Anacapri: The Dream

Reign of the dreams:

We in the cafe on Piazza Vittoria. We take the letter from doctor orlandi, which to us the waitress will communicate. We read it in the inventory, then we leave from the cafe. We go to the right to the main road (on the screen it will appear panoramic image). The panel of the call of bus will be to the right located. We go to the left on Via Orandi. We find green automaton through sale of tickets. We study it. We go forward 3 times. We look at the stand with the postcards to the right. We compulsorily take accessible postcard. We go forward 1 time. We go in the museum to the left. There we talk with the craftsman. After conversation we pass into the internal cavity of the museum, where we study all exhibits and miniature of Capri island in the center. We return inward. Again we speak to the craftsman. It will give tile to us. We leave from the museum. We continue to go to the left. We go forward twice. We click on the button of domofona on the red house. We further go forward to the store of flower girl, in order simply to have a talk with it.

We look at the map. We go to Villa Orlandi (house at the angle of by-street). Stuchim into the door. After conversation with the assistant Orlandi we study mailbox. We inside find the second letter from the doctor (we read in the inventory) and marble table. We go to street Vico Boffe (house at the end). We ring on domofonu. After having a talk with Mr. Sirayo, is discovered the mailbox, from which we obtain diary Cherio. After studying it in the inventory, we reveal the credit map lying at the diary. Further we go to street Vico Caprile. We go in the house of в„–y'0. we speak Norbertom, in the buyer of ancient coins. We leave from the house. We go to the left to the main road. The panel of the call of the bus (it is activated rapid jump to Caprile) is there also established on the house.

We jump to Piazza Vittoria. We go on Via Orlandi to church Santa Sofia. Without reaching it, we meet old man, who sits on the bench. We speak to it. We read the newspaper, which it to us will give. We turn around, we attend magazinchik De Angelis. We leave, we step to the left. We go forward 1 time. We look at the television set after the shop window to the left in order to look at the interview Sirayo.

We again jump to Piazza Vittoria. We turn around, we go to the left. We go forward 7 times. By case of man with the guitar. We go further forward 6 times. We go in the store of perfumes to the left. We take the perfumes, which to us the salesman will propose. We leave from the store, we continue to go to the left. We go forward. We go in store Limoncello to the right. We speak to the producer of sandals. We take to sandal, we look at it in the inventory in order to look at its disappearance. We pass into the left side of the store. We speak to salesman limoncello. We leave from the store. We go to the right. We go in the house of doctor manze (Villa San Michele). After listening man, we leave from the villa and go along the path to the right to winch with the magic passage (it will appear new point for the rapid adjustment). It is utilized here the postcard, which we took on Via Orlandi. We penetrate the gates. We are missed on Torre la guardia until not it is found by doctor Axel manze. After listening it, we use rapid adjustment to Piazza Vittoria.

We turn around, we go to the right. We go in the building in front. We are turned to the person on duty, who sits after the window. We leave. We step to the right. We pass by bank, we go along the path until we meet tortoise. After having a talk with it, we displace to the right. We step to the entrance into the church, where rope will overhang from the roof. We pull by the rope in order to prove to be in our bedroom.


All this time we, occurs, they were in the sleep, but now we in the reality. We look at the night table to the left. We look at the photo of woman, the ship and the instrument with the date and the time, we study 10 rules of dreams. We look at the utility cabinet to the right of bed. We study letters from doctor grintertl and Mirty. We look at the syrup of sleep (lower active point). We pass to the table. We study computer, calendar and game. We look at the utility cabinet to the left of the bed. We study picture myrtles and Adriano, and also box. We go in the tank room. We find there the perfumes, which we took in the sleep. Here thing - nothing, in the sleeps they - everything. We check the knob of door with the images of animals at the end of the corridor. Now we take from the utility cabinet near the bed syrup (average active point), we drink it (we click on the bottle of below screen) in order to continue adventure in the reign of dreams.

