Next Life(Reprobates)
Day 1
After automobile emergency our hero Adam is spilled by healthy and unharmed on
the incomprehensible island in the house of # 3. We take from the table bottle
with the drinking water and packet with the crackers. Food and drink in the game
are used for maintaining the energy, whose status is reflected in the form of
the strip in the upper by right to the angle of screen. If energy it is
insufficient, then Adam will not be able to carry out different actions. We
leave from the house. Adam will focus attention on belfry at the apex of hill.
To reach it - our first task. We pass to the eastern shore. We speak there to
the praying himself person - Izmaelem. We select from the earth behind it dry
grass. We go to the right. We speak to Edwin, who is occupied by exercise. We
select behind it and only it is more left from the earth stick. We return
conversely to Izmaelyu. We pass to the left to the southern shore. We attempt to
have a talk with the girl. We further go again to the left to the high hillock.
We speak Germanom. Then we go in the house of # 10, where we associate with The
the danikoy. We leave. We go to the left to the western shore. We select several
small stones near the large stone (here also it is possible to take dry grass
and stick). We go in the house of # 8. We speak there To doroti. Then we attend
the house of # 7, where we speak to Boris. We go further two times to the left
in the region under the southwestern rock. We rise along the stones to the large
boulder (left side of the screen, cursor will change form). We attempt to move
boulder, but this the stump inserted under the stone will prevent. It is
utilized in the inventory dry grass on the stone-. Grass will light up. Is
utilized fire on the stump. Then it is utilized on the bonfire stick from the
inventory. Stump, thus, will be removed, but boulder without whose- or the aid
nevertheless not to move. We go conversely to the houses. Along the way we speak
to Boris. We pass into the house of # 8. There we speak To doroti and with the
small girl Iokiko, whom we saw on the southern shore. We pass then into the
house of #y0 (to the right of # 8). There Edwin will agree soak to us. We leave.
The bell in the belfry will begin to ring after some time. On the third ringing
all will lie to sleep.
After awaking in our house, we take from the table bottle with the drinking
water and packing of crackers. We leave. Near the house #ya we speak to the
blond of mari newly arrived to the island. We pass to the right to the eastern
shore. In the house #shch Edwin will refuse soak to us to move boulder because
of the poor health. We pass to the left (into the place between the containers),
then again to the left. We go to the place under the rock. We rise along the
stones. We help Herman to move large boulder. After it we will be passage to the
rocks. We pass. We go along the path lower than belfry. Then we go to the main
entrance of the belfry (more left than the path to the northern region). We
attempt to open door, we investigate lock. We get down from the rocks. We go to
the eastern shore. We speak there To doroti. Then we go to the left to the
houses #y and 2. We pass to the left to the burnt out earth. There in Iokiko we
take the piece of wire. We return to the belfry, on the way after selecting 5
stones and 3 sticks. It is utilized wire on the padlock. Then it is utilized
stick on the lower part of the door. We go inside the belfry. Let us inspect dry
bush, stone, attached to the rope, and chain.
We go to the house of # 7. We speak there to Boris. We pass to the rocks, namely
to the northern rock. In the inventory we unite stick with the stone. We drive
into stick into the cracked earth. Then we look at the bushes below, where Boris
hid dry leaves. We go into the house of # 8, where we associate with the mari
apropos of stocking. We step into the house of # 4. In the doors it will stand
Izmael'. We attempt to persuade it to let pass us, then it is utilized on it
stick. Inside the house from the jacket we obtain stockings. We return to the
northern rock. It is utilized on the nailed to the earth stick stockings. We get
down downward. We take dry leaves. We pass into the house of # 9. We return
leaves to Boris, we obtain dry grass. We move conversely to the rocks. We talk
along the road with the mari. We pass inside the belfry. It is utilized in the
inventory dry grass on the stone- in order to obtain fire. We ignite dry bush in
the belfry. We attempt to raise the stone, which was concealed by bush. We leave.
Bell in the belfry will begin to ring. To the third ringing we will prove to be
on the beam on the crane.
At the height
We encounter here with the mini- game, whose purpose lies in the fact that,
governing yellow sphere, to pass along the dotted line and to light up all small
circles and in this case not to fall to orange spheres and not to fall through
into the black circles. After winning, we remove from Adam belt. It is utilized
it on the pulley higher. We rise to the crane beam. Then we go to the boom point.
