remove panel. Berm red cable and it we catch to the first pair of terminals. We approach the searchlight. We hang to it panel. Now red cable we catch to the second pair of terminals. Searchlight will be included. High temperature will dry the moistened panel. Cable now we catch again to the first pair of terminals. We remove from the searchlight panel. We establish it on the native place. We harvest to the green button on the panel, then to the button with the pointer downward.


We leave from the hospital. Near winch we talk with doctor Young. After conversation we obtain communication from Kim.


We leave for the hotel. We speak to the administrator. It will give letter to us. We rise into our number, we read there letter. Then we ring Terri and Kim.

Bars Nighthawk

We go into the bar. We sit down ourselves on the chair and associate barmenom on all themes.


After accepting a sufficient dose of alcohol and after becoming a participant in the unpleasant moment with the participation of man in the black, we leave back for the hotel. We lie down to sleep.

Chapter 3 - The enemy


We get down in the lobby. Flinn will call us. We associate with it. We return credit map to it, but it is blocked. We return to our number. We ring into the bank, then we ring Kim we leave hotel. We leave to the river station. We associate with Clark, then on the ferry boat we reach the hospital.


We talk with the inspector To moretti out of the territory of hospital. We go inside the hospital. In the office we talk with the doctor. We pass in the chamber of # 4. We lose the record: the chamber of # 2, 9.11.2007, night, part of 2.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–ya

We look at the puddle of the blood before the room of Laura. We pass to the kitchen. We take standing to the left of the cabinet mop and bucket. We place bucket in the shell. We collect into the bucket cold water. We return to the puddle of the blood. We clean floor. We leave from the building. We go to the well in the center of camp. We pour out bloody water there. We return to the building. We go in the room of Laura. We look at the figure on the table, we take knife. We leave from the building. We hear the cry of Laura. We pass to the observation tower.


We pass in the chamber of # 1. We talk with Jonathan. We pass in the chamber of # 5. We lose the record: the chamber of # 4, 9.11.2007, evening, part of 4.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–shch

We observe how cliff it locks two girls into the camera of prison.


We pass in the chamber of # 1. We lose the record: chamber 5, 9.11.2007, evening, part 1.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–y

Jonathan is situated in the scaffolding. We look to the earth to the left of the tree. We take gloves. We follow along the path to the bifurcation. We select path to the right. We go to the end. We reach the pinch bar, wrapped up into the barbed wire. It is utilized glove on the wire in order to obtain scrap. We return to the bifurcation. We go along the path to the left. We reach the bunker. We attempt to move aside the rock plate, which barred the entrance into the bunker. Is utilized on the plate scrap. We hear the moans of animal. We return to the barbed wire. We see the deer, that fell into the trap. Nothing other it remains how to shoot poor animal. We step to the rock bunker. On the bifurcation we will encounter someone.


We pass in the chamber of # 3. We lose the record: the chamber of # 3, 9.11.2007, evening, part of 4.

Fleshbek 5 - chamber в„–e

Yard is located in the basement. We include light with the aid of the switch to the right of door. We try to turn wheel on the door. It is not obtained. Then we remove from the wall fire extinguisher by it stuchim on the wheel. We try to open door, but thus far without result. We look at the digital panel to the left of the door. We see that numbers 1, 3, 5 and 7 are practically effaced. Yard indicated that the code begins with 15. We attempt to harvest to the buttons, but digital panel is defective. Then we turn off and then on the panel we already press on numbers 1537.


We leave from the hospital. We ring to inspector To moretti. We go conversely inward. We obtain communication from the inspector. It sends to us record from NYPD. it is passed in the chamber of # 3. We lose the sent record from NYPD.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–e

Yard now is located in the room with the radio station. We look at the radio station. We include it. From the tail end of the radio station will come in flocks the smoke we look at the tail end of the radio station. We take rag. More it will be possible here to make anything, since it is dark. We look at the leaf, fastened to the wall above the radio station. On it it is written by hand: 1 - R, 2 - 4, 3 - 2 and 4 -3. we turn off (switch it is located near the door). With the aid of the rag we twist out the working lamp. We twist it into the cartridge into the lamp, which hangs above the radio station. We include light. We look at the tail end of the radio station. We there find 4 wires. We put red wire in the first nest, yellow wire into the second nest, green wire into the third nest, dark-blue wire into the fourth nest. We look at the forward section of the radio station. We include it.


We pass in the chamber of # 1. We speak to Jonathan. We look after its recollections. We pass into the office to the doctor. We associate with it. On the street we talk with Stewart. We return to the city. We pass into bar Nighthawk. We sit down ourselves on the chair, we associate barmenom. We go into the hotel. We associate with the administrator apropos of money. We rise into our number. We ring Terri. We read the note, which lies on the trunk. We ring Kim, then we lie down to sleep.

