Axel & Pixel
- There are 8 scenes to paint in the game. Hit the "A" button once you see the yellow pencil icon over an area
- Once you beat game the outro, Axel will paint the masterpiece with the scenes you have collected then cheevo pops
- Painting scenes are in:
- Chapter 1 - flowers on top left
- Chapter 2 - tree with flowers
- Chapter 8 - pine cone once it is moved
- Chapter 10 - rock next to bird
- Chapter 14 - large red hat to the right of car
- Chapter 17 - metal electrical box with mini game after mini game is completed
- Chapter 22 - frozen object in ice on left side
- Chapter 23 - statue with boss door below
20 bones in game and mini-games
Bone locations are in:
- Chapter 1 - in Pixels dog house
- Chapter 4 - underneath rock/shell at top left next to tree
- Chapter 6 - in minigame cave (7 total)
- Chapter 6 - in minigame cave (7 total)
- Chapter 6 - in minigame cave (7 total)
- Chapter 6 - in minigame cave (7 total)
- Chapter 6 - in minigame cave (7 total)
- Chapter 6 - in minigame cave (7 total)
- Chapter 6 - in minigame cave (7 total)
- Chapter 9 - to the left of large tree stump that activates the rock
- Chapter 11 - Turtle's left foot
- Chapter 16 - located at base of water machine on the left
- Chapter 20 - in minigame river (7 total)
- Chapter 20 - in minigame river (7 total)
- Chapter 20 - in minigame river (7 total)
- Chapter 20 - in minigame river (7 total)
- Chapter 20 - in minigame river (7 total)
- Chapter 20 - in minigame river (7 total)
- Chapter 20 - in minigame river (7 total)
- Chapter 21 - below blue dog after he moves
You have to do all 8 painting, get all 8 tubes of paint, and find all 20 bones WITHOUT using clues to get to the 42K+ point mark
Replay chapters as needed to get the missing items
Check the items missing in the chapter by selecting the back button. Anything with a star in the game chapter means you are missing it. No stars means you have everything in that chapter
See Master Painter for the 8 Painting locations
See Dog's Dinner for the 20 bone locations
Tubes of paint locations are in:
- Chapter 2 - in tree with flowers
- Chapter 3 - above bucket
- Chapter 7 - Dandelion and mushrooms
- Chapter 13 - in mini game, after chasms
- Chapter 13 - in mini game, after chasms
- Chapter 15 - near top left
- Chapter 18 - egg inside skeletons mouth
- Chapter 21 - frozen waterfall spouts on the right
Bones: 0
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 0
Chapter 1 (Spring) -
A Ray of Hope
Bones: 1 (Pixel's dog house)
Sketches: 1 (flowers on top left)
Tubes: 0
- Bones: Pixel's
dog house for bone
- Ice that is
reflecting sunlight
- Giant (play
button minigame)
- Ice that is
reflecting sunlight (melts ice on
- Large wheel
(moves bridge) and golden lock at
end of bridge
- Ledge where rat
- Railing on level
you land
- Ladder
- Flowers to right
of ladder
- 5 flowers above
wheel to bloom
- 5 flowers above
wheel to chime
- Sketches:
Mountain to far left side, left of 5
- Click back
button to check you have no yellow
- Red arrow
Chapter 2 (Spring) -
In Bloom
Bones: 0
Sketches:: 1 (tree with flowers)
Tubes: 1 (tree with flowers)
- Tree with tube
of paint to bloom flowers
- 5 flowers next
to fishing pole
- Fishing pole
- Sketches: Tree
with all flowers bloomed
- What you caught
- Kite
- Rusted looking
coin where alligator is
- Logs behind boat
- Boat
- Stairs next to
- Tubes: Bee
- Click back
button to check you have no yellow
- Red arrow
Chapter 3 (Spring) -
A Splash of Dew
Bones: 0
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 1 (above bucket)
- The rope end
above bucket
- Bucket
- Side of cliff
(button minigame)
- End of rope
- Branch with
leaves (right side)
- Snail
- Valve
- Tubes: Stairs
(not ladder) to the left of you and
ready a button mingame
- Side of cliff
(button minigame)
- Ladder
- Click back
button to check you have no yellow
- Red arrow
Chapter 4 (Spring) -
The Foreign Shores
Bones: 1 (underneath rock/shell at top
left next to tree)
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 0
- Bones:The rock
to the left of tree and where Pixel
is sleeping
- Axe above Axel
next to tree
- large weed
- Valve
- Log on water
- Part of ramp
below where log was next to lower
- Place where log
- Valve
- Foot path next
pink windmill
- Wheel above pink
- Logs below
- Raft
- Click back
button to check you have no yellow
- Red arrow
Chapter 5 (Spring) -
Snake in the Grass
Bones: 0
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 0
- Solve puzzle
- Use the red
edges of pieces to place those along
- Fill in the
missing parts
- Listen for the
positive comments if you have the
pieces palces correctly and negative
ones if you dont
- Repeat (if
- Click back
button to check you have no yellow
- Paintbrush atop
Chapter 6 (Spring) -
Hot Air Loons
Bones: 7
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 0
- Dont bother with
the last 2 gas tanks where a rock
splits the path and a tank is in the
start of the top path.
