Exit Chasers
Talk to Ruth about writing the
report. Exit scene to agents office.
Look at desks.
Go to cork board far end of office
take note of phone numbers;
Boss 555 410 850
Ruth 555 484 100
Nick 555 391 250
Go through door to mezzanine right
of the coat stand. Go to the stack
of boxes in foreground and take
printer paper. Notice the ladder.
Go back to the agents office to the
printer on Ruth’s desk. Open the
feeder drawer and insert printer
paper from inventory. Close feeder
drawer. Exit printer scene.
Using your PDA first option
telephone symbol type in Nick’s
number from notice board and press
handset symbol (bottom right) -
no-ones answering. Talk to Ruth
again. Say you cant reach Nick -
Ruth says she hasn’t heard from him
all week and that James was doing
his paperwork for him. Ruth has a
new telephone contact number for
Nick and says she’ll email it to
Nicole. Go back to agents office to
the first desk. Check PC screen for
Nick’s new number .
Nick 555 473 049
Call Nick on PDA using new number.
Back arrow on PDA screen to delete
previous number and enter new one.
Get answer machine.
Immediately receive an SMS on PDA
from Nick
Close PDA screen
Click PC keyboard to write report.
Click on PC screen to print report.
Goto printer and lift printed report
from tray. Go through front office
and into Chaser’s office.
Give Chaser report.
Chaser wants Nicole off the case and
gives her a new assignment with
Nick. Talk to Chaser completely
about new case.
Brief cut scenes
Chaser gives Nicole a sketch of the
possible weapon.
Nicole says she’ll check out the
museum for sacrificial and cult
info. Leave Chaser’s office. Talk to
Ruth she mentions the porter at the
museum has been peddling powder
according to Nick.
Goto agents office - mezzanine -
down stairs to lower level - out
door to street.
Outside FBI offices
Got black car RHS of screen enter
car . See map on passenger seat .
Click on location hotspot (photo of
museum of pre-columbian art). Arrive
at museum . Enter.
Talk to porter behind reception desk
and ask to see Director Warren.
Enter the exhibition room. Warren
approaches . Talk completely. Look
at the cabinets - no match for your
dagger. Goto mummy display take fire
extinguisher on right. Exit main
exhibition room.
Talk to Porter he gives you Warrens
number : 555 362 691
Call Warren on PDA - he’s switched
off his phone . Persuade Porter (!)
to let you look in storage.
Go down stairs right of Porter to
Dark. Open light switch casing .
Switch the two blue switches to red
. Goto shelves left screen and pick
up heavy flight case. Open case in
inventory by clicking on it. - a
portable x-ray scanner. Go back to
light switch casing fix switches to:
Blue red
Exit casing.
Pick up rubber dinghy in newly lit top left hand screen . Go back to light switch casing. Set switches to:
Blue red
The area is now lit to enter the furthest part of storage.
See poster and cabinet on central column. Go to crates against back wall. Cant open the crate in front as its too heavy use x-ray scanner on crate and see statues/vases . What’s in the other crates ? Back out of screen.
Use dinghy on gaps between crates and use fire extinguisher on dinghy to inflate and push first crate forward. Use x-ray device on larger crate. Aha sets of knives and one’s missing ! Back out of screen.
Goto light casing and set the switches to all red. Put x-ray scanner back in flight case in inventory and replace case back on shelf.
Go back to Porter and ask for an inventory see one of the knives is missing from their inventory list. Go to leave museum Porter asks if you left everything in order.
Once outside receive another SMS from Nick, reporting another murder this time on Staten Island. Close PDA and get in car. New location hotspot
Stockbrokers Villa
Talk to policeman at gate of villa. Enter villa.
Look at coffee table directly in front of you. Two glasses of whiskey ? Can’t pick up newspaper as it might be evidence. Hmmm the chair to the right is pushed too far back. Push it closer to the table and back out of screen. See and pick up a business card that was concealed by the chairs previous position. Exit left to Annexe. Take umbrella from coatstand. Exit Annexe and goto pool table.
Pick up the blue ball. Try inserting the ball in each of the pockets of the pool table. Its gets stuck in the middle pocket of the right hand side of the table. Click on the umbrella in inventory to get a spoke. Use the spoke on the pocket to free the ball. A figurine head is dispatched with the ball pick it up.
