Jazz and Faust
written by Mary Kaye
This is a basic no frills walkthrough for Jazz and Faust.
- You must talk to people to trigger events.
- People have more than 1 thing to say so click them 2 or 3 times.
- You cannot 2nd guess what Faust needs, you must wait for him to ask you to
get something even if you’re right.
- Certain exits appear only after you’ve triggered it by completing a quest
or by conversation with someone.
Start of Faust's Adventure
Port of Er Elp
Black Isles
- Talk to fisherman outside Tavern.
- Go east and talk to Kid. He wants his cat.
- Go west until you reach the Warehouse.
- Click on pile of wood to get a cork.
- Click on barrel to pick it up and put it on dog.
- Climb up to get cat.
- Give the cat to the kid.
- Go to tavern and talk to captain of the Stork Ship.
Talk to the fisherman outside the tavern.
He tells you he needs a fishing net.
Go back to the warehouse
Click on Net above man outside warehouse and talk to him.
Go inside and click on the new net.
Oops you started a fire.
Back outside, take the old Net.
Give net to fisherman.
Go back to the Tavern and talk to the woman behind the bar.
She needs a monster killed in the bamboo woods.
Go outside Tavern and take the rope.
Go to the dump and pick up the axe.
Get the bone from the box dumpster.
Go north from Warehouse to the Bamboo Woods.
Use the axe on the trees (between the arch) to make a cage
Use the rope on the cage to make a trap
Faust says you need bait.
Go back to the dog and use the bone on the barrel to pick up the dog. Dog
is now the bait!.
Faust will say you need a smelly bait.
Go back to slavers house and use the axe on the fish to get the fish-head.
Back to the cage and use fish-head on the cage.
The monster will be caught. *The hand cursor will appear but you cannot
take the monster, but you do have it.
Go back to woman behind bar.
She will tell you your ship is repaired and give you an amulet. She asks
you to take the beast with you (it’s on your ship).
Exit tavern and leave.
- You arrive on the pier (The berth).
- Go to the Lane.
- You witness a guy getting a good kicking from 2 thugs.
- Click on thugs.
- Select your Rifle and click again on thugs.
- You arrive in the Opium Den! Ugh!
- Click on the guy that’s lying down.
- Click on the fat guy that’s standing and he will give you a Hookah.
- Give the Hookah to the guy lying down and he will give you a bag of money.
- Exit the Den and go to the Port via the Berth.
- Enter the Money Changers store.
- Click on Storekeeper.
- He asks you to find the One Eye’d scoundrel that took off with his money.
- There is no one eye’d scoundrel so just give him the bag of money you
- Back to the the opium den.
- Talk to the lying down dude whose now standing.
- He says he needs some wine.
- Go to the slave market and talk to the stall owner.
- Back to the money changer and talk to him.
- Give him the rifle in exchange for the wine.
- Now you need a bottle.
- Go to the Snake Charmer who is outside the Harem Gates.
- Give him the Potion in exchange for his Jug.
- Use the cork on the bottle with snake.
- Pick up jug + snake inside.
- Back to the Opium Den.
- Put the Jug in the fire and the snake will jump out.
- Back to the Money Exchanger and get the wine.
- Back to the Opium Den and give the dude his wine.
- He gives you money to buy food and 2 camels.
- Go to the Slave Market.
- Talk to the Slave Trader.
- Talk to Jazz.
- Talk to the Stall owner and buy the 2 camels & Food.
- Talk to the Slave Trader again and buy Jazz for a camel.
- Jazz thanks you and leaves.
- Back to the Opium Den and talk to dude.
- Leave area via Harem gates to wasps canyon.
Wasps Canyon
- Get arrows.
- Get cloak rags.
- Put cloak on Skeleton
- Back to slave trader market stall owner and swap the arrows for some Honey.
- Back at Wasps Canyon put honey on Cloak
- Exit north to desert.
- Enter forge and talk to blacksmith.
- Enter Caravansary inner and get the medicine from the chest
- Go to the Merchants Canopy and talk to the merchant.
- He wants Horeshoes in exchange for a map to red sands.
- Talk to Blacksmith
- Give your sword to the Blacksmith.
- Exit Blacksmiths and go back in again
- Get the Horseshoes and a rope/hook
- Give horseshoes to the merchants and get map.
- Exit to desert.
- Go North to Palace gates
- Go to the Square.
- Talk to Visiar
- Talk to Sultan
- You now get whistle, note and a bowl of fruit
- Read the note
- Back outside use the ropehook on the window
- Equip the whistle to talk to the girl
- Go to the temple via the Square.
- Use the amulet on the stone next to you.
Give the fruit to the thugs to get mirror.
Click on Sultan to pinch his clothes.
Girl asks you to save her maidservant and get the crystal.
You now have a mirror and a ring added to your inventory.
Go back into the castle
Use the bottle of liquid on the gates of the monster cage to get the gem ½
Show the ring to the Maid.
Go back outside and talk to Girl.
Now you’re at the Caravansary.
Go to where the merchants were before and talk to Jazz.
Travel to area with the Bloodstained Tree.
Go over to corpse by green pool. Click on him and Faust will pick him up
and put him next to the tree so you can leave.
At the City of the dead, enter.
Use the mirror on the creatures.
Take the Hydras Claw.
Go upstairs.
Talk to Jazz.
Talk to princess & get her half of the crystal
Talk to Jazz again
Use Hydras claw on dragon.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed
Faust's Adventure
Start of Jazz's Adventure
Port of Er Elp
- Take the bottle.
- Use the bottle on sleeping policeman
- Leave Police-station
- Outside Police-station get the axe from the well.
- Go to the Chinese Tradesman at Trade Square and talk to him.
- Go to the Tavern area outside.
- Pick up the mug off the table.