- If you cant get
all in one run finish the chapter
with whatever bones you can get and
redo chapter for missing bones.
Chapter 7 (Summer) -
The Hand that Feeds
Bones: 0
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 1
- Dragon fly
- Tubes: Dandelion
then 1st mushroom after you take off
then 2nd mushroom then 2nd mushroom
again to walk to tube.
- Red anchor
- Ladder
- One of the
mushrooms to left of ladder
- Platform where
baby warthogs are
- Click back
button to check you have no yellow
- Red arrow
Chapter 8 (Summer) -
Down the Drain
Bones: 0
Sketches: 1 (pine cone once it is moved)
Tubes: 0
- Strawberry to
left of Axel
- Strawberry again
- Shell at Axel's
- Strawberry again
- Rock at root
tree where yellow worm is
- Strawberry again
- Strawberry juice
- Wheel from
- Pegs for ladder
on tree. Move them until they are
all horizontal
- Tree ladder
- Peg above pine
- Branch to the
right of Axel
- Tree ladder
- Pine cone (now
on left side)
- Pink stopper in
- Branch above
Axel and above where pink stopper
- Pink
- Sketches: Pine
cone (now on left side)
- Click back
button to check you have no yellow
- Red arrow
Chapter 9 (Summer) -
The Rolling Stone
Bones: 1 (to left of large tree stump
that first activates the rock)
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 0
- Large stump
below you. Will active the rolling
rock and a button mini game
- Tube to your
- Large stump near
the fallen debris
- Tree stump where
rat came out of
- Bones: To left
of large tree stump. Can only get it
after you get rope.
- Green debris on
- Handle
- Handle again
- Pipe between
- Rock
- Click back
button to check you have no yellow
- Red arrow
Chapter 10 (Summer) -
Honey Trap
Bones: 0
Sketches: 1 (rock next to bird)
Tubes: 0
- Pink flower on
ledge above you (repeat 3 times)
- Bird in nest
- Snails beyond
next to bird
- Sketches: Rock
where snails were
- Base of the
large snail shell for button
- Glass from birds
- Spiderweb 4Xs
- Flower
- White pedals at
your feet
- Click back
button to check you have no yellow
- Spiderweb rope
across chasm
Chapter 11 (Summer) -
A Seed of Sprout
Bones: 1 (turtle's left foot)
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 0
- Mailbox at top
left (button minigame)
- The rock face
behind turtle
- Acorn (button
minigame when bird is above you)
- Acorn shell
- Seed
- Hole in ground
next to turtle
- Large water pool
then hole (3Xs)
- Vine
- Bones: Turtle's
left foot
- Turtle head hole
- Bird hole below
turtle's mouth
- Turtle's mouth
- Pick up bone!!
- Click back
button to check you have no yellow
- Red arrow
Chapter 12 (Summer) -
Focus and Vision
Bones: 0
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 0
- Fish with button
minigame (to get rid of the annoying
clanking noise)
- Treasure chest
- Red ruby
- Place broken eye
glass pieces and rotate them to the 5
white spots to lead ray of sun to the
empty eye glass area
- Unbroken glass from
eye glasses
- Sledgehammer
- Red ruby
- Stone that is burned
from glasses
- Red ruby
- Fish with button
minigame (to put out fire)
- Dolphin head
- Painbrush
- Red arrow
Chapter 13 (Summer) -
Four Wheel Dives
Bones: 0
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 2 (after 2 of the ramps)
- Make it to the end
and make sure to collect the 2 tubes
- 1st tube is at 3rd
- 2nd tube is at last
and 8th chasm
Chapter 14 (Autumn) - As
the Rooster Flies
Bones: 0
Sketches: 1 (large red hat to the right of
Tubes: 0
- Paintings: Large red
hat to the right of car for the games
2nd most famous in-game gnome.
