Time Stand Still

by Len Green
October 13, 2006

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{A}   This walkthrough describes ALL the actions which you must take in order to succeed, together with many (though not all) which are not essential to completing the game.

However, please don?t use this walkthrough unless you absolutely have to.  Some aspects which are not absolutely imperative have been omitted.  A lot of these are interesting and provide much of the background story to the game, and particularly to the fascinating (and artistic) character, scenery and history of Norrkfping ? a relatively small town in Sweden, and home to the Developers, Mikael and Eleen Nyqvist.

{B}   ?Warning? :-  The main purpose of this game is to examine items, interview people, view the interesting sights and scenery, and generally ?act the tourist?, etc.  As mentioned, some of these actions are essential, but many are not, and quite a few are ?red herrings?.

If you simply take this walkthrough in your hand and follow exactly what to do and not to do, you can probably finish the game very quickly. This however would completely defeat its whole purpose!

{C}   The walkthrough does not do justice to ?Time Stand Still?!  A very great part of the interest and beauty of the game is wandering around through the vast number of locations, views, and residences ? There are actually so many that I?m pretty certain that I missed a few !  :~)

          There is quite a lot of interesting material in the Norrkfping Museum, particularly concerning a fairly famous Swedish architect named Carl Bergsten.  In another location there are some rather sensational details concerning racial studies and possibly unsavory early eugenics in Sweden prior to the Nazis and World War II.

          All these details can be completely omitted when playing the game if the object is simply to finish it as soon as possible!  However, this would rob the game of much of its rich detail and narrative content.

{D}   This is a first-person game and much of the intricacy and pleasure lies in browsing around ? and as aforementioned there is a lot of that.  I personally frequently ?got lost? looking for some location or object (even occasionally inside a residence!), and sometimes after finding it, lost my way again on returning.

          Much of the beautiful photography of both exteriors and interiors of this Swedish town is only revealed through these ?wanderings?, and it is a pity to miss them.

          However, some players may get frustrated by losing their way and having to ramble around (maze-like) longer than their personal patience permits.

Due to the above fact I have VERY frequently (but not always) given exact ?direction-instructions? in this walkthrough as follows:- ????..

{{ Move right (or left) twice; then move forward; then right; then move forward three times; and finally move right again. }}

{{ I doubt that there can be much trouble finding the gardener but in case there is, proceed as follows :-

Move forward, and then move to the left. }}

As far as possible, I would recommend NOT using these instructions since they will interfere with ?the spirit of exploration and discovery?.  Nevertheless, they are there for any who wish to utilize them!

Often, where exploring is not too difficult (but sometimes not all that easy either), the player will only be told where to go, but not exactly how to get there, or even how to move around when actually there!

{E}   On entering every new location, it is highly advisable to browse around as much as possible in order to explore the general layout.  However, the walkthrough never tells you explicitly to do this!    

{F}   You should NOT  have to follow the identical order of accessing locations as described in this walkthrough.  Some locations of course will not appear on the map until you have completed certain tasks, and so a particular order is sometimes obligatory.  Other than this, you are free to visit (&/or revisit) as you wish ! 

N.B. From time to time, some locations which you visited earlier become inaccessible later (and may even become ?re-accessible? later on).  A few locations subsequently disappear completely from the map when there is nothing further to be done in them!

{G}   There is no need to describe ANY of the ?mechanics? &/or interface of the game.  It is all contained in the short ?ReadMe.txt? file in the ?Time Stand Still? folder on your Hard Disc (after installing of course).

{H}   There are absolutely no action sequences, and you never get killed in this game.  There is no so-called ?bad language? or ?adult material?. It is all first person and mouse driven point & click. There are full (and excellent) English subtitles for ALL speech.

{I}  As in most games, it is easy to make a wrong or redundant move!  So it is advisable to save frequently

    N.B.  There are absolutely NO dead-ends in the game!

There are an infinite number of save-slots. Each save is very small (only 8 or 9 KB), and so saving and loading is almost instantaneous, presenting no delays to progress.

{J}  EVERY TIME you obtain items, they appear in your inventory.  It?s always worthwhile dragging the magnifying glass onto each new item (or vice versa) to get an excellent enlarged picture of the item together with a brief description of it.

N.B.  It is imperative to view, and sometimes to manipulate, some of the inventory items in close-up to complete the game.

{K}  There are a number of puzzles in the game.  Wherever there is an outright spoiler, I have inserted it in smaller print and a light green colour that is not TOO easy to read, as follows:- Spoilers are inserted like this ???

I have done this deliberately since many players do not want to see spoilers unless absolutely essential.

Some people may find these difficult to read (which is the object of the exercise).  They can of course easily be enlarged, colour changed, and printed if required!

{L}   None of the puzzles is terribly difficult, but 9 are ?tricky? (some more so, many less!). 

For ALL of these 9 ?nasties?, an automatic solution has been incorporated, thus eliminating the need for spoiling your game by having to switch to somebody else?s through being forced to request a save-game.

Just move your cursor up to the top right corner of your screen and click on the ?By Pass? button ? and lo and behold, the puzzle is solved for you!

At the end of the game, if you solved every puzzle by yourself (not TOO difficult a task actually) you are awarded 5 stars! :- )

If you use any by pass, I?m afraid you?ll see no stars at all !





[ 1 ] Home (Carol Reed?s new apartment)  {1st visit}

*****  Look at Carol?s new sign on her front door.

*****  Open the front door and enter.

*****  Browse around as much as possible.  There is quite a lot to see there, but not TOO much to do there at present!

*****  Go to the kitchen and look around.

*****  Read the newspaper article on the kitchen table? ?Police passive in ?haunted house? mystery?!

This article is the impetus for the whole game. 

    It seems that the well known (or should I say notorious?) ?Just Adventure +? Reviewer, Ray Ivey, has absconded and taken a job as a stringer for a Swedish newspaper??  :~)

*****  In the kitchen, open the telephone book and see the address of Solvig Liedberg.

*****  Leave the kitchen

*****  Leave ?Home?? you are on the map of Norrkfping.

*****  Go to the Kiosk.

[ 2 ] The Kiosk (Stina)  {1st visit} 

*****  Enter the kiosk owned by Stina?s boss.

*****  Talk to her, and exhaust all dialog options.  (N.B.  You can leave this until later if you like)!

*****  Get Stina to produce some suggestions for Carol?s new advertisement? 3 in all.

*****  Exit to the map and go to Katarina.

[ 3 ] Katarina (Vogel) {1st visit} 

*****  Enter Katarina?s (Carol?s very good friend).

*****  Talk to Katarina and exhaust all dialog options.  (N.B.  You can leave this until later if you like)!

*****  Exit to the map and go to a new location, i.e. Solvig Liedberg.

[ 4 ] Solvig Liedberg?s House {1st visit} 

*****  Enter the gate to Solvig Liedberg?s house.                             

*****  Automatically speak to Solvig and exhaust all dialog options.  Receive her mobile phone number and keys to the house (which will be empty for the next fortnight, allowing Carol to investigate to her heart?s content).