We take the first rope, it is utilized it on the pulley. On the second rope we
get down downward.
After hanging on the hook, belt is utilized on it. Adam will go down to the beam
below on it. We move along the horizontal beam. We push downward bucket, from
the last vertical beam we remove thin rod. We put it in the first vertical beam.
We get down downward on the stairs. Behind us two boxes with the tools. Is
discovered the first, we obtain from it rusty bolts. We place bolts into the
bucket so that it would fall down and would open the way further. We take from
the second box hammer. Now we go to the right to the end of the beams. We there
find rag. We get down on the stairs downward. We pass along the bridge to the
right construction site. We place to the beam, where drips oil, rag. We move to
the right. From the last vertical beam we remove thick rod. We return conversely
to the rag, we take it. We put thick rod in the first vertical beam. We get down
downward. We place rag to the petroleum spot on the beam, then we move to the
right to the hoist. We rise. We pass to the platform after the hoist. We select
from the platform pipe. In the inventory the hammer with the pipe is utilized,
in order to obtain scrap. We return to the box with the tools, which is not yet
opened, along the road after catching rag. Is discovered box by scrap, we
investigate rubbish (right button of mouse) in order to find handle. We go to
the left (active point is more left than the vertical beam, above which are
located the boxes). We there take helmet. We return to dripping oil. We place to
the grease spot on the top slab rag. We fill helmet by oil. We go to the hoist.
We put in the pulley handle, then we lubricate handle by oil from the helmet. We
get down downward. We push barrel downward. We remove the guard circuit from the
enclosure along the left side. It is utilized chain on the rope in order to try
it will go down downward. After failing, in the inventory we lubricate chain by
oil from the helmet. Again we attempt to go down downward on the rope. It is
successful this time.
We approach the winch, to which is stretched the rope. We press on the red
button in order to include winch. Rope is detached. We take the gloves hanging
on the lattice. It is utilized them on the rope so that it will go down downward.
We see the hung man. We approach the hoist. For its activation the code is
required. We return to the corpse, we pass to the left. Is utilized hammer on
two bent reinforcements, torchashchikh from the plate. We place to the steel
frameworks wooden board. Then to the board of 3 bags with the cement and in the
completion from the piles of boards we drag over one so that by one edge it
would lie on the bags. It is moved to the right on the board. We rise upward
along the lattice. We study the rope, attached to the enclosure, on which will
hang the corpse. To the right on the blocks we look at the electric saw. There
is no current. We overturn downward stairs. We get down. We look at the file of
the wires, scattered on the floor. We put in the rosette the third to the left
plug. We rise conversely upward. With the aid of the electric saw let us saw in
two the rope, attached to the enclosure.
We investigate the corpse, which fell to the earth. In the pockets we find
farewell letter and note with numbers 763990. We introduce data of number on the
code lock of hoist and we press on the pointer. It is discovered the door of
cabin, we go inward. Hoist will begin to move downward with breakneck speed. We
attempt to stop it with the aid of the lever. Then hammer on the lever is
utilized. We further raise from the floor rope and throw it into the motor. In
the completion the scrap on the rope under the lever is utilized.
Day 2
We take from the table crackers and water. We leave from the house. We speak
Germanom, then we select from the earth to vapor of stones. We go to the belfry.
We see that the door is again closed to the lock. We take to the left of the
door the minimum two sticks. In the cleft we speak again Germanom. We step to
the high hillock, where near the house of #y0 we talk To doroti. We rise to the
rock. We step to the North plateau. There we talk with Edwin. We return to the
house of # 10. We converse there with The the danikoy. We go conversely to the
rocks. We pass towards northern beach. We talk on the rock with the mari and
Germanom. We throw stone into the hook, which got stuck among the stones of
lower than the rock. We get down to the beach (path near Herman), where from the
sand we raise hook. We go to the belfry. We unite in the inventory stick with
the hook. By the received object we break lock on the door. Then are utilized 2
times stick on the door, in order it to open, and so that the door would not be
shut again, between the door and the earth we put stick. We pass inside the
belfry. It is utilized stick with the hook on the stone-, that lie on the earth.