- Trunk 2Xs
- Tire and press A
- Tire again for
'yoo-hoo' face plant! LOL
- Pulley lines above
- Rooster weather vane
above you on top of red roof for crow
- Crow bar
- Wood door
- Switch above Axel's
- Triangle key
- Cave opening at
right of keys
- Lock box
- Uses keys on key
hole for dial pad
- Type in the words
using the key pad (numbers for the
letters) to get the pulley system
- Click back button to
check you have no yellow stars
- Red arrow
Chapter 15 (Autumn) -
Bones: 0
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 1 (near top left, use slingshot)
- House in top left
inside the tree branch hollow (next to
tube of paint).
- Ball
- Select the hollow
above the small set of stairs where
Pixel first barks for "GUMA"
- "GUMA" again
- Tree with leaves 4Xs
to get rid of all leaves. Tree looks
like a slingshot now.
- Left side of the dam
right above the rusted wheel for a pole
- Grass area right
above the top spikes of the sax playing
- "GUMA" and quickly
select the slingshot tree
- Click the tree to
slingshot the ball to break the dam.
These are tiny minigames using the A
button and pull back on the ball to
break the dam. You will need at 6 leaks
on the dam for it to break.
- Tubes: Use the
slingshot to get the tube. Place arrow
above "GUMA"
- Click back button to
check you have no yellow stars
- Red arrow
Chapter 16 (Autumn) -
Plumbing the Depths
Bones: 1 (located at base of water
machine on the left)
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 0
- Bones: At base of
machine on left
- Right lever
- Pipe minigame
- Use the pipes
provided to place them on the blue
maze to drain water. Pull left level
when complete.
- Pipe pieces are
located below you and above blue
maze. Some pipe pieces auto fall
from the door and some are also
located next to wood door where
beaver hides.
- Start from end
and work backwards. Place curved
pieces and stay on the bottom. From
the bottom go all the way left until
you have to go down and then
continue all the way to the top
level. Then go all the way to the
left and make an S shape to get you
back to the far left side of the
maze. From there connect to get to
the machine.
- Pull left lever
- Cave entrance to the
right of the ladder
- Coin
- Click back button to
check you have no yellow stars
- Red arrow
Chapter 17 (Autumn) -
Shady Connections
Bones: 0
Sketches: 1 (metal electrical box with mini
game after mini game is completed)
Tubes: 0
- Select the red
switch right above you
- Select the bones on
the far right side of the floor past the
bone ladder
- Select bone ladder
to go up
- Select the red
switch right above you on 2nd level
- Select the big bone
on the far left side past the mirror
- Select the cave area
where the bone was located for a rope to
pull up the dog
- Select the large
metal box to the right of the mirror and
red switch for a conveyor belt mini game
- Connect two ends
using the same colored wire. If done
correctly the ends will light up.
- Top row far left
connects with yellow wire to bottom
- Top row middle
left connects with green wire to the
top one on the right column
- Top row middle
right connects with purple wire to
bottom row right
- Top row far
right connects with red wire to top
one on the far left column
- The missing ones
are the bottom ones from the left
and right columns and they connect
with blue wires
- Sketches: Select the
same metal box from mini game after you
solve mini game
- Go to right side
next to metal box to the conveyor belt
- Select bone where
you end up standing after you slip from
conveyor belt
- Select conveyor belt
to throw bone on it
- Select conveyor belt
- Click back button to
check you have no yellow stars
- Select conveyor belt
Chapter 18 (Autumn) -
Bones of Contention
Bones: 0
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 1 (egg inside skeletons mouth)
- Select the bone
sticking out (above the teeth where you
start) for a vine
- Select it again to
get vine
- Select the vine
again to attach it to leaf
- Select the vine for
dog to pull leaf
- Select the 3 bones
below the dinosaur jaw bone skeleton
near the grasshopper
- Select the large
bones behind where the big leaf was for
a mini game
- If you move the
courser around you will see the
bones you can select. 5 on the back
bone and 3 on the head.