We obtain tile with the lizard:

Let us move away from the church. To the right of path from the earth we select zvonochek. Having now rung in it at any moment, we will prove to be in the reality. It is moved to Piazza Vittoria. We turn around, we go right and left to Anakapri bank. We look at bankomat. We put credit card. As the password we introduce PIGGY or, simply stated, 74449 (answer it was written on the money box- pig in the reality). After obtaining 10 banknotes and after taking credit card conversely, we step to the vending machine, located in Via Orandi. We buy to 10 banknotes seasonal ticket to the bus to Marina Piccola and vice versa. Over the market area Vittoria is utilized the mechanism, which causes bus. We press red button, we select Marina Piccola. We enter into bus, let us go on it to the point of destination.

After reaching, we leave from the bus. We get down downward on the stairs to the beach (on the map it will appear new point for the displacement). We go to the right to the tent Massimo. After listening it, we obtain the missing pages from the diary Cherio (we read them). We rise conversely to the main road. Along the way we look at the hours on the green door. We cause bus, let us go on it to Grotta delle Felci.

After leaving the bus, we go along the only route forward to the division of road. We select left path. We go further forward and forward until the asphalted path ends. We rise then to the path to the right. We pass two times forward. We select from the earth the to the left crumpled sheet of the paper (we read it). We go forward, until panoramic idea appears. We step to the left. Under the lizard on the cliff we find riddle. We turn around, we go to the right to the end (form of water in front). We turn around, we to the right find other pages from the diary (we read it), we to the left see telescope. We look into it.

We return to the riddle. The solution lies in the diary Cherio. We establish in window I - shaman with the disk, II - shaman with the luminous disk, III - two little fellows, THE IIII - one little fellow, THE IIIII - skull. From the average opening we take 4 stones (we study them in the inventory). We return to the telescope. We arise before the cave, from which appeared the lizard. Is utilized here stone #y with the image of lizard. Now we look into the telescope. After hearing of the history of shaman we select from the earth violet tile with the images of animals. We ring into zvonochek in order to prove to be in the reality.


We approach the closed door to the end of the corridor. We advance from top to bottom animal: dolphin, dolphin, seagull, snake, lizard. We pass into the room. We read the letters, which lie on the table. We check communications on the automatic responder. We look to CD record player under the television set, at the marine cockleshell and at the picture on the mantle of fireplace, also to the dolphin in the bath and to the picture to the right of bath. We check door dark-blue by knob with animals, and also woven box near the door. Time arrived to leave back for the sleep.

We obtain tile with the dolphin:

It is moved to Marina Piccola. We get down to the tent Massimo in order to have a talk with it. It will give to us guide on the sea (we read). We go through the coast (sea must be to the left of us) we are understood on the stairs to the left. Is utilized stone #2 with the image of dolphin on the metal tube to the right of telescope. We look into the telescope. We listen to dolphin. We return to the main stairs, which leads to the road. We displace to the right. We rise along the stairs and further we go to the moorage, where us will select Karonts on the boat.

We sit down ourselves and hold course to the left with the first selection of route. Let us swim to the monolith with the opening in the base. We swim along the left side. Let us swim forward. We meet the triton, which blows into the horn. If at some moment we hear the roar Of karontsa, then we turn around. Let us swim to the same opening in the monolith. This time we swim along the right side. Sea will become violet. We swim to the Poseidon. After listening it, let us swim forward, we swim under the monolith. We select left route. Let us swim forward, we look at the cliff in the middle of sea with the tail of siren. Let us swim to the right to the green grotto, we turn around and will swim conversely. The siren will sit on this cliff in the middle of sea. We look at it. Let us further swim forward and to the left in order to return to the moorage.

We return to the telescope. We look into it, listen to dolphin. We return to the boat. We sit down ourselves on it and will swim along the coast to the green grotto. In the left department of grotto dark-blue plate will appear. In the inventory, after studying it, it will be connected with the violet. Returning conversely to the moorage, siren will detain us. So that it will be straightened with it, we leave for the reality. We there include music. Thus far it plays, we return to the dreams. So siren will be render harmlessed. Let us swim to the moorage. On the shore is utilized zvonochek, in order to fall into the reality.


We pass to the closed door to the right of fireplace. We advance animals on the door from top to bottom: dolphin, snake, lizard, snake, snake. We pass into the dining room. In the box we in front study wedding invitation. We turn around, we look at the statue. We pass into the guest room. We there look at the constellation of scorpion on the wall, on DVD disks to the left. We check letters on the table in the angle. In the box of table we find game Scope (it is possible to be trained). We check the dark blue knob of door with animals. To the right of door on the table we look at the newspaper and at the picture. Let us inspect also everything else, and then we return to the sleep.