From the niche we obtain the document, written in Portugese. We leave from the
belfry. At the output we associate with Edwin, we ask in it also about the
knowledge of Portuguese language. We step to the place of lower than the hillock,
where the house of # 1 is located. We talk with that sitting on the earth before
the house by Hans. Inside the house #y we talk with the very young Italian, who
knows moreover and Portuguese language we place to the table document. We leave
from the house. We step to the place under the southwestern rock. We there find
Iokiko and dead Daniku. We talk Iokiko, we investigate body. The ringing of bell
again will begin to be heard. We remain here compulsorily. To the third ringing
we will prove to be in the machine, which stands on the rails, along which
rushes the train.
Night. Superhighway
The doors of machine are closed, we are perfectly still fastened by the belt of
safety. It is discovered window. We remove lateral mirror, we shine to them into
the window to the side of train. Is discovered bardachok, we take umbrella. We
lower protection from the sun. In the inventory by the right button of mouse we
reveal umbrella. We press on the whistle on the control. We look at the right
front seat. We remove machine from the hand brake. Then we click on the button
near the hand brake in order to move right front seat back. We click by the
advanced umbrella on the bond of keys, which lies on the floor before the second
seat. We take the bond of keys. It is utilized keys on the lock of ignition, is
pivoted key Adam it brings automobile it will have time to move out from the
rails before train will arrive.
But if one misfortune passed, then the second only began - the machine of Adam,
after falling into emergency, overturned and it is necessary to be selected from
it before fire will envelop entire machine. We remove yard-keeper. It is
utilized it on the lock of the belt of safety. Yard-keeper will be broken. Then
it is utilized him to the fire extinguishers in order that to push slightly to
itself closer. Is utilized fire extinguisher on the fire. Then empty fire
extinguisher is utilized on the lock of the belt of safety in order to break it.
To make this it is proposed with the aid of the mini- game. The sense of game
consists in painting of with green color sections, beginning from the external
and going to the internal circle. Painting occurs when orange strip passes under
the green section. Made this operation must be of 3 times. After which Adam will
prove to be freed.
In the upper by right to the angle of screen we note ikonki with the images of
fire, the Adas and cross, and later will here appear ikonki with the images of
different people. The greater the orange strip will be, that it means more rapid
necessary to act. I.e. fire to extinguish, people to save. If to some ikonke is
filled up entire strip, then episode will begin from the beginning.
We go upward along the road. We penetrate the broken border to the machine,
inside which in unconscious state two people (they will appear corresponding
ikonki) be. We return to our machine. Then we go downward to the cross-road. We
pass to the trailer. We take near the steps of boots, under the steps we take
the board, which we place to the coupling mechanism exactly under the window. We
go to the construction site to the right. There we talk with the man. After
passing on the puddle, it will strike it by current, and it will fall to the
earth (it will appear ikonka). We select from the earth near the puddle brick.
We return to the trailer. We throw brick into the window. Further through the
window it falls inside the trailer. It is rapidly discovered the door (we obtain
by automaton the bond of keys) in order to admit the inflow of fresh air into
the accomodation, filled with gas. On the bed one additional person (also it
will appear ikonka) will here lie.
We make increasingly further very rapidly so that no one of the people would
die. The first on the turn - man, which it struck by current at the construction
site. We take the second boot to the right of shell. We pass to the construction
site. In the inventory we unite both boots. It is utilized them on the puddle.
We investigate man. Will appear the mini- game, whose purpose, governing with
the aid by the left and right buttons of mouse shielding panel to intercept to
the heart to lightning and to pass small serdechki until pulse becomes equal to
104. Dostignuv of this result, men will be rescued. We study auto-. We obtain
from the baggage carrier jack, soft tug and insulating tape. We click on the
wooden board, put to the wall in order to make from it a "bridge" through the
puddle. We approach the door to the right. It is discovered by its bond of keys,
which we reached from the door of trailer. Inside the small storage we take from
the shelf fire extinguisher, and from the boxes with the tools cutting pliers
(by right button of mouse). We approach the electrical panel to the left of the
door. In the inventory we unite cutting pliers with the insulating tape, then
under those insulated by cutting pliers pererezayem the wire, which leaves from
the electrical shield. Then we run to our machine. We put out the remainders of
fire by the fire extinguisher (ikonka of fire it will disappear).