- If you number
the bones starting from the far left
side (backbone) to the far right
side (head) the sequence to hit
bones is = 4 - 8 - 3 - 1 - 7 - 5 - 2
- 6
UPDATE: It looks like it
changes from game to game. Keep
trying until you get your combo if
this one doesnt work.
- Select previous
location of bone 5 (from minigame above)
to move to front of skeleton
- Tubes: Select the
egg that drops from skeletons mouth for
tube of paint
- Click back button to
check you have no yellow stars
- Red arrow
Chapter 19 (Autumn) - Dry
and Dirty
Bones: 0
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 0
- Select the cave
below the glowing red mushroom for dog
to pull out a box
- Select the box to
reveal matches
- Select matches for a
- Select box to strike
match and quickly select the fire
hydrant on the river.
- Select matches then
box to strike match and quickly select
the oil drinking gorilla
- Select the oil
drinking gorilla at its new location
(then call PETA ... lol)
- Select the tool that
the gorilla hits the dog with after he
returns it from the river
- Select the oil rig
pump base below the number 24
- Select the nest in
the middle of the tree next to the river
- Select the nut at
the top of the tree 3 times
- Select the paint
brush to the right of the tree for the
boat mini game
- Click back button to
check you have no yellow stars
- Red arrow
Chapter 20 (Autumn) -
Sailing Through
Bones: 7 (in mini game river)
Paintings: 0
Tubes: 0
- Boat mini game
- Sail to the end to
complete Autumn and start Winter
Chapter 21 (Winter) -
Deep Sleep Fishing
Bones: 1 (below blue dog after he moves)
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 1 (frozen waterfall spouts on the
- Penguin at bottom
- Penguin again to
dive at fish then quickly select dog to
to chase penguin away
- Wood below platform
- Bones: Below where
blue dog was first sleeping
- Tubes: Frozen
waterfall spouts on the right
- Log
- 3 fish bones hanging
at platform
- Rope where fish
bones were hanging
- Sled below platform
- Sled again
- Penguins at top
- Frozen Axel
- Frozen Axel again
- Click back button to
check you have no yellow stars
- You should have 1
star for tube. Make sure you have
released tube from waterfall and it is
- Red arrow
Chapter 22 (Winter) -
Troubles Melt Away
Bones: 0
Sketches: 1 (Frozen object in ice on left
Tubes: 0
- Valve above Axel
- Valve above cart
- Dead gremlin looking
thing from gas below Pixel
- Ice above tub
- Valve at right
- Tub base to light
- Valve above tub
- Water hose to clear
up ice
- Pipe between the two
water tanks
- Frozen Axel
- Pipe between the two
water tanks
- Ice on far left side
with object in it
- Click back button to
check you have no yellow stars
- Red arrow
Chapter 23 (Winter) -
Beating A Path
Bones: 0
Sketches: 1 (statue with boss door below)
Tubes: 0
- 6 tubes in the
- Valve left of Axel
- Mechanical hand
above Axel
- Ice above the left
most green tube for hammer
- Hammer
- Hit ice left of the
door to reveal mallet
- Ice above door
- Gremlin near left
hand of statue on top right
- Metal chain belt of
statue to drop a mallet head
- Sketches: Statue
- Pick up mallet head
- Left side of rock
below the red valve on the left
- Pick up wrench
- Go to last pipe on
far right to install mallet head
- Gremlin that appears
above colored tubes
- Pixel to take the
- The dirty ice at the
bottom next to the mallet
- Stool near bridge
- Mechanical hand
- A - B - X - A - B- Y
to match the colored tubes from left to
- Click back button to
check you have no yellow stars
- Red arrow
Chapter 24 (Winter) -
Shadow of the Ice Giant
Bones: 0
Sketches: 0
Tubes: 0
- The final Boss fight
(a funny and nice homage to Shadow of
the Colossus)
- Button sequence mini
- Pick up key at the
end of minigame
- If you use my guide
to get everything (and not use in game
clues) before the boss battle you should
unlock the final 100 GS in the Outro.