Exit house say goodnight to policeman and get in car to go home.
Cut scene - a creeper in your house during the night
DAY 2 FBI headquarters
Lower level go to evidence deposit room to leave the figurine head in. the door wont open without a magnetic key card. Goto Ruth. See dirty footprints in the agents office and blame Nick. Goto Ruth’s desk and pick up magnetic key card. Talk to Ruth about Nick having been there.
Check Nicole’s desk - there’s a work of origami that wasn’t there yesterday. Pick it up and click on it in inventory to open. It’s a map of city showing murder spot.
Report to Chaser- go to his office. After updating Chaser he order’s Nicole to go back to the museum to question Warren further. Tell Chaser about business card. Leave Chaser’s office.
Chaser office - agents office- mezzanine level - lower level - evidence deposit.
Use magnetic key card on door and enter room. Place the figurine head on the deposit shelf. Right click on business card to get Branford’s number : 555 455 150
It’ll now appear in the PDA address book. Just click on required contact in address book now to phone. Phone Branford - no reply. Phone Warren arrange to meet him and Branford at museum. Leave FBI buildings and go to museum.
Enter - exhibition room.
Talk to Warren completely. Go to meet Branford right of Warren “orangery”
Talk to Branford - Warren wasn’t telling the truth about his whereabouts the previous evening. Talk to Branford completely.
Go back to the exhibition room. Look at the display of the two golden figurines directly in front of you. One of their heads is missing - this could be the head Nicole found at the villa. Nicole needs to get permission from Warren to take statue to see if it’s a match. Warren wants paperwork or official permission before he will release figurine. Go to FBI offices
FBI offices
Enter - go upstairs to Ruth.
Talk to Ruth. Go to storage room at far end of agent’s offices to the right of the cork notice board. Take the form from the shelves. Exit storage room and go to Ruth. Give form to Ruth. Go to Chaser and talk completely. Go back to Ruth and pick up completed form off Ruth’s desk. Leave FBI offices and go to museum.
Enter- exhibition room
Give papers to Warren. Warren tells Nicole the porter will help her get the figurine from display case. Go and tell porter. Go back to exhibition room and open the display case door and remove figurine. Notice the light on the front of the display case has changed from green to flashing red. We have to replace the weight of the figurine in the display case.
Go to the orangery to the three vases in the foreground. Take the skull vase on right. Go left to bag of soil and take handful of soil. Combine soil and vase in inventory. Go back to the exhibition room to the display case and place vase of soil in display case. Green light comes on again. Leave museum and go to car.
New location hotspot - original abandoned house where James was shot.
Abandoned house.
Enter through police tape.
Go left and enter apartment furthest door on left. Check bathroom where James was shot. Pick up rubber plug from floor. Leave bathroom and enter other room of apartment. Pick up wire hairbrush from table in foreground. Exit the apartment into main corridor. Enter kitchen opposite and take the bottle of whiskey from old fridge. Exit kitchen. Come back down corridor you now have access to apartment right of stairs. Enter apartment no.9 . Go through room door on right.
Cut scene - meet Tatum
Tatum has something for you - if you give him a drink. Offer him the whiskey but he doesn’t like that brand. Take the empty bottle from under the table. Go to kitchen. Go to kitchen sink and insert plug. Put the empty bottle in the sink and turn the tap on to fill sink. Watch the label come off the bottle. Take the label and combine with full bottle of whiskey in inventory. Go back to apartment no.9 and give the re-labelled bottle to Tatum. He gives Nicole an origami bird in return. Click on origami bird in inventory to open and read.
“James - mobile”
Go to leave room and tell Tatum to leave. Look at the sofa where Tatum was sitting - there’s a burnt out fuse. Pick it up. Go to fuse box opposite stairs in hallway. In inventory click on wire hairbrush to get wires. Combine wires with blown fuse. Use fixed fuse in fuse box.

Fuse blows again. Go to kitchen and to the table right of door. See plug that was previously hidden by calendar. Use Nick’s note to remove plug from socket. Go back to fuse box. Remove blown fuse from fuse box and combine with wire again. Insert fuse . Stair light is now on. Climb stairs . on first landing there’s a small hole in the floorboard take a closer look. There’s a mobile phone use the bald brush to prize up the floorboard and take mobile phone. Leave abandoned building and go back to FBI offices.