We return to the trailer. We obtain from the coat, which will hang to the left
of the door, handkerchiefs. Higher than shell from the box we obtain first-aid
kit. In the inventory we click by the right button of mouse on the handkerchiefs
in order to obtain one shawl. Is utilized this shawl on the shell, in order to
moisten it. Is utilized shawl on Adam, and then the first-aid kit (ikonka of
Adam it will disappear). We investigate furnace to the right. We take from the
table knife, we attempt to turn off ring, but knob will be broken. Knife
discovered cabinet under the stove. We there turn gate on the balloon in order
to open gas supply (man in trailer is now rescued). From the shelf shell we to
the right of take lamp. Of the radio we take out small batteries. In the
inventory we put small batteries into the lamp.
It remained to save two in the machine near the channel. We leave from the
trailer. We pass to the left to the aqueous channel. We attempt to raise left
sluice, but wheel wedged. Then we install jack under the sluice and it is
utilized it. Then we lower right sluice so that in the channel it would not
become water. We step to the broken protective barrier. We catch one end of the
soft tug to the barrier. We pass to the automobile near the aqueous channel, the
second end of the soft tug we catch for the rear bumper. It is discovered now by
cutting pliers the door of passenger place. We investigate woman. In the
inventory we click by the right button of mouse on the handkerchiefs in order to
reach last shawl. It is utilized it on the woman. We further cut off belt by
knife from the bag, which lies on the earth. It is utilized it on the leg of
woman in order to stop the blood. One person is rescued, the second remained. We
pass to the side of driver. It is discovered door, we investigate man (by right
button of mouse). We find document about the health, we study it in the
inventory. Then we pass to the side of passenger place, from there we jump into
the channel. Is utilized lantern on the lattice, we find after it tube with the
tablets. We place lamp to the steps. We look at the lattice (by right button of
mouse). Using a windshield wiper, we obtain tube. In the inventory it is
discovered it, we obtain capsule. We reveal it with the aid of the knife. We
return the obtained powder to driver.
All are rescued, but Adam will hear the sound of the being approached machine.
But this means that it is necessary to warn driver about the danger on the road.
We return to the machine near the channel. By knife we tear off from the wheel
disk. On the route we study grease spot. We pass to the construction site. By
disk zacherpyvayem sand, then by sand we fill up grease spot on the route. We
pass to the broken protective barrier, where by the knife from the barrier we
twist yellow reflector. From the road we select red glass reflector.
Day 3
We take crackers and water from the table. Out of the house we meet mari, which
will describe that it was in the document, written in Portugese. We find and we
select from the earth several stones, 3 sticks and dry grass. We go to the
rocks, we pass to the belfry. Door is again closed. We attempt to open by its
stick, but it here is shut. Then in the inventory we combine stick with the
stone. It is discovered by this stick door. We penetrate the aperture above the
door into the belfry. We push up large stone to the door. We combine in the
inventory dry grass with the stone in order to obtain fire. We ignite rope by
it, into the fire we throw the pair of crackers. We select rope. In order to
leave the belfry, we arise to the large stone and through the aperture above the
door leave. We select from the earth dry grass, also one additional stick (them
must be 3 in the inventory). We step to the eastern rock, where we speak to
Simon. We go to the high plateau, where we converse Germanom. We get down
downward. We pass to the western beach we associate with Eva, then with the
mari. It will give to us the boots, which we must carry To doroti. We go to the
eastern beach we return To doroti its boots. We talk with Edwin, and also with
Hans. We return to the apex of rock. We see how mari it tempts Simon. We pass to
the eastern rock. We get down on the stems downward to the fallen tree. We tie
to the tree rope, then we get down to the cave. In the inventory the stone on
the dry grass is utilized, in order to obtain fire. Is utilized fire at the dry
place in the cave. Then, until light, rapidly we be sufficient spear. On the
rope we rise back to the tree. We disentangle rope, on the stems we rise to the
rock. We go to the belfry. We associate with each, who here stands. We pass
hence to the northern beach we associate Germanom and by Hans. We unite in the
inventory of stick with the stones and we put them in three slots on the cliff,
before which stood Hans. Bell again will begin to ring. To the third ringing we
will awake among the night and, fortunately on the island in our house.
We take crackers and vodichku and we leave to the street. We associate with the
mari. We go to the western beach along the road we take several stones and
sticks. We raise from the sand packing from the crackers with the note of
в„–shch. we step to the northern beach, which find beyond the rocks. It is
utilized stick in order to move aside the stone, which enclosed passage into the
cave. We go inward. Stone after us will block output. We select old bottle.