*****  Go to the front door of Solvig?s house.                                 

*****  From inventory, use the keys and enter the front door of the house.

*****  Take 2 steps forward into the hallway.  Carol exclaims, ?Where?s that sound coming from??.

*****  If you want to leave the house, you can?t!  Carol insists, ?I?m not leaving until I?ve located that sound?.

*****  Approach the radiator? by the rear door of the house. 

*****  Look closely at the radiator.  The hissing noise seems to be coming from there.

    Maybe the steam pressure is too high?  And some steam needs to be released??  But how ??
***** Go to the lounge (downstairs) and look at the top drawer of the bureau.

{{ This lounge and bureau may be a little difficult to find!  If you have trouble, the following directions should help :-

Go and face the front door (the abovementioned door where Carol mentions ?I?m not leaving until I?ve located that sound?)???

Move right (or left) there twice so as to face in the opposite direction.  Then move forward; then right.  Enter the lounge door; then move forward; and then move right. }}

***** Open the top drawer.  You can?t; it?s locked!

*****  Go to the downstairs living room where there are 11 fairly old black/white (or sepia) photographs attached to the wall.

{{ If you have difficulty finding this living room and photos from the abovementioned bureau in the lounge, the following directions should guide you :-

Move right; then move 3 times forward; then move right; then forward; and then move right again. }}

*****  Look closely at the center photograph, the only rectangular one, featuring a fairly young man and woman dressed in 1940?s clothing.

*****  Turn over this photo? ?Arthur & Elisabeth ? 1944?.

*****  Take the key which is hanging on the wall behind the photograph.

*****  Replace the photo.

*****  Return to the top bureau drawer in the lounge.

{{ If you can?t find your way back to the lounge and bureau from the abovementioned wall photos, the following directions should get you there :-

Move right; then move forward; then move left; and then move forward again.  Then enter the lounge door; then move forward; and finally move right. }}

*****  From inventory, use the key you found behind the photo to unlock the drawer.

*****  Read the newspaper clipping of Tuesday, April 23, 1935 ?Architect Carl Bernsten dies at 55?.

*****  Pick up the wooden plug.

*****  Grab the radiator key.

*****  Look at the 2 photographs.

*****  Take them both.

*****  Look at the 2 photos in inventory and examine them carefully.  Pay attention to Carol?s (very important) hint concerning them? ?There is only one window in the photo on the left ? but two on the right?.

*****  Click on the puzzle box (with the 4 coloured shapes).  You can?t do ANYTHING with it at present:-  You?ll have to return later!

*****  Leave the bureau and the lounge.

*****  Enter the kitchen (it?s downstairs and to the right when facing the back door).

*****  Read the note from Solvig on the kitchen table.

*****  To the right of the sink and to the left of the coffee machine is a mug.

*****  Grab the mug.

*****  Exit the kitchen.

*****  Go to the radiator which is just to the right of the back door (it is from there that the steam is escaping causing the hissing noise).

*****  Look closely at the top left corner of the radiator.

*****  From inventory, place the mug there.

*****  Insert the radiator key into position just above the mug.

*****  Turn the key in the radiator and watch the excess steam escape in the form of condensed drops of water.

    You can (only) now exit Solvig?s house.

*****  Leave the house via its front door, and its grounds? onto the map.

*****  Go to the Kiosk.

[ 5 ] The Kiosk (Stina)  {2nd visit} 

*****  Enter the kiosk.

*****  Talk to Stina ?Do you know anything about Carl Bergsten??

*****  Exhaust all dialog options with Stina.

*****  Exit to the map and go to Katarina.

[ 6 ] Katarina (Vogel {2nd visit}  

*****  Enter Katarina?s.

*****  Ask her ?Do you know anything about an architect called Carl Bergsten??, and exhaust all the subsequent dialog options.

*****  Return to the map and see the new location which has appeared.

*****  Go to the Museum of Design.

[ 7 ] The Museum of Design  {1st visit} 

*****  Enter the Museum.

*****  Look around the museum.  There is plenty to see there, even though most of it is not essential to actually continuing &/or completing the game.

    In particular read the several descriptive panels concerning the recognized Swedish architect, Carl Bergsten.

*****  Look at the notice board.

    What?s this I see, the mug shot of a well known veteran computer game adventurer.  Seems that the fame (or is it infamy) of Randy Sluganski, owner of the Just Adventure+ Site, has spread to the small but historic Swedish town of Norrkfping!  :~)

{{ If you happen to miss this treat, you can indulge just before leaving the museum.  Facing the (only) exit door; turn left; and then forward; and then right.}

*****  Go to and access the computer terminal? ?It looks like I have to feed that machine something?.  You can?t do that until considerably later in the game!

*****  Go to the descriptive panel which details ?Various gadgets for entertainment purposes, like puzzle boxes and mechanical brain teasers, are examples of Bergsten's inclination for designing odd and peculiar objects, ????

*****  To the left of this panel is a puzzle.

*****  Solve the memory puzzle!

      You have to nail down the 17 pairs of different coloured shapes.  They are circles, triangles, squares, pentagons and hexagons?  all five blue pairs, all five red pairs, all five yellow pairs, but only two white pairs.

      When you successively click 2 identical coloured shapes, they remain fixed in place.  If they are not identical in both colour and shape they disappear after a few seconds.

*****  There are 2 ways of solving this (very easy) puzzle:-

[i]    By pressing the ?By Pass? button at the top right corner of your screen.  However, if you do this, you?ll forfeit your 5 stars at the end of the game!

    [ii]   No ?descriptive solution? can be given to this puzzle since every time it is generated, all the 34 coloured shapes are randomly orientated.  However the puzzle is EXTREMELY easy since you have as much time as you like to finish it, and you are never forced to restart!

*****  When you have succeeded in solving the puzzle, take the ?Handicraft Exhibition Admittance? ticket. 

*****  N.B It is IMPORTANT to make a note of the four coloured shapes which have appeared beneath a slot.  You will need this configuration later! 

    Does this remind you of anything?  What about that (previous) box-puzzle in Solvig?s bureau?? ? see [ 4 ].

*****  Find the stairs and go up.

*****  Look at the door to the ?Handicraft Exhibition?.

*****  Examine the slot in this door.

*****  From inventory, insert the ?Handicraft Exhibition Admittance? ticket into the slot.

*****  Enter the ?Handicraft Exhibition?.

*****  Look around the exhibition.  There are interesting exhibits to see there, even though they are not essential to actually continuing &/or completing the game.

*****  Continue into the exhibition and look at a small object on the ground (between 2 large wheels); it is a wooden dowel.