We obtain tile with the snake:

We go to Massimo. It will give to us postcard with image Scala Fenicia. Is moved to the villa Axel manzeya. We pass to the magic gates. It is utilized here the postcard, which to us gave Massimo. We travel downward on the mountain. To go it is necessary for long. To from the steps we halfway select emerald ring. We further select the book of the constellation (we study in the inventory). After reaching to Palazzo a ware, we look at the black oval on the wall the 12th by astro-logical signs. Riddle is not thus far accessible. After stepping back, we converse with the statue Of ogastusa. We go to the left and forward. After obtaining bite from the snake, we will prove to be in the reality. We drink the syrup of sleep so that it is returned. We listen to the statue Of ogastusa, which will want to obtain its back hand. Approaching the burrow of snake, at this time, is utilized stone в„–e with the image of the creeping creation. After avoiding bite, we approach the edge of water. We move away the heap of stones we below to the right and select Roman coin.

We find the hand Of ogastusa:

If was activated the point of displacement to Palazzo a ware, then we descend to Piazza Vittoria. We go on Via Orlandi. We go in the red house. After listening woman, we return to it the emerald ring, undertaken from Scala Fenicia. We study exhibits in the court of house. We leave and it is moved to Caprile. We go into the house to Norbertu with address Via Capril 160. We rise upward. We sell Roman coin for 10 banknotes to collector. We leave from the house.

It is moved to Piazza Vittoria. We go forward to the green vending machine. We press on the button, push through 10 banknotes into the slot. We take away dark-blue seasonal ticket to the bus to Grotta Azzura and vice versa. We are transported to Caprile. We cause bus towards cinema to grotto with the aid of the yellow device, which hangs on the wall. Is utilized ticket. We sit down ourselves into the bus and will go to Damecuta. We go forward to winch, we go to the territory of park. For this region there is a map.

We step to point A. We there select from the earth the morning coat of John. We return to the steps, at this time, we go to the left to point B we look at the circles to the right of glass door. The solution of riddle lies in the selected morning coat and in the words of the woman of Giulia about the entangled colors: dark-blue - this green and vice versa, and violet - this yellow and vice versa. Left upper circle must be violet, right upper - red, central - dark-blue, lower leftist - yellow, lower right - green. We press on the black button, we go inside the hiding-place. We take press and diary Of makkauena (we read it). We leave, we go to the right to the tower (s). We go around tower from the left side. We look at the keyhole and at the red word to the right of door.

We are transported to Piazza Vittoria. We go on Via Orandi to the red house. Inside we speak to Giulia. After listening it, we leave from the room with the pictures. We look at the triangular exhibit, which hangs on the wall. It is utilized on the luminous letters press. We are transported to Damecuta. We pass to the tower. It is utilized press in the word so that the door would be opened. We go inward, we investigate tunnel. We reach the window with the view of blue grotto and the control panel. We press several times on the red button in order to go down seizure into the water. We move to the output. We further accomplish path to the main road. We cause bus and let us go on it to Grotta Azzura.

After arriving, we leave and it is pivoted to the left. We get down under arch Riccio. We go forward along the white steps on the asphalt. We displace to the right and we pass under the metallic arch. We go forward to the restaurant, at the first opportunity we displace to the right and to the right. We associate with Riccio. We must win in Scopa in order to obtain boat. Rules of game in the instruction. But if we there is no desire play, then we pass back, it is pivoted to the left. On the screen with the bottles (scene 3945) we click to the right-most bottle. Card game will be won by automaton. We leave from the restaurant. After rising on the steps, we displace to the right. We go to the coastline. After seeing aquarium, we turn around (in front control panel of pump and of valve) and look at the water to the left. After listening to two small fishes, we include pump and, until it works, is discovered valve, we await the pair of seconds and we shut it. We add into the aquarium perfumes. We start again pump, it is discovered and we immediately shut valve. Those two small fishes will fall in the aquarium. After listening them, we take away aquarium with itself. We return back, but, without rising along the stairs, which leads for the road, we pass we forward and get down downward to the boat. We sit down ourselves, let us swim to the rope, from it to the left. We pass into the cave, is utilized there aquarium. After meeting with Nereusom, we return on the boat to the rope. We dive under the water, we press on the button in order to take the hand Of ogastusa. We float, on the boat we swim to the moorage. We are transported to Damecute. We go on the tunnel in the tower to the window with the control panel. We raise and move to itself seizure. We take the hand Of ogastusa.