FBI offices.
Take figurine to evidence deposit. The golden head is missing. Leave the headless figurine on shelf. Open the box of tailors supplies and take scissors. Open the box of James’ things and take his ID card. Go upstairs. Click on ladder to push it below some hanging wires. Climb ladder and cut some wires with scissors. Back out of screen and push ladder back. Got through agents office and go to storage room. Take lamp (UV torch) ,plastic bag, battery , gloves and luminal. Exit storage room - mezzanine - laboratory (2nd door on right) .
Take jar of earbuds from trolley right of door. Click on bunch of earbuds in inventory to get one. Combine with James ID card in inventory to clean ID card. leave the lab and go back to agent’s office.
Go to Nicole’s desk. Check your PDA notebook icon and see XFAD 8673 (from James’ ID card)
Place mobile phone and battery on desk at base of desk phone. Connect mobile and battery with wires. Enter 8673 using mobile number pad and then OK . Click on mobile’s screen but mobile short circuits. Exit screen. See picture on PC . Click on PC screen to enhance picture.
Exit FBI building and go to car. New hotspot.
Thug’s hideout
Enter alley go to truck. Take the crowbar from under the back wheel. Enter truck and release the handbrake. The truck rolls forward. Get out of truck. Use crowbar on ladder above truck. Listen to thug’s conversation at window on left. Try to enter through window but it can’t be opened from outside. Go to window on right and close up on air conditioner. Use crowbar on air conditioner.
The thug opens the window on left.back out of air conditioner screen. Enter open window. Step forward mid room.
Open your PDA and take photo of bag with telephone number. Number is upside down.
Using PDA ring 555 252 911. Thug disappears. Enter other room and open first door of wardrobe . Remove the back panel to reveal a hidden passage. Enter secret room. Here there is an autosave.
Go to chest of drawers open second drawer - there’s the dagger (murder weapon). Lift dagger.
Cut scene - oops Nicole’s been caught.
Floor maze.
if you move onto a wrong square the thugs will shout at you to keep the noise down: this is the route I took

Reach the table and cut scene of Nicole freeing herself. Go back through the wardrobe to secret room. Nicole locks door behind her. Go to open drawer and use the luminal on dagger then the lamp (UV torch) and gloves on dagger. Exit drawer. Dagger now in evidence bag in inventory.
Click on top left hand corner of carpet. Trapdoor. It’s locked. Check behind painting second from left “the cold of morning” there’s a hidden lever.click on lever to unlock trapdoor. Go to trapdoor and open. Go down the pit.
You’re in a shop.
Pick up a cherry sweet tin from right hand side shelf.click on tin in inventory to open to reveal money. Click on it again to separate one coin. Go to key box in the center of the shelves to left. Use the coin to open key box. Take all keys. Exit screen.
Go to door of shop. Use smallest key (3rd from left) to unlock door. Look at the roller blind mechanism to right of door. Mechanism covered by panel. Use the coin on the screws of panel. There is a broken ratchet. Use the key to the right of the smallest key (4th key along) to fix. Back out of screen. Turn the roller blind mechanism crank- it works ! Open door first then turn crank again. Oops
Pick up thugs gun and exit right takes you back to abandoned building.
Cutscene - meet Nick.
FBI offices.
Talk to Ruth
Go to Chaser he wants 100% proof / evidence for conviction.
Leave Chaser’s office – agent’s office – laboratory.
Go to trolley right of door and pick up victim’s blood test result. Take an earbud from bundle in inventory and use on dagger in plastic bag (also in inventory). Go to sample analyzer center of room. There’s two go to one on left. Take a test tube (vial) and put earbud with blood from dagger in it. Take a second test tube. Put the test tube with earbud into analyzer and press transfer switch on touch pad flush with desk. Return to agent’s office and go to Nicole’s desk. Look at PC screen. See blood test results from Huaqueros knife on PC screen. Combine blood test results from inventory with PC screen. Positive match.
Go to Ruths desk and talk to Chaser. When Chaser leaves talk to Ruth.
Leave agents office – lower level – evidence deposit.