{{ If you have difficulty finding this dowel, re-enter the exhibition :-  move 5 times forward; then move left. }}

*****  Pick up the wooden dowel.

*****  Leave the exhibition, return downstairs and exit the museum.

*****  Exit the museum, walk outside just a very little, and go to the map.  Go to Solvig Liedberg?s house.

[ 8 ] Solvig Liedberg?s House {2nd visit} 

*****  Enter the front door.

*****  Return to the top drawer in the lounge? see  [ 4 ].

*****  Look at and then open the drawer.  

*****  Click on the puzzle box (with the 4 coloured shapes).      

*****  There is a hole in each of the 4 corners? two are stopped up.

*****  From inventory, fill the empty hole at the top left corner (only) with the wooden plug.

*****  From inventory, fill the empty hole at the bottom right corner with the wooden dowel.            

*****  Solve the puzzle box (with the 4 coloured shapes).

      You have to click on the 4 coloured shapes until you get the correct configuration!  Then you have to perform an additional action (see later)!

*****  There are 3 ways of solving this puzzle:-

[i]    By pressing the ?By Pass? button at the top right corner of your screen.  However, if you do this, you?ll forfeit your 5 stars at the end of the game!

    [ii]    You can solve this puzzle by ?brute force?, i.e. try every combination until you get the ?correct? one.  This however is very likely to be tedious since there are 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 81 permutations.

   [iii]  The solution to this puzzle is mentioned in [ 7 ] .  If you didn?t make a note of this correct configuration, you can return to the museum and easily replay the memory puzzle there and then record the correct sequence!

      If you are really stumped and want a spoiler, the correct sequence from left to right is :- Red-pentagon;  Yellow-circle;  Blue pentagon;  Yellow-pentagon.

*****  When you have organized the correct sequence, notice that the whole of the box (and the small lever on the right side of the box) have become active.

*****  Just click on either anywhere on the box (or on that small lever)? and the puzzle is solved!

*****  The puzzle box opens up and on the right side are some old blue prints of the house (according to the note on the left side of the box, they were drawn up by the architect Carl Bergsten himself, dated Jan 7 1935? incidentally and historically just a few months before his death aged only 55!).

*****  Click on the blue prints and they are transported to inventory? there are two of them, one for the downstairs and the other for the upstairs of Solvig?s house.

*****  In inventory, examine the prints with the magnifying glass.

*****  Look at these prints (in inventory, now magnified) and a red X appears upstairs in the sitting room.  Carol exclaims, ?That must be the missing window?!

    ( N.B.  The above ONLY happens after the photos of the couple have been viewed in inventory)!

    This implies that something strange must have happened to a window in the upstairs sitting room.

*****  Exit the ?floor plans from 1935? (from inventory), the box and the drawer. 

*****  Now leave the lounge and go upstairs.

*****  Enter the sitting room and go to a display cabinet with glass panels.  Carol remarks, ?This room must have been larger, with two windows?.

{{ If you have difficulty in finding this cabinet:-

From the top of the stairs proceed forward; then right; then forward again; then right again; and finally forward again. }}

*****  Click on it? it moves and there?s something behind it.

*****  Try to open the brown partition which was hidden behind the cabinet  ? you can?t as yet!  You can knock on it? but no more!

*****  Leave the sitting room and return downstairs.  Go to the certificate on the wall.  It is a diploma to Elisabeth Liedberg for being a President of ?The Gatekeeper?s Lodge Herb Garden?.

{{ This diploma may be a little difficult to find!  If you have trouble, the following directions should help :-

Face the front door (downstairs). Move right (or left) there twice so as to face in the opposite direction.  Then move forward; then left; then move forward; and then move right; then move forward twice; and finally move right (or left) 3 times. }}

*****  Leave the house and its grounds? onto the map.

*****  Go to the Kiosk.

[ 9 ] The Kiosk (Stina)  {3rd visit} 

*****  Enter the kiosk.

*****  Talk to Stina ?Have you heard of the Gatekeeper?s Lodge Herb Garden??

*****  Finish talking to Stina.

*****  Exit to the map and go to the Herb Garden.

[ 10 ] The Herb Garden  {1st visit}  

*****  Explore the Herb Garden.

*****  Look at the gate to ?The Gatekeeper?s Lodge Herb Garden?.

{{ If you have trouble finding the aforementioned gate, the following directions should help :-

Move forward 14 times; then move half-left; then move forward 5 times; and then move right. }}

*****  Open the gate and enter ?The Gatekeeper?s Lodge Herb Garden?.

*****  Talk to the gardener.

{{ I doubt that there can be much trouble finding the gardener but in case there is, proceed as follows :-

After entering the gate, move forward, and then move to the left. }}

*****  Exhaust all dialogs with the gardener. 

*****  At the end of these dialogs you are automatically situated at the base of a flagpole.  Scattered around on the ground are a number of ?herb-signs?? it may be a little difficult to see them?

*****  Take a good close-up look at the signs.

*****  Pick up the signs.

*****  Look at the signs in inventory.  You?ll see 6 of them all labeled  clearly with the names of different herbs.

*****  Solve the herb-signs puzzle!

*****  Look closely at the 6 boxes of herbs (N.B. the 4 boxes on the left are clearly discernable.  The 2 on the right look rather similar and also they have overgrown the ?barrier? between them and hence tend to look like one patch of green herbs instead of 2 entirely different ones? one at the top right corner and the other at the bottom right corner).

*****  From inventory, you have to insert the correct sign into its appropriate (close-up) box of herbs.  But Carol knows very little about herbs and needs assistance in identifying the names of the 6 different herbs.

*****  Return to the gardener.

*****  Carol asks him, ?How will I recognize the herbs??.

*****  The gardener produces 5 (ONLY) identification cards.  ?They must be at least 70 years old.  But the herbs are still the same?.

*****  Take the 5 cards.

*****  Return to the 6 herb boxes.

*****  In inventory, scrutinize the cards and decide the names of each of the relevant 5 herbs (N.B. The 6th herb must be the remaining one i.e. the one for which there is no picture card!).

*****  There are 2 ways of solving this puzzle:-

[i]    By pressing the ?By Pass? button at the top right corner of your screen.  However, if you do this, you?ll forfeit your 5 stars at the end of the game!

[ii]   Examine the 5 cards in inventory and then stick the correct sign into each one of the 6 boxes of herbs.

If you are really stumped and want a spoiler, the correct solution is as follows :-

Starting with the box at the top left corner, and continuing clockwise, finishing with the 6th (last) box at the bottom left corner ??.the herb signs are :- Lemon Thyme;  Rosemary;  Lemon Balm;  Oregano;  Absinthium;  Creeping Thyme.

*****  When you think you have completed the puzzle successfully return to the gardener? ?I think I?m ready now?!

*****  If every one of the 6 signs is NOT in its correct box, the gardener will inform Carol ?That?s not entirely correct, I?m afraid?!

*****  If every one of the 6 signs IS in its correct box, the gardener will inform Carol ?That looks fine!  You?ll find the calendar in the house?, and Carol is automatically transported to the doors of the house (which you could not access previously).

*****  Click on the handle or lock of either door, and enter.

*****  Access the calendar (book).

*****  Look closely at it.  Notice that Elisabeth Liedberg was President of the ?The Gatekeeper?s Lodge Herb Garden? from March to April 1944 (only)!