After hearing Simon's voice, we return to it the bottle through the slot from
above the stone in the hope, that it will help us to clean output. But it was
not there. Ispiv spring water, it is possible to completely restore the forces
of Adam. We use. We rise to the wooden beam. By stick we pull out from the beam
hook. In the inventory we unite hook with the stick. We select average sizes
stone we to the right and throw it to the left holder of boat. We get down. We
raise chain and it we catch for the stone, which lies on the output from the
cave. We shout about the aid through the slot above the stone. After some time
about the aid Eva (to rise it is possible to upward and take the second stone of
average sizes) will hear cry. When Hans approaches, we throw stone into the
second holder of boat. Output is free. We get down. It is utilized stick with
the hook on the rope in order to select it. We leave from the cave. We talk with
Hans. We step to the western beach, we from there pass into the place lower than
the hills. Let us inspect dead Simon. We go into the house of #y0 (place between
the houses and to the high hill). We associate there with the new Michel. It
will give packing from the crackers with the note of в„–y. we go to the passage
to the rocks. There we speak to sad Edwin. We rise to the apex of rock (upper
plateau). We look at the stump (more to the right stone and more left than
listvy). We tie rope to the stump we get down downward. From the stone we select
the cap of Herman. We pass to the small beach, where fish is conducted. It is
utilized stick with the hook in order to catch one small fry. Then it is
utilized stick with the hook on the slippery descent so that it would be
possible to rise upward. We go to the northern beach (near the belfry). We place
fish into the trap for the birds. We go into the house #2 (panorama with dead
Simon). We return his cap to Herman. He will say about another note. We step to
the eastern rock. We associate there with Hans, who will give to us the note of
в„–e. To nachinam to hear the ringing of bells.
Medical establishment
In the chamber we take from the floor water pipe, from the bed - rag, and from
the lamp we twist out lamp. We place rag in the wet place on the floor. We await
so that the rag would be impregnated. We take wet rag and we leave from the
chamber. We look at the dirty window on the door on the contrary. We rub by its
moist rag. It is evident through the clean window that at the chamber someone
lies. We try to open door, we study switch and gazometr. It is utilized pipe on
the door. We learn on the voice, that inside the chamber sits Edwin. We look at
the ventilation lattice. We speak to Edwin through the window on the door. We
throw pipe into the lattice of ventilation in order to break it. Then again we
associate with Edwin through the window. It through the ventilation system will
go down rope. We tie to it lamp. It will become soon in the chamber of Edwin
light. We associate with it. It will throw through the ventilation system key we
select it from the floor. We pass into the end of the corridor. It is discovered
by key the door of accomodation for the inspection of the corpses (let us name
it subsequently morgue). Further we pass into the accomodation for the
preparation, and from there already into the office. From the holders of keys we
remove the only key weighing on them.
We return to the chamber of Edwin. By key it is discovered door. After having a
talk with it, we pass into the office. There again we talk with Edwin. In the
morgue two bags for the corpses are discovered and we investigate two bodies by
the right button of mouse. After this, Adam will hear the sound of fastening
lock. We pass into the accomodation for the preparation. We see Edwin after the
glass. We speak to it. Then we go into the office, where to to the utmost extent
ring the telephone confronting on the table. We raise tube. After meeting with
the woman and with Edwin, we place to the table water pipe. After scene we pass
into the morgue. There we obtain by pipe on the head. After coming to on the
couch in the accomodation for the preparation, we pass again into the morgue.
There are no corpses already, then there is a bloody track on the floor. We go
on the track, it will lead to the chamber of Edwin. Telephone call here from the
office will reach. We go there. We remove tube. After meeting with Edwin, we
take from the tray on the table of below screen scalpel.
In the accomodation for the preparation we investigate the louvers, on which
Edwin wrote for us communication. We read the book on the anatomy on the table
lower than louver. It is discovered in the morgue the camera of # 3. We shift
body from the camera to the couch. We convey couch into the accomodation for the
preparation. We pass into the office. Pererezayem by scalpel the cord of table
lamp. We pass to the couch with the corpse. Is utilized scalpel on the corpse,
then we wind around the hand cord from the lamp. We click on the corpse. Edwin
arrived here will frighten that taken away and will be hidden, after forgetting
to shut door after himself. We leave through the door in the office into the
corridor. It is discovered red door, we pass into the laboratory. We shut after
itself door, we prop up by its next confronting cabinet. From the working table
we take anatomical tool. From the box opposite the table we obtain matches.