Combine head and figurine body in inventory. Head separates to reveal a small bag of white powder. Open box of James’ things and take key. Exit room and return upstairs to lab. Take another earbud, combine with white powder and insert in empty test tube. This time go to the analyzer on right. Place test tube on analyzer. Confirms the white powder is heroin.. exit lab and go to agents office to Nicole’s desk. Click on PC keyboard to reveal photo of Huaqueros . click on keyboard two more times to filter photo. Recognize from storage room at museum ? exit FBI offices and go to museum.
Enter. Porter wont let you go down to the storage room so you need to create a distraction. Go to exhibition room and to mummy display . take the bowl from the wall on the right. Back out of mummy screen and go to archive room on left.
Take the magnifying glass from the table and the roll of aluminum foil from below the map on the back wall. Exit archive and go across the exhibition room to the orangery on right. Go to large statue in right hand corner foreground. Place the bowl, than magnifying glass and foil at base of statue. This will trigger alarm. Leave orangery. Talk to porter in exhibition room and leave him standing guard. Exit exhibition room and go down stairs to storage. Go to lighting case set switches:
Blue red
Go to furthest part of storage.
Close up screen of poster and cabinet on central column.
Use key from James’ box on cabinet. Inside theres a set of scales with white powder on. Use an earbud to take a sample from scales. Exit screen and get an SMS on your PDA detailing another murder. Leave museum and get into car. New hotspot.
Go to tenement left of car and take the wire from doorbell hanging from door. Go to entrance of subway and pick up bottle of coke right of door.
Enter subway.
See the corpse is Tatum the tramp. talk to policeman.
Turn and look at benches, pick up lighter from the platform floor. Exit screen
Come forward to end of tunnel. Go to scaffolding at end of tunnel. Pick up fuel can and newspapers. Click on newspapers in inventory to create rolled up newspapers (firelighters).
Go straight ahead to round grid on wall. Use the bottle of coke on butterfly screws. Then click on each screw to remove .click on grid to remove. Put the rolled up newspapers in hole, combine fuel and lighter in inventory and then use lighter on paper. smoke the roaches out. Lift the champagne bottle out of the hole – there’s something inside. Use the doorbell wire to fish out . it’s Joel Tatum’s diploma. Return to car and go to FBI offices.
DAY 4 FBI offices.
Go to laboratory. Go to left analyzer and take test tube. Combine with earbud containing sample from museum storage room. Exit screen and go to analyzer on right . place test tube on analyzer – Heroin.
Go to agent’s office and talk to Ruth ,first about Chaser the Tatum. Leave offices and go to car. New hotspot.
Enter. Go to microfilm door , exit go to reading room on left. Pick up pair of reading glasses on table in right hand corner foreground. Go to librarian behind counter give her the glasses. Talk to her until she tells you where the yearbooks are. Go to bookcase left of grandfather clock at door. You can only remove one book – in the center of the shelves there are three red books in a row, take the one on the right.
1986 NYU student yearbook. Back out of screen and give book to librarian. Somebody has removed the page with all the details of the victims. Talk to the librarian until she tells you about the microfilm room and tell her you need to see them now. She unlocks microfilm cabinet for you. Exit the library and enter door on left. Go to cabinet of microfilm. Its like looking for a needle in a haystack ! go back to librarian . she has a catalogue no. 00104419867 . go back to microfilm room and over to cabinet. Numbers don’t quite match - go to fourth drawer from top first column left.
Take boxed microfilm. Go back to librarian give her boxed microfilm. Exit librarian screen. Go to table right of door and enter microfilm reader screen. Switch microfilm reader on (switch to left), pick up left hand side spool and combine with microfilm in inventory. Put reel back on reader. Bad image theres no lens. Go back to librarian talk to her until she gives you lens. Take lens from counter top and return to reader. Use lens with reader. Click on screen to read. Only Warren and Branford survivors of Inca expedititon. Take copy. Read screen completely . go and talk to librarian. Nicole arranges a lift home for her as a thank-you for her help. Leave library go to car
Enter museum – exhibition room – archive room
Use list of expedition members on Warren. Exhaust conversation with Warren
Leave archive room and exit museum meet Branford outside. Talk to Branford he tells you more about Peru and Alvarado . go back to enter museum. Nicole makes a phone call to Ruth to discuss travel to Cusco Peru.Go back through museum to archives room and talk to Warren completely. Leave archive and go to Orangery. Go to sack of dirt and pick up photo of Alvarado’s house in Cusco from the floor.