*****  Close the calendar.

*****  Exit the house.

*****  Carol automatically speaks once again to the gardener.  ?If you want some more information, you can always talk to Simona.  She?s writing the history of the Herb Garden?.

*****  Continue talking to the gardener.  Exhaust all topics of conversation, and follow his directions.

*****  Go to Simona.

{{ You may have trouble in finding her!  If so, the following directions should help :-

Move forward; then right; then move forward 4 times; and then move left; then move forward 8 times; and finally move right. }}

*****  Talk to Simona and exhaust the dialogs.

*****  There is a knife in the Herb Garden area.  You may have picked it up already, but if not, get it now.

{{ If you have trouble finding the knife from where you are now (after talking to Simona), the following directions should help :-

Move right; move forward 7 times; then move right; and finally move forward. }}

*****  Look at the knife.

*****  Pick it up!

*****  Exit the Herb garden area and go to the map; from there, go to Solvig Liedberg?s house.

[ 11 ] Solvig Liedberg?s House {3rd visit}

*****  Enter the front door, go upstairs, enter the sitting room and go to the display cabinet with glass panels.

*****  Click on the display cabinet? it moves and there?s something behind it.

*****  Knock on the wall behind the display cabinet? sounds like there?s something there.

    You?ve done all this (so far) before? at the end of [ 8 ].

*****  From inventory, use the knife to tear the wallpaper behind the display cabinet.

*****  That?s not sufficient.  From inventory, use the knife again.  A (secret) door is revealed behind the display cabinet.

*****  Open this door.

*****  Enter the secret room.

*****  Look at the books on the table there.

*****  Read a bit about some early Swedish forays (before even the German Nazis) into ?Eugenics: Practices in Racial Biology?, authored by Herman Lundborg.

*****  Go to the left.  There?s something to do there, but at present you can?t see anything there? it?s pitch dark!

*****  Leave the secret room, go downstairs, exit the house and its grounds? onto the map, and see the new location which has appeared.

*****  Go to the Library.

[ 12 ] The Library  {1st visit}  

*****  Go forward to the computer.

*****  Open the computer? by clicking the keyboard or the mouse. 

*****  Read up about ?The Institute of Racial Biology? and learn more about the man who headed it, the abovementioned Herman Lundborg.

*****  Leave the computer. 

*****  Exit the Library? onto the map, and return to Solvig Liedberg?s house.

[ 13 ] Solvig Liedberg?s House {4th visit} 

*****  Go to the front door.  Somebody has been there.

*****  Look at and read a note which has recently been attached to the front door.

*****  Take the key that is attached to the note.

*****  Remove the note.  Carol remarks, ?She stuck the paper to the door with chewing gum?.

*****  Take the chewing gum.

*****  Go to the padlocked hut very close to the front door.

*****  From inventory, use the key you just obtained to open the door to the hut.

*****  Enter the hut.

*****  Look around the hut and take the flashlight from the shelf there.

*****  Exit the hut.

*****  Go to the (open) shed? it is near to the front gate of Solvig Liedberg?s house and to a dumpster nearby.

*****  Enter the shed.

*****  Look around the shed and take the 2 batteries from a bench there.

*****  In inventory, load the flashlight with the batteries to obtain a ?working flashlight?.

*****  Enter the front door to Solvig Liedberg?s house, go upstairs and open the secret room? see [ 8 ].

*****  Go to the left.  It?s (still) pitch dark and you can?t see anything there.

*****  From inventory, use your ?working flashlight?.

*****  Go to the right.

*****  On the table, to the left of the Eugenics book is a 1944 newspaper... look at it.

*****  Explore the (now lit) secret room.

*****  Look at 3 sheets of white papers entitled ?Autobiography notes?.

*****  Read what?s written there? ?Memoirs of Dietrich Gunter?.

*****  You?ll probably hear some creaking noised and you are quite likely to come across a ?down-arrow? revealing a carpet.  If you do and move (click on) the carpet, you?ll see some floorboards.  You evidently have to do something with these floorboards, but you can?t do ANYTHING with them at present? you?ll have to return later!

*****  Leave the secret room, go downstairs, exit the house and its grounds? onto the map, and go to the Library.

[ 14 ] The Library  {2nd visit}

*****  Go forward to the computer.

*****  Open the computer? by clicking the keyboard or the mouse. 

*****  This time, access  ?Dietrich Gunter?.  You obtain the front page of a very old newspaper dated ?Thursday, May 3, 1945?.

*****  Highlight the extreme left hand column, ?German official found dead in lake?.

*****  Read it carefully.  Hah ! ? the plot thickens !!

*****  click the right arrow and you obtain the front page of another very old newspaper dated ?Friday, May4, 1945?.

*****  This time, highlight the extreme right hand column, ?Body in lake: Still no lead?.

*****  Read that also with care.  Hah ! ? the plot thickens even more !!

*****  Exit the computer. 

*****  Leave the Library? onto the map, and see the new location which has appeared.

*****  Go to Mona Redvall?s house.

[ 15 ] Mona Redvall  {1st visit}

*****  In order to enter the house you first have to open the numerical keypad.

*****  Solve the keypad puzzle!

*****  Look at the keypad.  Carol says ?It seems like someone with dirty hands has been using this?.

*****  Further scrutiny of the keypad reveals that 4 of the 12 buttons are somewhat dirty.  These are apparently the 4 buttons that have to be pressed in order to open the entrance gate.

*****  There are 2 ways of solving this (very easy) puzzle:-

[i]    By pressing the ?By Pass? button at the top right corner of your screen.  However, if you do this, you?ll forfeit your 5 stars at the end of the game!

    [ii]   There are 4! = factorial 4 = 24 permutations of the 4 different buttons.  There are no further clues and so the only way is to try them all preferably using some ?system?.  If you are terribly lucky you might succeed at your very first attempt? but if you are abnormally unlucky, it COULD take you 24 tries!

      This may seem a bit tedious but actually it is very easy.  Since pressing the 4 buttons, failing, and starting again takes probably less the 10 seconds, the worst case scenario can only take 3 or 4 minutes !

      If even this is too frustrating, the correct sequence is 1; 9; 2; 0.

*****  When you succeed, the green indicator at the top left corner lights up.

*****  Open the gate and enter the house.

*****  Talk to Mona and exhaust all topics.

*****  Exit to the map, and go to the Herb Garden.

[ 16 ] The Herb Garden  {2nd visit}

 *****  At the side of the river is a small comfortable looking construction apparently designed for fishermen.  Find it!

*****  Look at the fishing rod which somebody has (conveniently) left there.

{{ You may have some difficulty in locating this fishing rod.  If you DO have trouble, the following directions should help :-

At this stage of the game, as opposed to your previous visit there, when you enter the Herb Garden from the map you are now ?deposited? at the gate of ?The Gatekeeper?s Lodge Herb Garden? (although the whole of the Herb Garden is accessible)!