Edwin will begin to be hollowed into the door. We raise the fallen photograph.
We study it in the inventory (by right button). We focus attention on the door,
which is now closed with cabinet. It is utilized photograph on the cabinet. Then
we move aside cabinet to the side so that the passage into another accomodation
would seem.
Is utilized on the boards anatomical tool. We go in the unlighted accomodation.
We take out of the kerosine lamp glass part. By scalpel pererezayem rope to the
right of lamp. In the inventory from the rope we cut off piece. This piece is
utilized on the lamp, then on the lamp it is utilized match. Now, when it is
light, we take from the three-foot chair mask. We return to the laboratory. We
tie rope to the leg of cabinet. Then we click on the boards in order to remove
them. In the secret accomodation we pull by the rope in order to place cabinet
on the place. With the aid of the scalpel in the rear wall of cabinet we make
hole in order to peep after the fact that it occurs in the laboratory. Peeping
into the hole, we click on the bank with Simon's head to the left of Edwin. Then
on Edwin it is utilized mask.
Day 4
We take from the table crackers and bottle of water. We leave from the house. We
select several stones and sticks. We rise to the high hill. We go in the house
of # 9, where we talk with Hans and Michel. We pass to the western beach we
speak there with the mari. We go in the house of # 8. We associate with the
Polish woman of the Jadwiga. We pass to the belfry, to the northern beach we
from there obtain from the trap seagull. We pass into the place between the
houses. In the house #"we talk with Eva. It will give to us the note of # 2, in
which it is discussed that, where micro-chip is implanted into the body. We pass
to the southern beach there it will come running Michel. We request in it
elastic for the hair. We go into the place under the southwestern rock. We find
on the vegetation glasses. In the inventory we unite elastic with the stick in
order to obtain turnpike. We click by it on the glasses. Then we select from the
earth the splinter of glass. We pass into the house of # 8, where we take fins.
Further we go to the eastern rock. We get down downward to the fallen tree. Is
utilized the splinter of glass on Adam, in order to take out micro-chip. Then
micro-chip we implant into the seagull. Now let us saw in two the roots of tree
by the splinter of glass. Girls will come running, we associate with Eva. In the
completion for the second time is utilized the splinter of glass on the roots of
tree. Adam will float to the island with the volcano.
Island with the volcano
We select from the earth of stick. We go to the left to the cabin. We look at
the boat, then we take away to the moorage. We jump over through the destroyed
part of the moorage, further we take away into the cabin. It is utilized stick
on the hook, nailed to the window shutter. We unite in the inventory hook with
the stick. We leave from the house, we get down downward. We take away on the
wooden flooring opposite the moorage. We pass to the right to the well. We
select several stones. Then we throw stones into the coconut, which hangs on the
tree, until it not is biased. We select from the earth coconut. We go to the
right to the church. We take away to the tower with the bell. After using stick
with the hook, it is adjusted rope to itself. Further rope it is utilized on the
arch to the right and rapidly we are caught for the dangling end of the rope so
that it will go down downward (from the very first it will be hooked, most
likely, it will not succeed, we try). We approach the forward section of the
church. It is utilized stick with the hook in order to move tile on the earth.
From the niche we obtain pearl necklace. We pass to the right to the edge of
rock. We gather yellow berries. We return to the well, take away to it. To the
cross-beam we tie rope, on it we get down in the underground chamber. We look at
the sepulchral plate. Letters M d I c are marked by small crosses. We remove
flag to the left, the safe will be hidden after it. Is discovered safe by code
1599 (preobrazovannye roman numeral M d I c), from which we obtain the statuette
of god. We are selected from the well. We disentangle rope and go to the left to
the village.
Natives will at first meet us hostilely, but it is worthwhile to place statuette
on the totem, as everything will change. We pass inside the village. We gather 5
fruits (it is possible to use them as food products). We return pearl necklace
to girl with the woman. Girl the bush. We climb through under the bush to the
unfriendly disposed native. We throw to it into the head stone, further we pass
to the protrusion. We tie rope to the branch, get down on it downward. We move
from the protrusion to the protrusion to the waterfall (it is utilized as the
restoration of energy). It is utilized stick with the hook on the opening in the
cliff near the waterfall. We climb upward. We go into the jungle to the right.