We are selected from the tunnel, we are transported to Palazzo a mare. We get down downward, we approach the statue. It is utilized on it hand. Riddle with the black oval is activated. Purpose lies in the fact that, moving stars, to obtain the following image.


, in addition it is possible to use craftiness. I.e. to rise on the steps and to click to letter N on the table (scene 5975). We approach the snake. After listening it, we pass forward, we turn around. From the opening we obtain blue tile. After listening to tortoise, in the inventory we combine this tile with the rest. We ring into the bell in order to prove to be in the reality.


It is discovered the closed door, from top to bottom on the lock we advance for this: dolphin, snake, seagull, dolphin, snake. We go to the kitchen. We study, that let us find everything. All letters, all objects, the closed lock on the door. We hear out automatic responder. Ispiv the syrup of sleep, we return back to the sleep.

We obtain plate with the seagull:

We are transported to Piazza Vittoria. We turn around and go to the right. We pass by bank, we go there, where earlier there was tortoise. We pass further. We follow forward up to the very great distance (past the scooters and the large tank with the gas to the left). Once let us reach winch to the right, on which will viset' the book (we examine it). Opposite the winch is philosophical park. We step on Via Miglera practically to the end. We displace to the left. We go to Bevedere, to the located on the map in the very top. Without reaching dotuda, in the dark corner we to the left find on the earth locket. We take it with itself. We return conversely to the main road. We go in the White House to the left (Casa Merianna). We pass into the far end of the rear court. We speak to Gannarom. We go to the entrance into the philosophical park. We step along the path directly. On the first bifurcation we go to the left. We speak to Gannarom. We return conversely, we continue to go into the depths of the park. On the second bifurcation we go directly. Again we speak to Gannarom. We return, we step to the right (upward on the steps).

We go forward. After finding the second stone, we put in it the tile, which to us they gave in the museum. We take tile with the text, and also remote control of hours. We are transported to Via Migliera. We go forward 1 time, we displace to the left. We go along the road to the enormous it is hour. We approach them close and it is utilized remote control. We look at the mechanisms. We press on the red button in order to transfer pointers to 16 it is hour. We leave, we are transported to Caprile. We go to Le Boffe. Giulia there will await us. It will want to try limoncello.

We make limoncello:

We are transported to Piazza Vittoria. We turn around and go to the left. We follow to store Limoncello. We approach the salesman, we obtain from it prescription limoncello. We leave from the store. We go to the left to the tent, where we will be able to procure lemon. We are transported to Via Migliera. We go forward and to the left towards hours. After passing 6 times forward, we displace into the forest to the left. So we will reach the laboratory. We inside look at the installation to the left. We take balloon for the gas. We leave from the laboratory, we return to the main road Via Migliera. We follow to the left approximately 28 times. We step along the path to the left to the large tank with the gas. We substitute to the crane balloon and we fill by its gas. We return to the laboratory. We put container with gas in place. Is pivoted red gate. We press alternately on the buttons of water, sugar and gas. Then we harvest button Pour. We take bottle with the syrup.

We look at the mechanism to the left of the furnace. Is utilized here lemon. We press first on the large button, then to the small. We take bottle with the lemon syrup. We look at other side of locket in the inventory. It is there said about endurance during 15 days. We leave from the laboratory. We leave for the road and go to the left to the hours. It is utilized remote control. We go inward it is hour, we turn around. We look at the microwave furnace. We press upper left button in order to advance 15 days. Inside the furnace we place bottle with the lemon syrup. We press on the lower button and await. We obtain from the furnace bottle, we return to the laboratory.