From there :- Move right; then move forward 5 times; then move half-right; then move forward 6 times; then move right; and finally move forward. }}

*****  Look at the fishing rod.

*****  Take it,

*****  Exit to the map, and go to the Museum of Design.

[ 17 ] The Museum of Design  {2nd visit} 

*****  Do NOT enter the museum !

*****  Instead, move once forward {{ half-left/half-forward }} onto the bridge to the left of the entrance to the museum.

*****  Search for and find a glittering object? ?That looks like a token of some kind?.

{{ This glittering object may be a little difficult to find!  If you have trouble, the following directions should help :-

Move forward 7 times; then right; then move forward; and finally move left. }}

*****  Take the glittering object? You can?t, you need something to get to it.

*****  From inventory, use the primitive fishing rod to get the glittering object? Still no good!? ?It won't stick to the hook?.

*****  In inventory, stick the chewing gum onto the end of the primitive fishing rod (or vice versa), and you obtain a ?Fishing rod with chewing gum?.

*****  From inventory, you can now use the ?Fishing rod with chewing gum? to acquire the glittering object.

*****  Look at it? it is indeed a token!

*****  Return to the entrance to the museum.

*****  Enter the museum.

*****  Go to the computer terminal? see [ 7 ].

*****  Look closely at the slot in the terminal.

*****  From inventory, insert the token into the slot.

*****  Read some more details about the recognized Swedish architect, Carl Bergsten.

*****  Look at photographs of  3 of the buildings that he designed in Norrkfping (and in particular the third building).

*****  Exit the Museum of Design.  On the map see the new location which has appeared.  Go to this location, the St. Olof School.

[ 18 ] The St. Olof School  {1st visit} 

*****  Walk around outside the school and find the janitor (at work).

{{ If you have trouble finding the janitor, the following directions should help :-

Move forward; then move right; then move forward twice; then move right twice; then move forward 4 times; then move right and finally move forward. }}

*****  Talk to the janitor and exhaust all topics of conversation. 

*****  He tells Carol that she?ll ??.?.. have to come back later? since he?s ???? quite busy at the moment?.

*****  Exit St. Olof School and go to the map; from there, return to Carol?s Home.

[ 19 ] Home  {2nd visit}

*****  Enter the kitchen.

*****  Look at the phone on the counter.

*****  Use the phone to talk to Solvig (you only need to click on the phone in close-up and you get connected).

*****  Amongst other matters, Solvig mentions a strange clock (she means a pocket ?watch?) and a key that she mislaid! 

    She mentions that the ?clock? is ??? in the left drawer in the chest of drawers in the living room?.  She also informs Carol that apropos the missing key, ?I must have dropped it somewhere to the left of the front door?.

*****  Exit the kitchen and Carol?s home and go to the map; from there, go to Solvig Liedberg?s house.

[ 20 ] Solvig Liedberg?s House {5th visit}

 *****  Go to the front door of  Solvig Liedberg?s house? but don?t enter.

*****  Look closely at the shrubbery on the ground to the left of the front door.

*****  Look down at the grass.  Seems there?s something to do there, but you don?t appear to be able to do anything? yet!

*****  Exit Solvig Liedberg?s house, onto the map, and go to Katarina.

[ 21 ] Katarina (Vogel {3rd visit}

*****  Talk to Katarina and ask her for a favour? she readily agrees.

*****  Carol is (automatically) transported to Katarina?s son?s room.

[ 22 ] Katarina?s son?s room  {1st visit}

*****  Walk forward and look at the orange coloured box.  You presumably will have to open it!

*****  Solve the orange coloured box puzzle!

*****  There are 2 ways of solving this puzzle:-

[i]    By pressing the ?By Pass? button at the top right corner of your screen.  However, if you do this, you?ll forfeit your 5 stars at the end of the game!

    [ii]   Examine the orange coloured box and note that there are six buttons of different colours, and when pressed, each one emits a different musical note. 

*****  To the left of the window is a computer.  Take a good look at it.

*****  There are a couple of computer game boxes to the right of the computer.  Take a good look at them.

*****  Move the top box (?The Dark Eye?).

*****  Take a good look at the yellow Post-it on the ?Jack Orlando? game box beneath it.

*****  Note what?s written there.

 *****  Return to the orange coloured box.

*****  In a partly open drawer beneath the orange coloured box is a booklet entitled ?Guitar Basics?.  Examine it.

*****  Look at the ?First Lesson? and see the musical note-notation (D, A, E  &   G, B, E) of the guitar.

*****  Go to the right of the window and take a good look at the guitar there.

*****  Pluck the 6 strings of the guitar and listen to the musical notes emitted!

*****  Proceed and solve the orange coloured box puzzle.

Despite the above description, the solution to the above puzzle may not be obvious, so if you are really stumped and want spoilers, here they are :-

(a)          The bottom of the Post-it reads ??? Box:  A - D ? G.

(b)         The ?First Lesson? of  ?Guitar Basics? shows that the notes A -  D - G are created by the strings of the guitar from left to right ? the second, the third and the fourth.

(c)          Pluck the strings of the guitar in the order from left to right ? the second, the third and the fourth, and memorize the ?tune?.

(d)         Reproduce that ?tune? on the orange coloured box by pressing the 3 appropriate coloured buttons.

(e)          The buttons which have to be pressed on the orange coloured box from left to right (in order to reproduce the abovementioned tune) are :- #1 (blue);  #6 (yellow);  and #4 (green).

*****  When you?ve solved the puzzle, you?ll hear a ?click?? open the handle and see the metal detector inside.

*****  Take the metal detector.

*****  Exit Katarina?s son?s room and go to the map; from there, go to Solvig Liedberg?s house.

[ 23 ] Solvig Liedberg?s House {6th visit}

 *****  Go to the front door of  Solvig Liedberg?s house? but don?t enter (yet!).

*****  Look closely at the shrubbery on the ground to the left of the front door.

*****  Look down at the grass.

*****  From inventory, use the metal detector on the grass.

*****  Eureka!  You?ve found the missing key.

*****  Grab the key.

*****  Enter the front door of Solvig Liedberg?s house.

*****  In one of the living rooms on the ground floor there is a chest of drawers with a  smiling colour shot of a guy in the middle of it.  Go to this chest of drawers!

[[  N.B.  The author of this walkthrough was amazed to see his face in the game.  Unknown to him, the Developers had {innocently} fished out a fairly rare photo of Len Green on the internet. 