In the inventory we unite poisonous berries with the coconut. We entertain by
the coconut of block. We jump over through the fallen tree and push stone
downward so that it would fall into the stream. We return to the cross-road, we
step to the left to the edge of gorge. We take four stones near the fallen tree
and place them into the stream, creating dam. Then flag is utilized on the dam.
Water will spread. It is utilized stick on the log in order to fall down it
downward from the gorge. Before departing to the cross-road, we drink water in
order to restore forces. We get down downward, take out stick with the hook of
the cliff. We jump over from the protrusion to the protrusion and go to the
slope (we do not move to other side). We drink water, we move to the left side.
It is utilized stick with the hook to the opening in the cliff. On it we rise to
the clearing. You be careful! We run to the steps to the right, in order to the
trap not of reserve us. We get down from other side and go to the apex of rock.
Is utilized flag on the snakes. We rise along the stones to the protrusion and
it is passed into the jungle to the right. We there find cabin. We inside read
the diary of inhabitant. After reading we will encounter inhabitant facing face.
It will give the uncharged laser weapon to us.
At night
From the floor we select bottle with the water. From the wall by removing rope
with the axe. We leave from the cabin. We follow the soldier, carrying out the
same actions as it. So we pass to the flow of lava. There soldier will give 2
fruits to us. We take away to the stone. We chop the drying palm with axe. On
the palm we move through the lava. We follow along the path to the foot of rock
(piling up of stones in the center). Rise along the protrusions to the right of
stones to the apex (if we rise ourselves along the protrusions to the left of
the stones, then we will reach the entrance into the crater. But this then).
When rise above not will be possibility, axe is utilized on the cliff. We rise
to the broken spacecraft. Inside it we find the charging of laser weapon. We
throw down downward large stone. We combine in the inventory axe with the rope,
then it is utilized them on the rocky curve to the left of the large stone. We
get down on the rope downward. We move to the right to the end. We shoot the
weapon in robot. We return to the foot of the rock (we go to the left). We rise
to the entrance into the crater. Further we rise to the pipes and we pass to the
station (way to the left of the pipes). On the stairs we take away to the
landing field, from there to the roof of station. We charge weapon with the aid
of the robot. We get down downward. Adam will hear the sound of the being
approached ship and automatically he will hide. When ship flies in into the
hangar, we pass there. We inside hide after the boxes to the right. The robot
will leave the ship. When it will be near the door, we shoot at it.
We penetrate the door. We shoot the weapon on the loading station to the left of
the robot. The imprint of finger to the left is required for the passage through
the door. We pass to the control of control. From the table we take penknife. We
investigate debris bucket to the right of door. From it we obtain note from
Sandry. We leave, on the stairs on the contrary we get down to the 1st level.
Let us inspect the corpse of scientist. Is utilized knife, in order to cut off
finger. We select the digital riddle lying near the corpse. Its _ purpose lies
in the fact that v tom, ctoby gather image girl, the trigger from piece (if
piece on its place, that it cannot be move already cannot) hold on hand. We rise
upward. Is utilized finger on the door to the left of the robot. Is discovered
with the aid of the finger the box of # 6. We take noutbuk, and from the coat -
instruction. In the inventory we use noutbukom. We introduce password Sandra
(name, which was appeared in the assembled figure) and we press Enter on the
keyboard. We click to upper ikonku of electronic mail. We introduce password
Sandra. Then we click to ikonku of basket. In the text we find password
97GETOUT43BKW. We return to the control of control. We press on the red button
on the table. Is utilized finger on the appeared hologram. We introduce two
times higher written password.
We pass into the hangar, where after the ship we find by Eva razgovarivayem with
it. We obtain screwdriver. We get down on the stairs to the 1st level. To the
right of door Gx-25 it is utilized on the pipes screwdriver so that the part of
the pipe will be obtained. We rise along the stairs upward. In the inventory we
unite screwdriver with the pipe, then it is utilized them on the ventilation
lattice. We penetrate the ventilation system into the room with the tele-port.
In the completion the finger of scientist is utilized on the hologram. The
tele-port, which will deliver Adam and Eva to the earth obetovannuyu, is
activated. End.