Leave Orangery. Nicole phones FBI offices and asks Ruth to book flight to Cusco. Try to phone Nick he’s not answering. Leave museum and go to FBI offices.
FBI offices.
Enter offices and go upstairs to agents office talk to Ruth. Ruth has made all the travel arrangements. Go to Chasers office and talk to him completely. Leave FBI offices.
Cut scene – getting on plane and flying to Cusco.
DAY 5 Cusco Peru
Talk to Diego in the square until he talks about Alvarado. Go to dresser behind Nicole and take camera. Back out of screen and go to table right of dresser take some buckthorn and some cocoa leaves . combine leaves in inventory. Back out of screen , exit the hotel via the door behind Diego. Go right to San Martin Plaza and see the archeologists home. (Alvarados house) straight ahead. Knock door but nobodys answering. Go down alley left of house to workshop.
Talk to Jose sitting on bench . leave the car lot and return to hotel.
Talk to Diego. Diego wants you to get his old jeep back from Jose. Leave the hotel. Go to ATM on outer wall of hotel (to pay upfront) use credit card in inventory on card slot. Press keypad to get money and card back. Back out of screen and go back to garage.
Go to Jose and talk. He denies having any jeeps . The garage doors are locked. Go back to hotel and tell Diego. Then return to garage. Talk to Jose and ask if they can have their photo taken together and could Nicole borrow his sisters tripod from garage. Garage doors will now open . See jeep and take tripod. Combine camera and tripod in inventory. Jose is now sitting on the bonnet of the chevy. Set up camera and tripod at righ hand entrance of yard. After photo taken take camera and talk to Jose ask if Nicole can hire jeep. Give Jose money. He wants you to put it in his pocket (fat chance) go back to open garage door and pick up bearing on ground beside left door, back out. Go back to Jose and talk go over to wooden bench. Combine bearing and money and place on wooden bench. Return to hotel.
Talk to Diego. Leave hotel and go to plaza – archeologists house
Alvarado’s house
See Inca sitting beside door. Use photo on letterbox (gap) of door. Introduce Nicole. Exhaust conversation – he wont let you in. give the leaves mixture from inventory to Inca.
Cut scene – Inca leaves. Nicole climbs to window and shows ID
Go back to door , talk and gain entrance. Enter house
Go to first room “Juan’s room” on left. Talk to Juan. Juan and Nicole plan to return to the jungle. Leave Juan’s house . cut.
Outside Alvarado’s house – return to hotel and talk to Diego standing outside. He gives Nicole a sandwich. Go back to Juan’s house.
Alvarado’s house
The door is open, enter and go to Juan’s room. Oh no he’s dead now too. Go to fireplace and take mounted knife. Put the knife in the slot to the right to open a secret panel. Remove the map and four crystals.
The Inca and policeman arrive.
Exit room and go to courtyard 2nd door to left of Juan’s room. You’re on a balcony.
go over to the wall on left lift and place the plank to form bridge to smaller roof. Nicole then needs to stack some Amphorae on the smaller roof against the wall to climb over. look at the grid below. the numbers 1-5 are the amphorae Nicole needs placing #1 at the bottom and running back and forth with the others in order. you will have to shuffle the useless jugs about (x's) to gain access to the required jugs using the x and o spaces
Amphora puzzle.

Cut scene Nicole climbing Amphorae over wall.
Your now at garage and the jeeps ready , talk to Jose he wants money for fuel. Go to ATM – your card has expired. Go back to Jose at garage and he agrees to take camera as payment. Go back to hotel for camera
Diego is talking to policeman. Exit hotel and go to door left of screen “kitchen”. Pick up matches from table bottom right hand corner. Go to fireplace and take pot “kitchenware” use the pot on the large jug to left of fireplace to get jug full of dough. Set of pot of dough on fireplace / stove top. Go to cupboard on left and take some strawberries and a jar of honey. Combine strawberries and honey with pot of dough. . flick the switch below the window to start window fan and use matches on stove to light. Policeman and Diego leave. You are now at door to courtyard. Go in and over to dresser and take camera. Exit hotel and go to garage.
Hand over the camera to Jose. Fuel can now in inventory. Use Fuel can on Fuel tank of jeep .