    It was taken 17 years ago when he was then a young man of only 65 years old, on the occasion of his mother?s 90th birthday !  :~)  ]]

{{ If you have trouble finding that chest of drawers, the following directions should help :-

Immediately after entering the front door? Move forward; then move left; then move forward; move right; then move forward twice; then move right twice; and finally move forward. }}

*****  Look closely at the left drawer of the chest of drawers.

*****  From inventory, use the key (from the grass) on the keyhole of that left drawer.

*****  Open the drawer.

*****  Look at the pocket watch inside the drawer.

*****  You can ?use? this pocket watch a little? but not significantly (yet!!).

*****  Exit the living room and Solvig Liedberg?s house.  Using the map, go to the Herb Garden.

[ 24 ] The Herb Garden  {3rd visit}

*****  Open the gate and go to the gardener (who?s enjoying himself fishing)!

{{ I doubt that there can be much trouble finding the gardener (who has moved) this time, but in case there is, after opening the gate simply move forward 4 times. }}

*****  Look at and then speak to the gardener? ask about a crowbar!

*****  Exhaust all topics with the gardener.

*****  Leave the gardener and exit the gate to the ?The Gatekeeper?s Lodge Herb Garden?.

*****  In front of you is a river? Look at it.

*****  Inside inventory, attach the metal detector to the fishing rod (or vice versa).

*****  From inventory, use the ?fishing rod with metal detector? on the river? in the close-up on the right side of the screen.

*****  You fish out a crowbar? Grab it!

*****  Leave the Herb Garden. You can?t leave? ?I don?t think I should take the crowbar without asking?!

*****  Open the gate again and go to the gardener.

*****  Talk to him and offer to do him a favour.  He would like a branch of Salvinia auriculata? ?It?s a plant that grows in water?; ?They have a magnificent Salvinia in the Water Garden in Marieborg?.

*****  Exit the Herb Garden and go to the map; from there, return to Carol?s Home.

[ 25 ] Home  {3rd visit}

*****  Enter the kitchen and look around for a cupboard (if you haven?t already done so!).

*****  Open the cupboard.

*****  Look and take a drinking glass from the cupboard.

*****  Look at the taps beneath the cupboard.

*****  From inventory, fill the drinking glass with water from the taps.

*****  (The following 3 actions are not essential, but you may want to do them anyhow). 

*****  Look at the greenery (basil) at the bottom of the kitchen window.

*****  From inventory, use the drinking glass with water to freshen up the basil.

*****  If you do this however, you will have to refill the glass with water (as above).

*****  Leave the kitchen and Carol?s home.  Go to the map; from there, go to a location that you haven?t visited before? the Water Garden.

[ 26 ] The Water Garden  {1st visit}

*****  Enter the door to the Water Garden.

*****  Look for the Salvinia auriculata?  see [ 24 ].

{{ You shouldn?t have any serious trouble finding the Salvinia auriculata, but if you do, the following directions will take you there :-

Immediately after entering the door? Move right; then move forward 4 times; finally move right again. }}

*****  Find the Salvinia auriculata and look closely at it.

*****  Take some Salvinia auriculata.

*****  In inventory, put the Salvinia auriculata into the drinking glass of water (N.B.  The reverse works as well !).

Important note :-  If you fail to put the Salvinia auriculata into the glass of water, you will have trouble when you re-enter the Herb Harden.

*****  Exit the Water Garden and use the map to return to the Herb Garden.

 [ 27 ] The Herb Garden  {4th visit}

*****  Note :- If you forgot to place the Salvinia auriculata into the drinking glass of water (in inventory), then when you return into the Herb Garden it will have shrivelled and died.

          Take care :-  In the abovementioned case, you cannot get ?fresh? Salvinia auriculata until you have got rid of the dead stuff? which you can only do by handing it to the gardener!

          You then have to return to the Water Garden, get a fresh specimen of Salvinia auriculata as in [ 26 ], and this time do not forget to put it into the drinking glass of water (in inventory).

*****  Return to the gardener.

*****  Talk to him.

*****  From inventory, hand him the Salvinia auriculata? IN the drinking glass of water.

*****  That?s fine!  He now gives Carol the crowbar.

*****  Exit the Herb Garden and go to the map; from there, go to Solvig Liedberg?s house.

[ 28 ] Solvig Liedberg?s House {7th visit}

*****  Walk upstairs, into the sitting room, move the cabinet, enter the secret room, and go to the floorboards? see [ 13 ].

*****  From inventory, use the crowbar on the floorboards.

*****  There are 2 items concealed there? examine them.

*****  On the right is a box with the 4 letters ?J; U; G; O?.

*****  You can alter these letters by clicking on them? but nothing will come of that (as yet!).

*****  At the lower left corner is a letter from Elisabeth to Dietrich.  Read it very carefully.

*****  Now exit the floorboards, the secret room and the upstairs sitting room.  Go down the stairs to the left drawer of the chest of drawers in the downstairs living room? see [ 23 ].

*****  Open the drawer.

*****  Look at the pocket watch inside the drawer.

*****  You can ?use? this pocket watch (you may have tried earlier without success? but now you CAN utilize it)!

*****  Solve the pocket watch puzzle!

*****  There are 3 ways of solving this puzzle:-

[i]    By pressing the ?By Pass? button at the top right corner of your screen.  However, if you do this, you?ll forfeit your 5 stars at the end of the game!

    [ii]    You can solve this puzzle by ?brute force?, i.e. try every combination until you get the ?correct? one.  This however not to be recommended since there are 31 x 12 = 372 permutations.

    [iii]    Find an easy way of solving this puzzle!

*****  Press the top left knob on the pocket watch and run through all the numbers you obtain on the bottom left small ?window?.

*****  Press the top right knob on the pocket watch and run through all the numbers you obtain on the bottom right small ?window?.

*****  Taking into consideration that this is a watch, do these numbers signify any common everyday feature?  They appear to represent the maximum number of days per month, and the  number of months per year.

*****  Is this a European pocket watch or an American one (What significance does this have)?  It is a European watch, and hence the days of the month always appear to the LEFT of the months of the year!

*****  Where have you seen something that may have a bearing on the above?  In the (abovementioned) letter from Elisabeth to Dietrich are 2 dates.

 *****  Now you ought to be able to solve this first part of the pocket watch puzzle.  If however you still have troubles, here is the spoiler solution:- 

There are 2 dates written in that letter? the date the letter was written i.e. 15/2/1945, and the ?expected-birth? date of  16/9/1945.  You can try them both? but it is the latter more memorable date that you need; i.e. obtain the numbers, from left to right, 16 &  9.

*****  Enter the appropriate numbers.

*****  Click on the curved arrow and observe the back of the pocket watch.

*****  Open the back of the pocket watch, and see the 3 x 3 matrix of 9 golden coloured squares.

*****  Click on these squares? some disappear and some are ?replaced?.  The object is to remove them all.

*****  Solve the 9 golden coloured squares puzzle!

*****  There are 2 ways of solving this puzzle:-

[i]    By pressing the ?By Pass? button at the top right corner of your screen.  However, if you do this, you?ll forfeit your 5 stars at the end of the game!

    [ii]    You can solve this puzzle by simple trial and error;  i.e. click different squares and observe the results until you get the ?correct? one.  It is not difficult and you generally do not have to click many times.

    If however you need one of the quickest/shortest solutions, do as follows:

Starting at the bottom left corner and calling the rows  from bottom to top ?A?; ?B?; ?C?, and the columns from left to right ?1?; ?2?; ?3?,  ??? click on ?A2?; ?C3?, ?C2?, ?C1?,  and finally ?B3?. 