We approach the orange mechanism. It is utilized on it both bottles, then we press on the button Of the mix in order to obtain bottle with limoncello. We place bottle in the refrigerator to the right. We shut it. We obtain from the refrigerator that cooled limoncello. In order to establish correctly it was prepared beverage, we place bottle into the apparatus established in the center, then we depress lever. If fluoresces inscription Well done, then beverage is prepared correctly.

We are transported to Caprile. We go forward to Le Boffe. We return Giulia bottle limoncello. After listening it, we take Roman coin and we go to Via Orlandi. We attend doctor orlindi's house. We converse with the assistant, from the mailbox we obtain the third letter of doctor. We step to the bench with the television, we look, that they show on the box. We glance also into the flower store.

Monte Solaro:

We are transported again to Caprile. We pass into the office Of norberta Of khadravy. We sell Roman coin to it for 10 banknotes. It is moved to Piazza Vittoria. We go forward to the green vending machine. We buy violet ticket to the cableway. It is again moved to Piazza Vittoria, we turn around and we pass to the right. We go in the building in front. We show violet ticket to man after the window. Cableway is broken.

We step into store De Angelis (it is located not far from church Santa Sofia). We inside overhear the telephone conversation of salesman. It is moved to Via Migliera. We turn around, and we go forward to the red scooter to the left. It is discovered panel on the back, we obtain 4 safety devices. We return to the building of cableway. We rise upward. We look at the panel in front. We place into the sections four safety devices. The solution of riddle is located on the kitchen in the reality.

We select group 1, safety device 12, color green. We click to button fix. High-pitched sound symbolizes about the correctness.
We select group 3, safety device 28, color dark-blue. We click to button fix.
We select group 7, safety device 33, color red. We click to button fix.
We select group 11, safety device 7, color yellow. We click to button fix.

Rope hoist will begin to work. We pass to the left, we sit down ourselves on the chair. We reach Monte Solaro. There we rise along the stairs, we go forward, to the left, right and left to the tables. Giulia will sit after one of the tables. After having a talk with it, we turn around and go to the arch, which was overgrown with ivy. We go to the left, again to the left. We get down on the steps, to the right, again get down on the steps to the left. We go forward and to the left the wills of wooden fence. We go forward along the dirt road path, at the first opportunity we displace to the left. We press on the button in order to turn on power supply.

We turn around and go to the left to the large fan. At the end of the dry reservoir we reveal hat. We look at the panel under the path after the fan. We press on the button in order to obtain laser off, water on. We rise half along the stairs to the right. We turn around, press on the green panel to the red button in order to freeze water. We return to the panel after the fan. We press on the button in order to obtain laser on. We rise along the stairs to the right. On the balcony we harvest to the red button in order to include fan. We get down, we take away hat. Let us inspect it in the inventory. In it the passage to the hermitage will be revealed.

We turn around from the reservoir, we go directly, to the left, directly, to the right and downward along the path. We go to the stand in front. We put in the slot passage to the hermitage. We are missed forward. We memorize, that the path will to the left lead us to the trees with faces of people. We continue to go directly. After reaching the small altar, we displace to the right. We go directly to the table to the right. We select the second crumpled paper. We rise along the stairs to the monastery. We converse with the supervisor. In order to fall into the door of hermitage, the code is necessary. We turn around, get down half on the steps, we displace to the left. At the end of the path from the pot we take lemon verbena.

It is moved to Piazza Vittoria. We pass into the flower store. We take in salesman pot with the fertilizer. It is moved to Cetrella. We step to the trees with faces of people, which were discussed above. We give fertilizer to them. Study also trunks of the felled trees - 19 rings. We return to the monastery. We speak to the supervisor. Code for the entrance into the hermitage - 1619 - 19 = 1600 (yr of the generation of supervisor). We go in the hermitage. We pass into the dining room, from there to the kitchen. We take kofevarku from the table to the left. We pass forward, we turn around. We look at the shell. It is discovered water, we await some time, then we shut crane. It is utilized to kofevarku on the shell. Is moved lever to the left, then conversely. We look at the shell. There inscription about the ignition of lemon verbena. We pass into the dining room. It is utilized on the burning spark plug lemon verbena. After conversation with the monk, we turn around and rise along the stairs. We go to the left in order to prove to be outside the hermitage. We go to the left and to the left. We get down, we go in the basement. We pass into the first room to the left. From the cabinet we obtain open-end wrench it is passed into the second room, it is exerted outside. We turn around, we take leaf with the indication of levels. We leave from the hermitage, we associate with the supervisor.