Chapter 4 - the point of the depth


After ringing Terri, we leave to the river station. There on the moorage we associate with the man in the black and the doctor. Together with it we will leave for the hospital. On the street we talk with Stewart. We go inside the hospital. We pass in the chamber of # 2. We find there dead Laura. Is utilized signal pager, in order to summon doctor. We leave to the street. We ring to inspector To moretti.

We pass in the chamber of # 1. We talk with Jonathan. It will proceed after each other of immediately two recollections. We pass in the chamber of # 3. We talk there with the yard. We look recollection. We return back to the chamber of # 1. We lose the record: the chamber of # 3, 8.11.2007, day, part 1.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–y

They went down Jonathan into the well on the rope. All that from us is required so this to take from the bottom key.


We pass in the chamber of # 5. We talk with the cliff. We lose the record: the chamber of # 1, 8.11.2007, day, part of 2.

Fleshbek - chamber в„–shch

We is cost before the weapons. It is discovered door by small key. We go inward. We pass into the room to the left. We select from the floor near the different spare parts scrap. We approach the shelf with the weapon. Is discovered lock by rusty key. We obtain 5 pistols. We pass to the boxes. We reveal one of them by scrap. We obtain stores for the pistols. We leave from the weapons.


We pass in the chamber of # 1. We lose the record: the chamber of # 5, 8.11.2007, day, part of 4. Will proceed immediately two recollections. We look. We leave from the chamber. We encounter in the corridor with the doctor. We leave to the river station. On the moorage they will there chain us into the handcuffs. In this position we move into bar Nighthawk. There inspector To moretti will remove from us handcuffs. We associate with it and barmenom. We leave from the bar. Then we return again in order in Rikera (men in the black) to take weapon. We pass into the hotel. We talk Flinnom. David will threaten it with weapon. We rise into our number. We lie down to sleep.

Chapter 5 - lost


After awaking, David will ring Terri.

River station

We encounter with the inspector To moretti on the moorage. We must with it will be be encountered at the same place into eight hour. We remove from the beam rope and life buoy. In the inventory we unite together both these objects. Then we throw rescue hook with the rope to the side of the lifeboat in order to pull it to the moorage. We take weapon from the lifeboat. We leave to the hospital.


We go inward. Doctor Young will be astonished, after seeing us. We pass in the chamber of # 1. Jonathan (yes even all the remaining patients) lies without the consciousness. From the floor we select flakonchik with the sedative means. We go into the office of doctor. Not it will be inside no one. It is utilized sedative means on the cabinet with the medicines in order to find antiserum. Kolim by it all four patients. They will arrive into themselves. We go in the chamber of # 1. We speak to Jonathan. We look recollection. Will arrive communication from Kim it in the park to the right of hotel. We go to the encounter.


Afterward encounter we go in the hotel. Flinn carried out all our trunks with the things. We take them and we go into the bar. We request barmena to hold things in itself. We step to the river station. Here we must meet To moretti, but it does not exist. Bell on the telephone will not give result. It is discovered the cover of the debris container, where we reveal the body of inspector.


We go inward. They will drive away us from there. Then we take into the hands the weapon, which gave to us riker. David is prohibition nurse and doctor in the office. By kolim both sedative means. We pass in the chamber of # 1. We associate with Jonathan, we look recollection. Further David will let go all patients.

River station

We get down on the steps to the lifeboat. Let us swim in to fort.


We select from the earth the stone, which lies on the earth to the right of boat. Is utilized this stone on the large stone-, so as to obtain sharp stone. Is utilized then sharp stone on the boat, in order to obtain the large piece of rubber. We throw this piece to the fence and climb over.

In the mine we take scrap. We crawl to the wedged fan. We move to other side. Is utilized scrap on the fan, in order to obtain pistol. We pass to the bifurcation. We approach the door. We look at the keyboard. Code - goliath. We press on these buttons on the keyboard. I.e. in order to introduce letter g, we harvest to button GHI of 1 times, for letter o we harvest to button MNO 3 times and so forth when door will be opened, David will not want to go inward with the empty cartridge clip.

We penetrate the lattice opposite the door. We leave from the bunker. We go along the path to the right of hangar. We go in the weapons (to the left of the prison), where from the box we take store. We leave. We go to the observation tower. We rise on the rope upward. From the floor we select knife. We return to the door in the bunker.

We go in the room of observation. We look at the regiments with the cassettes. We select LAN raum, 2 tag, 18-24 uur. We look the first record. We further select cassette Korridor, 4 tag, 0-6 uur. We look the second record. By knife it is discovered the lattice of ventilation. We scold ourselves into the computer hall. From the boxes we take Scotch tape. We look at the computer. We obtain hard disk. We return back to the room of observation. Is utilized Scotch tape on the server. We look after decoupling of game. End.




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