*****  When you have done this, you obtain the smiling graphic of a toddler.

*****  Click on the graphic and you reveal the mechanism of the pocket watch with a note inserted at the bottom.

*****  Click on the note and you get the original photo of the child.

[[  N.B.  The Developers needed a photo of a 2 year old toddler.  The author of this walkthrough provided a satisfactory one of his 2nd child taken 47? years ago aged a little over 1? years old!  :~)  ]]

*****  Underneath photo is the name of the watchmaker/jeweller who manufactured the pocket watch? ?LANGERS ~ Jewellery & Watches?.

*****  Close and leave the watch and the drawer.  Leave the living room and Solvig Liedberg?s house, and go to the map; from there, return to Carol?s Home.

 [ 29 ] Home {4th visit}

*****  Go to the kitchen.

*****  In the kitchen, open the telephone book and see the address of Solvig Liedberg? you have done this before; see [ 1].

*****  Examine the phone book and notice that a new address has been added to that of Solvig Liedberg, i.e. that of ?Langers Gold?.

*****  Exit the kitchen and Carol?s house onto the map and go to a new location, i.e. Langers Gold shop.

[ 30 ] Langers Gold {1st visit}

*****  Enter the shop.

*****  Talk to the proprietor and exhaust all topics of conversation.

*****  The owner finds and produces a 57 year old stock-card with a copy of the photo of the child as found in the pocket watch?  see [ 28].

*****  Take the stock-card.

*****  In inventory, use the magnifying glass to enlarge the stock-card.

*****  In this magnified version, flip over the child?s photo.

*****  Read the inscription on the back of the photo? ?Adam Quilting, 2 years?.

*****  Exit Langers Gold onto the map and go to Carol?s home.

[ 31 ] Home {5th visit}

*****  Go to the kitchen.

*****  In the kitchen, open the telephone book and observe the address of Adam Quilting? you have done this twice before; see [ 1] and [ 29].

*****  Exit the kitchen and Carol?s house onto the map and go to a new location, i.e. Adam Quilting?s house.

[ 32 ] Adam Quilting {1st visit}

*****  Go to the front door and ring the bell.

*****  Enter the house.

*****  Talk to Adam Quilting and exhaust all topics and important revelations!

*****  Adam asks Carol to get him some Pepsi from the kitchen (he?s hurt his leg).

*****  Go to the kitchen.

*****  Open the refrigerator.

*****  Take the can of Pepsi.

*****  Return to Adam? in close-up.

*****  Adam offers Carol a photo of his father.

*****  Take that photo (and give Adam his Pepsi).

*****  In inventory, turn the photo over and read the inscription on the back? ?To Elsy and Arthur; Dietrich?.

*****  Exit Adam Quilting?s and go to the map; from there, go to Solvig Liedberg?s house.

[ 33 ] Solvig Liedberg?s House {8th visit}

*****  As Carol approaches the front door she hears suspicious footsteps.

*****  As she enters the front door she sees and hears the back door slam shut? intruder??

*****  Exit the back door (use the door handle).

*****  Look around the garden for the interloper? no luck, ?Whoever it was seems to have gotten away pretty fast?.

*****  Re-enter the front door.

*****  Walk upstairs, into the sitting room, move the cabinet, enter the secret room, and go to the opened floorboards? see [ 28 ].

*****  Look again at the box with the 4 letters ?J; U; G; O?.

*****  As you probably saw previously, you can alter these letters by clicking on them? and now they serve an important purpose.

*****  Solve the ?JUGO? box puzzle.

      You have to click on the 4 lettered buttons until you get the correct configuration!

*****  There are 3 ways of solving this puzzle:-

[i]    By pressing the ?By Pass? button at the top right corner of your screen.  However, if you do this, you?ll forfeit your 5 stars at the end of the game!

    [ii]    You can solve this puzzle by ?brute force?, i.e. try every combination until you get the ?correct? one.  This however is very likely to be terribly tedious since there are 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 256 permutations.

   [iii]  The solution to this puzzle is hinted at in [ 32 ] .  If you didn?t make a note of this, the photo is still in your inventory!

      If you are really stumped and want a spoiler, the correct sequence is :- E,L,S,Y  (N.B.  This name, short for Elisabeth, was on the back of the photo of Dietrich Gunter)!

*****  Just click anywhere on the box and it opens up.

*****  On the left, read the letter and the plaintive poem (? and incidentally notice why the game is called ?Time STAND Still?  rather than the more usual ?Time stands still?!).

*****  Look at the yellow envelope on the right and open it.

*****  Inside the envelope is a sheet of paper with a small maze printed on it.  You quite possibly have an item in inventory with which to fill in the maze.  If not you?ll have to acquire something suitable!

*****  Leave the floorboards and the secret room, and go downstairs.

*****  Mona Redvall has entered the house to pick up some tools.

*****  Talk to Mona and ask her about the car she saw racing away from Solvig?s house.

*****  Apparently ??? it was a small car and it had the name ?Equinox? painted all over one side?!

*****  Exit Solvig Liedberg?s house, onto the map? and go to the St. Olof School.

[ 34 ] The St. Olof School  {2nd visit}

 *****  The janitor is now working at the front of the school.  Talk to him and exhaust all topics of conversation.

*****  He gives Carol a brown envelope ??.?.. it was hidden behind a drawer and it fell out by itself ??... ?.

*****  Take the envelope.

*****  Examine the (torn and apparently old) envelope in inventory.  It contains a very important ?strange card? and a significant note from Dietrich.

*****  Enter the school.

*****  On one of the benches alongside the entrance is a pencil.

*****  Grab it!

*****  Exit St. Olof School and go to the map; from there, return to Carol?s Home.

[ 35 ] Solvig Liedberg?s House {9th visit}

*****  Enter the front door.

*****  Walk upstairs, into the sitting room, move the cabinet, enter the secret room, access the opened floorboards, the ?JUGO? box and envelope, and look at the maze? see [ 33 ].

*****  Solve the maze puzzle.

*****  There are 2 ways of solving this puzzle:-

[i]    By pressing the ?By Pass? button at the top right corner of your screen.  However, if you do this, you?ll forfeit your 5 stars at the end of the game!

    [ii]  Now that you have a pencil, simply fill in the appropriate squares of the maze from its entrance-arrow to its exit-arrow.

    If you make a mistake, simply click on pencilled-in squares and an eraser immediately deletes the offending squares!

      If you are really stumped and need help, the solution is as follows:-

( N.B.  I could easily insert a screenshot here, but it would almost certainly be seen, and that would spoil the puzzle totally for those who don?t want to see it completed! )

    Starting at the bottom left corner and calling the rows from bottom to top ?A? thro? ?N?, and the columns from left to right ?1? thro? ?15?:-

     Click on ?B-1? thro? ?B-6?;   ?C-6? thro? ?I-6?;    ?I-7? & ?I-8?;   ?J-8? & ?K-8?;   ?K-7? thro? ?K-5?;   ?L-5? & ?L-4?;   ?M-4? thro? ?M-2?;   ?N-2? thro? ?N-8?;   ?M-8? & ?M-9?;   ?L-9? thro? ?I-9?;   ?I-10? thro? ?B-10?;   ?B-11? thro? ?B-13?;   ?C-13? & ?D-13?;   ?D-14? & ?D-15?;   ?C-15? & ?B-15?.  