We get down on the steps. We go to the left along the path before the table. We go directly and to the left into the cupola. We turn around, we cause hoist. We select 97 level, we get down. On this floor by open-end wrench we twist mechanism. We sit down ourselves back on the hoist, we select 320 levels. We leave from the cupola, we go forward and to the left. We take sphere, throw it into the pipe. We sit down ourselves back on the hoist. We get down to 0 level. From the trunk broken by sphere we obtain parchment. We rise to 320 levels, we leave from the cupola and go to side Monte Solaro. After reaching the small altar, we go directly. Once to the left path let us find the third crumpled leaf.

It is moved to Scala Fenicia. We turn around, we go forward. We go in Axel manze's house to the left. We talk with the man. It will give to us the map with animals, on which we must mark 3rd zverushek of doctor manze, and 3 tile- prompts. Answers can be found in the church at the comparison of data of tiles with the tiles in the church. But in order not to run to you, mark on the map dog, owl and monkey. We return leaf to man. It will admit us inside the house. We look at the map. We are selected from the house and we go to the building located above to the left. We get down on the stairs in the center of room. In the Roman cave we talk with the doctor Manze. We leave from the building, we go to the right twice. We go forward, we look at the first sphinx. We press on the red button, we listen sphinx, we take paper. In the paper are contained the riddles, whose solutions are cut in the rooms of the house Of manze. To you to decide to guess or not. The code, which must be introduced to the tele- sphinx, 4104. From the opened niche we take key from the winch of lock Barbarossa.

We leave from the building, we go to the left. We pass to the winches near Olivetum. It is discovered by their key, we rise we upward and go to the left. We penetrate other gates, further we rise on the steps to the green door. Is utilized on it the parchment, undertaken from the trunk. We continue to move upward to the lock. On the balcony we look into the side of table and door. Is utilized here obsidianovyy stone в„–ya with the image of seagull. After listening the arrived flying seagull, we go in the room through the door. We take from the table to the left Turkish coin. We turn around, we take red tile. We look at it in the inventory after the speeches of tortoise. We leave from the lock, we get down into the bottom itself. Having practically reached winch, we pass to the left past the emblem of lock. We take from the table the crumpled paper of в„–ya. it is utilized zvonochek so that it will move into the reality.


We advance on the lock of door from top to bottom: seagull, lizard, snake, dolphin, seagull. We read letters on the table in front, look at 2 strange pictures on the wall. They - keys. We check communications on the automatic responder. We look at the hours and at the mechanism on the table near the door, to the lock on the closed door. We return to the sleep.

We obtain the last tile:

It is moved to Caprile. We go into the office Of khadravy. We return Turkish coin to it. We obtain the envelope, inside which will lie 10 banknotes and receipts. It is moved to Piazza Vittoria. We go forward to the green vending machine. We buy ticket to the bus to Faro (color of green). It is moved conversely to Caprile. We cause on the yellow device bus to Faro, we put in the slot ticket. We sit down ourselves into the bus and on it will go to the station of destination.

We leave, we go to the right and downward along the stairs. We go forward, we adhere to the left paths (we follow to the side of lighthouse). We gather red stone from the right side of path. We turn around, we return to the nearest bifurcation. We select left ways. We go directly, in the first deepening we to the left gather gray stone. We reach further the round building. Play automaton will be located from the right side. We memorize this. We return conversely to the first bifurcation. We take way again to the left in order to go to the coast. We pass first to the right to the place of storage of boats. We look at the ring, we take yellow stone. We get down further to the water. We take dark-blue stone to the left. We return conversely, we rise on the brick steps to the left. We go to the left and further to Tombosiello.