- Talk to Hank
- Enter tavern.
- Talk to the Hugo in the Booth.
- He will buy your ship
- Sit on seat and buy a bottle of wine.
- Go to Port area and get the Lantern and Cannon Ball
- Go to Chinese Trader and talk to him.
- Give him the bottle of wine.
- Use Mug on water fountain
- Go to new area by the Trader to the Widows House.
- Talk to her.
- She wants some Cloth
- Go back to trader and click on his wares.
- Buy the cloth.
- Go back to widow and give her the cloth.
- Go to her Country House.
- Pick up the Hat and the empty bottle of Wine.
- Go back to Tavern
- Read the sign outside on the door
- The 2 arm wrestlers should now be there.
- Show Wine to the Barman and he will give you info.
- Try to Steal the cigars
- Talk to the Arm Wrestlers
- Click on hand icon on table to tip mug of wine over.
- Take the Cigars.
- Show Hat to Hank (he will want a cigar for the info first).
- Go to Under Bridge by Widows House.
- Get rope with the Axe.
- Pour water over Tramp.
- Show Hat and Bottle to tramp and he will talk.
- Pick up the Rag before you leave.
- Go to the Tavern
- Talk with Hank and give him a cigar.
- Talk to the 2 guys arm wrestling.
- Get wine from barmaid.
- Give wine to arm wrestler.
- Go upstairs to Wizards room.
- Talk to Wizards apprentice.
- Go to the Cemetery and talk to Martyr.
- Get the Bracelet and Harpoon.
- Use Cannonball on gravestone to get stone.
- Go back to Wizards apprentice and give him the bracelet.
- Talk to wizard.
- Talk to Hugo
- Go to the ship and talk with the man before the ship.
- Talk again with
2 guys arm wrestling.
- Talk to Wizard again to get quest
- Go to Country House
- Click on door
- Use rag on light
- Click on door again (to listen to conversation)
- Click on well
- Take the Lamp
- Put lamp on well
- Use harpoon on well
- Go to Widows house
- Click on ladder
- Click on house door
- Click on ladder
- Get basket
- Back to well
- Click harpoon on well to get head (in basket)
- Go to the Tavern and give head and stones to wizard
- Solve the Headstone puzzle

- Get potion and Amulet
- Talk to Hugo in the Nook in the bar
- Go to Ship
- Use potion on policeman
- Go aboard ship
- Go to lighthouse and put lantern outside lighthouse
- Go to Jail Plaza and get the jar from the bushes
- Go to Pier
- Get Cage
- Fill jug with oil
- Go to lighthouse and use oil on lamp
- Use 2 stones on lamp
- Take lit lamp
- Click on lighthouse and Jazz will put lantern in place
- Back to Jail Plaza
- Talk to Rat man in cell
- He wants some food
- Go to widow woman’s house and use door
- Take food back to ratman and he will say you can have Lucy
- Use Cage to get Lucy
- Back to ship and leave port.
Double Cross!
- Wake up in Cell
- Walk on slab in middle of cell.
- Lift slab to get scroll
- Give Rat food
- Click on bones to hit Hank
- Read scroll on rat
- Exits cell
- Get Poker, Jug and Keys
- Talk to Prisoner in top cell.
- Pour Jug on Torch
- Get torch and Handle
- Give torch handle to Prisoner
- Use Poker on his cell door
- Use Keys on Prison Square Door
- Go to tavern
- Sit on Stool
- Go to leave tavern and meet Faust
- Leave Tavern & Board Ship
- Arrive at Slave market
- Talk to Slave & get the plate
- Click plate on yellow Jug on stall table
- Get Keys
- Free slave
- Go to Opium Den Lane
- Enter Den and talk to standing dude
- Get the Poker
- Exit Den
- Use red hot poker on barrel of water
- Enter Opium Den again
- Give guy sat down poker and get Hookah
- Give Hookah to the other dude
- Go to Palace gates
- Talk to Guard
- Go back to Opium Den and get the Poker again
- Use Poker on carpet outside Opium Den to get it.
- Go to Moneychanger
- Back to Opium Den and get the clock that’s now appeared
- Back to Moneychanger and swap clock (egg timer) for Veil
- Enter Opium Den and Exit (it will now be night and you are wearing Veil.
- Back to Palace Gates
- Click on guard
- Talk to Eunuch
- Click on room at top right and get girl
- Exit Harem.
- Go to inner Caravansary and talk to Faust
- Get the Apple
- Use Amulet on Leopard
- Use Chain on Leopard
- Go to Merchants canopy
- Enter Forge and take Pincers
- Use pincers on Fire in forge to get hot coal
- Back to Merchants canopy
- Use hot coal on Peg
- Click on window
- Get camel from Caravansary Square
- Use Apple on Camel
- Exit to Desert
- Exit to Caves
- Use stones on Brazier
- Use torch on Brazier
- Enter Grotto
- Get Axe by entrance
- Talk to Yeti
- Use axe on stone where trapped Yeti is
- Go to City of Dead
- Talk to Yeti (he doesn’t respond but will follow you)
- Back to Trapped Yeti
- Use axe on stone again
- Show red gem to freed Yeti
- Get Luminous Mushroom
- Enter Temple
- Give Princess Crystal
- Give Luminous Mushroom to Princess
- Enter Temple
- Talk to Faust
- Go upstairs
- Talk to Faust again
- Climb Beam
- Use Net on right hand wall
- Climb down and get gloves, saber and bone
- Go back to Beam
- Cut web with Saber
- Get down and talk to Faust again
- Back onto beam
- Use gloves on cocoon
- Talk to Princess and get ½ crystal
- Talk to Faust and get ½ crystal
- Step on Stones
- Talk to Faust again
- Throw bone at Dragons Mouth