    When you click on the bottom right corner square (A-15), the whole bottom line fills in and the maze is completed!

*****  When the maze is completed successfully, take a good look at it and it becomes an indelible graphic of a common object.

*****  Carol exclaims ?Now, what does THAT look like??.  There is one very close by? a single candle in a holder.

*****  Leave the floorboards, but not the secret room.

*****  The object you are seeking is very close by.

*****  Go to it and tip it upside down.

*****  You obtain a crude hand drawn sketch of a clock.

*****  Look at this clock carefully? you may have seen clocks shaped like this before?! (N.B.  The hands of this roughly drafted clock point to 6:35.  This may or may not have some significance?!).

*****  When you?ve finished looking at the drawing, an intricate key has been uncovered.

*****  Grab it!

*****  Leave the secret room and the living room.   Go downstairs and exit Solvig Liedberg?s house.  From the map go to Katarina?s.

[ 36 ] Katarina (Vogel {4th visit}  

*****  Enter Katarina?s.

*****  Ask her ?Do you know of anything called ?Equinox? around here??.

*****  ?There is a New Age bookstore down the road with that name?.

*****  Leave Katarina.  On the map see the new location which has appeared.  Go to this location, ?Equinox?.

[ 37 ] Equinox {1st visit} 

*****  Enter the New Age shop and talk to the owner.

*****  Complete all discussions with him.

*****  Exit ?Equinox? onto the map and go to Adam Quilting?s house.

[ 38 ] Adam Quilting {2nd visit}

*****  Enter Adam?s house.

*****  ( N.B.  It?s quite likely that you will have performed this step before, and hence this will now be completely redundant ).

If you have NOT performed the aforementioned step, you cannot get to see Adam.  You CAN however enter the kitchen.

 Take a close-up look at the blue mug on the counter next to the modern looking stove? It has the logo ?Equinox? inscribed upon it.

You can NOW enter the living room!

*****  Talk to Adam Quilting.  In particular ask if he has a picture of his adoptive brother.

    ?There is one in a frame in the kitchen.  Just go ahead and look at it?.

*****  Go into the kitchen and look at the photograph in close-up.  (This is not absolutely essential for continuing the game? but it is of great interest to the narrative!).

*****  To the right of the kitchen window is a red clock.  It IS essential to look at that, in close-up!

*****  Return to Adam; ?Can I take a closer look at that red clock in the kitchen??.

*****  Return to the kitchen.

*****  Take a close look at the red clock.

*****  Open the transparent clock front covering.

*****  From inventory, use the intricate key on either of the holes in the clock face.

*****  Click on the clock face.  Hey!  The hands jump to 6:35? see [ 35 ].

*****  Close the clock front covering.

*****  Pan down and see an ornamental lid at the bottom of the clock.

*****  Click on it and it opens up revealing part of the mechanism of the clock.

*****  Look at this in close-up.

*****  Click there and you obtain a white document.

*****  Take it.

*****  Look at it? it is a map of some sort.

*****  Exit the kitchen and Adam Quilting?s house.  From the map go to the kiosk.

[ 39 ] The Kiosk (Stina)  {4th visit} 

*****  Enter the kiosk.

*****  Talk to Stina ?Can you make out anything from this map??.

*****  ?It?s a large quay.  It must be by the docks?.

*****  Finish talking to Stina.

*****  Exit the kiosk onto the map and see the new location which has appeared? Go to the docks.

[ 40 ] The Docks  {1st visit} 

*****  In inventory, put the ?strange card? onto the ?map from clock? (or vice versa).

*****  In inventory, look at the ?decoded map?.  The large red cross seems to be where Carol is at present.  The small blue cross on a bridge appears to be where she needs to make for!

*****  Go forward to this bridge.

{{ It shouldn?t be too much trouble finding the bridge since it?s straight ahead, but in case there is, just move forward 10 times. }}

*****  Look at the bridge? notice the ?C2? marked upon it!

*****  In inventory look at the decoded map? in close-up.

*****  Click on it? something important happens and Carol exclaims ?That must be the spot?!

*****  There?s apparently something important (outlined in red on the decoded map; it seems like some sort of pylon!).  Go to it.

{{ You may have considerable difficulty finding this pylon.  If you have trouble, the following directions should help :-

First continue forwards from the bridge 4 times and exit the docks onto the map.  Then re-enter the docks, and starting from there :-

    Move forward 4 times; then move left; then move forward 4 times again; then move right; then move forward 6 times; then move left; then move forward twice; then move right; and finally move forward twice again. }}

*****  Look closely at the pylon.  Then look again closely, particularly at its base.

*****  Look at the shrubbery on the ground around the pylon.

    Carol exclaims ?Now, where have I seen something to dig with ??.

    So it seems that there?s something buried in the ground there.

    But you can?t get at it (yet!).

*****  Exit the whole docks area.

{{ You may have difficulties in exiting?  Or you may have none at all??

    In actual fact you only have to move once to the left of the pylon, and a VERY convenient exit has been provided there. }}

[ 41 ] Solvig Liedberg?s House {10th visit}

*****  Enter the front gate, but this time don?t enter the house itself!

*****  Go to the (open) shed? it is near to the front gate of Solvig Liedberg?s house and to a dumpster nearby.

*****  Enter the shed.

*****  Look around the shed and take the shovel (N.B.  It was never ?available? before!).

*****  Exit Solvig Liedberg?s house to the map, and go to the docks again.

[ 42 ] The Docks  {2nd visit}

*****  Go directly to the pylon? see [ 40 ].

{{ You may AGAIN have considerable difficulty finding this pylon.  If you have trouble, the following directions (once again) should help :-

    From the map-entrance to the docks :~

    Move forward 4 times; then move left; then move forward 4 times again; then move right; then move forward 6 times; then move left; then move forward twice; then move right; and finally move forward twice again. }}

*****  Look closely at the pylon.

*****  Look at the shrubbery on the ground around the pylon.

*****  From inventory, use the shovel on the shrubbery.  This uncovers a patch of bare ground.

*****  From inventory, use the shovel again on the ground.  This unearths a brown object.

*****  From inventory, use the shovel a third time on the brown object.  It is rectangular in shape and looks like the lid of a box.

*****  Lift up the box (i.e. Click on it) ???

*****  ??? and open it (i.e. Again, click on it).

*****  Inside are a number of objets d?art.

       Touch one and the newspaper clipping relates how the ?Local sleuth solves 60 year old mystery.?


See the short finale, observe the credits (including the author of this walkthrough? ?Creative consultant?!) ??? and look forward to another Carol Reed mystery in the reasonably near future!  :~)




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