After meeting Lieutenant Nelson's spectre, we continue to go forward to the blind alley. We take the crumpled paper #shch to the left. We turn around, on the bifurcation we go along the right path. We go forward and to the left along the gravel path. We go forward. We meet again Nelson, on the earth he will draw something. We go there, where he indicates. We there again meet Nelson. We take the key, which it will give, we listen it and go conversely. We look at the figures, which Nelson drew on the earth to the right of path. It is moved to Faro. We pass to the play automaton to round building. We look at the map on the automaton. We press on the button, then we several times pull lever. On the display the same symbols, which Nelson sketched, will appear, while on the map is activated fort Pino. It is moved conversely to Tombosiello. We step to fort Pino. We there find the green door, on which is utilized the key, given by Nelson. We look at the table to the left. We take the diary (we read in the inventory). We pass into another room. From the table we take small mold. We look at the box. Riddle is here concealed. It is necessary to advance circles with the figures in that order, in which these figures will be reached along the road from one fort Pino to the next Mesola. Let us solve riddle only later.

We leave from fort Pino and go to the left to fort Mesola. We look at the first book with figure verbasco. Further going to the following fort, we look at all books with the figures (their 14). Through the way we find green flowers to the right of road. We memorize this place. Soon way will lead to the clearing to the left. We get down along the concrete path to the water. We there take bronze statue. We rise conversely. We go on polyanke. We find 3 books with the figures. We look at the pipe and on the regiment under it. We place on the regiment small mold. We pass forward and to the left to the furnace. We lower into the furnace bronze statue. Now we return to the green colors. Near them we select the wood (earlier not it was). It is utilized wood on the furnace. Bronze will melt and will be poured into the small mold. We take from the small mold gear wheel. We continue to move to the side of fort Mesola. After reaching the bridge, we turn around. We look at the mechanism. We put there gear wheel, then we press on the button to the right of bridge. We go further, we look at the books with the figures. On the bifurcation we go to the left. We enter into fort. Now, when the point of displacement appeared for this place, we return to fort Pino in order to guess riddle. We advance circles in this order:

On the map to the right of stairs is activated fort Mesola. It is moved there. We get down into the bunker. We pass into the room to the right. From the box of table we obtain pages from the diary. We go into another room. We place the assembled in Faro stones to the table in the following order: red, dark-blue, yellow and gray. We press on the button near the laser and look at the riddle in the box of table. The purpose to move British flag from 0 it is circular to 1 and so on. There is a circuit for this riddle. It suffices to glance at the window to the right of table and to look to the upper right angle (it x-rays light).

We leave from the fort. On the first bifurcation we displace to the left. We go forward to the following bifurcation. We there displace to the right. We go to the telephone- apparatus. We raise tube and listen to Nelson. We return conversely. On the bifurcation we go to the right and to the right again. We go forward. After going down on the rock steps, we go to the left. After reaching the end, we select from the earth diary. We turn around, we go only directly. After listening Nelson, we go in the fort. We pass to the door, we press on the button to the right. We get down into the bunker. Door after us will be shut. We take from the bed of page from the diary, and also the green tile, which lies at the angle of bunker. We look at it in the inventory (from 5 tiles it will come out circle). We look at the opening in the ceiling. After wandering along the bunker, someone will go down downward hook with the note. We read note. To the hook we prophesy 5 tiles. We check door. It is still closed. Again we look at the opening in the ceiling. After listening Nelson, we leave from the bunker. If you yet did not understand, then the one who stole tiles - this is Norbert Of khadrava. We leave from the fort, having again listened Nelson, it is moved to Caprile. We go into the office Of khadravy. From the box of table we obtain the tiles obtained by us. It is moved into the reality.


We advance on the lock of the closed door from top to bottom: snake, seagull, dolphin, dolphin and snake. In the room we study everything. We look at the picture myrtles under the full moon. After this picture we reveal safe. It is moved into the sleep.

Last actions in the sleep:

It is moved to Marina Piccola. We pass to Massimo. We obtain from it remote control of hours. We rise along the main stairs. With the aid of the instrument we transfer pointers on the hours to 12. We return to Massimo. After listening indications, we pass to the moorage (from there we they pushed off on the boat). We look to the left. We put in the circular opening 5 tiles, press on the button. We return to the reality.


We advance on the safe of animals in the following order: above to the left - snake, above to the right - lizard, below to the right - seagull, below to the left - dolphin, in the center - lizard. From the safe we obtain disk. But further we decide, to destroy it or not.




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