Cut scene – travelling through Andes and accident
DAY 8 Somewhere in the Andes.
Go across rope bridge. Lift the crowbar mid screen under vines. Go back across bridge to old broken jeep. Take chair from jeep and use the crowbar on the crate in the boot, take the jack and pulley. Go back to bridge and cross. Eek bridge collapses. Take cable in front of right hand pillar of bridge. Combine pulley, cable and chair in inventory. Use chair etc. on cable tied round cross beam stone. Click on chair. Cut scene crossing crevice . Go to tunnel and cut vines with knife, still cant enter. Use jack on tunnel enter tunnel.
Go to main square. Enter pyramid on right and inside go to hole in wall on left.
Crystal puzzle.
Place the crystals like so:

Put final crystal in door bolt
Enter main body of pyramid. See the swarm of flies to your right use your sandwich on the flies. Take sword on ground just below flies.
Exit the pyramid and go to small pyramid. Go inside see tomb. Pick up cap from the floor and use sword to prize tomb open . Take skeleton jaw and watch. Back out of screen and leave small pyramid. Go back to pyramid on right. Enter old passage doorway on left. See plane go to bottom left corner and pick up empty jar. Exit to pyramid where you picked up sword. Look closely at hole in wall to the left. Combine sandwich and jar in inventory. Use the jar of flies to capture spider. Take funnel from hole and click on in inventory to reveal notes. Exit screen and re-enter old passage to plane. Go to hood of plane ,take air filter and click on in inventory to clean. Replace oil filter. Back out of screen and go to metal cover behind wing of plane. See snake on battery. Use spider jar on snake. Snake leaves the battery , battery needs water. Exit screen and go back through pyramid. Exit pyramid completely go back one screen to sun pyramid. Enter sun pyramid there’s water on the leaf at front. Use jar on water. Exit sun pyramid go back to larger pyramid and through to plane. Go to metal cover behind wing of plane and use jar of water with battery. Back out of screen and click on propellers.
Cut scene - Nicole flies out of jungle and back to New York
DAY 10 FBI offices
Enter FBI offices and go to Chasers office and report your findings. Chaser wants Nicole suspended, leave Chasers office and talk to Ruth. Leave FBI offices and go to library
Talk to librarian completely she tells Nicole about Warren. Leave library get an SMS from Nick. Get in car and go to stockbroker’s villa.
Stockbroker’s villa
Enter villa and go left to Annexe . Close-up screen of Right hand side wall. Click on graduation photo to reveal Raches photo. Click on Raches photo in inventory to turn over and see writing. Exit stockbroker’s villa and go to museum.
Talk to porter , go to archive room . Close-up screen of blue bookcase , bottom right hand side shelf open box full of Prof Dickenson’s papers and journals. Take dental records and combine with jaw bone to confirm a match for Dickenson. Back out of screen and exit archive - exhibition room - exit museum and meet Warren. Talk to Warren completely .
Get into car and go to subway. Chaser phones to remove Nicole from the case.
FBI offices
You’re at Nicole’s desk. Use Raches photo on the ruling at base of desk phone. Recognise the writing ?go to Ruth and talk to her until she leaves. Enter Chaser’s office and go to his desk. Open cabinet on left to reveal a safe.
Safe puzzle
Objective : Change the letters to spell Raches instead of Chaser
Turn the outer wheel up and down to affect combination and click on the numbers to choose which letter to change.
Click on the lever to open safe - all the evidence is there.
Close the safe and exit scene.
Leave FBI offices and go to car. Call Nick from the lobby.
Enter subway go toward end of subway , go to scaffolding and pick up pliers. Exit subway go left to tenement
Enter. Go upstairs and look at electricians notes on left of elevator door. Back out of screen and take insulated wire from right of elevator door. Go upstairs another level to engine room. Combine the pliers and insulated wire in inventory. Go to metal box on side of elevator. Use pliers on 20/7 switch box to complete circuit. Exit screen. Go back down two flights of stairs to first floor, get in elevator and go to basement. Go to boiler room and use pliers on knob of gas tank at base of stairs. Return to basement and take skewer from pile of crates. Go back into boiler room and use skewer on barrel. Climb through hole to abandoned platform. Enter the train . Use the knob (wheel) on brake. Click on wheel and watch conclusion !