Obscure 2

In obshchage

Measles and Mey:

We leave from the room of measles (room 208). We go along the corridor to the left to the end, we penetrate the double doors. We displace to the right. We go in room 200, where us await friends on obshchage. After smelling any trash of measles and Mey they will prove to be in the surrealistic medium. We select that dragging along in the grass to bit. We penetrate the cemetery, beaten clearing obstacles in the form of the corpses, mounted to the stake. Having further seen the monster, that draws someone, we get down into the catacombs. We go directly to the output, controlling terrible pictures. When heroes prove to be in the following accomodation in the hands in them they will appear fowling-pieces. We look at the worried to death body, which lies on the lobe of enormous flower. We attempt to kill two terrible creatures and small parasites from the fowling-piece. But the matter this disastrous and soon, when us allegedly they kill, we in the role of measles will prove to be in the toilet with the very poor health. We leave from the toilet. We go along the corridor directly, we go in the double door to the right (there earlier it were hollowed student). On the rails we find the energy beverage, which will be placed to measles on the feet. Such a one it is better.

We rise along the stairs upward. We leave to the balcony. We are hooked on the cornice (key F), on which we move to other side. After proving to be in another part of the hostel, we get down downward. We go in the double doors opposite the stairs, which leads downward. We go along the corridor directly and to the left. We go in room 117. We there meet living and unharmed Mey.

On the party

By emmi and Kenni:

We attempt to fall on the party through the front door, but it knocked out it will not want us to admit. Then we go to the left, we penetrate the wicket. Near the door we catch with itself the hockey club, which sgoditsya as the weapon. We further find large box. Governing Kenni, we push up box under the balcony into that the place, where rails are broken. So we will be able, after being taken away to the box, to prove to be on the balcony. It is there discovered window in order to prove to be inside the building.

Near the book cabinet we take the second weapon - club for the golf. After arising between two cabinets (characters they must it is located closely to each other), from the upper lid of cabinet we obtain small key governing Emmi, we study table. We press on key F so that it would decipher the numbers, drawn on the table,: 1873. we leave from the room. We go along the corridor to the side opposite from the wench. We divide shop window, we take the second small key we approach the door with the glass at the end of the corridor. We divide glass-, it is discovered door. We go in the rest area. On the safe on the wall near the television set we introduce 1873. We obtain firearms - pistol. We approach the living flower, fastened to the wall. With the aid of it we preserve game. We leave from the room.

We kill the monster, prushchego to our side. We select the small key thrown out from it. We approach the door, which earlier propped up the girl. By the selected key it is discovered her. We pass, we get down downward on the stairs. From the bench we take cartridge clip for the pistol. We go there, where parasites crept. We go in the door opposite the broken window. It is exerted in the library. We move three book cabinets in the center of library on the rails to the following positions (by numbers from 1 to 9 they are noted the possible positions of the arrangement of cabinets):

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Cabinet with the triangle on the upper lid to position 1.
Cabinet with the circle on the upper lid to position 8.
Cabinet with sign L to position 9.

Will descend the stairs, which leads to the second floor of library. We rise upward, we penetrate the door at the end. We intersect balcony and go through the double doors in the room, where we meet the teacher of biology. Control will switch over to measles and Mey.

Measles and Mey:

We approach the front door. Governing Mey, we break open code lock to the left of the door. Code MOZART (it is selected by the method of sorting). We go inside the building. We displace to the right. We penetrate the door at the end of the corridor into the library. Governing measles, zaprygivayem to the second floor of library in that place, where earlier there was stairs. Then we help to be taken away to the second floor Of mey. In the library the monster will appear. When we are directed to the door, it zaprygnet to the second floor. It is necessary with it to be dismantled. We penetrate the door and we intersect balcony. We penetrate another door into the room, where went Kenni and By emmi. We are investigated with the parasites. Then we go through the door in the accomodation, where we find our friends and teacher of biology. Here it will be possible to preserve game with the aid of the flower on the wall.

Kenni and measles:

We select by the active characters Of kenni and measles. We follow the path after the teacher of biology. Governing Kenni, we shift large jug with the flower in order to clear way. We pass on the balcony. We go through the door to the upper level of the accomodation, fitted out under tantspol. From the utility cabinet in the angle we take first-aid kit. We place to measles for the searchlight. We direct light beam at the column on tantspole in order to destroy dark isolation. Governing Kenni, we get down downward to the column. We attempt to move it. At this moment to tantspol will break three monsters. Rapidly we are thrown to measles in order to frighten away monsters by light beam from the searchlight. Unfortunately, cannot be killed by their light. Therefore we are straightened with them by weapon. Killing monsters, after them will remain oshmetok of the body, from which into the syringe it is possible to pump liquids. When syringe is complete, in the inventory the jar with the therapeutic liquid will appear. We use on the health. Governing Kenni, we drag over column to the construction, fitted out for the bar (let us name it so), into the place, where wall is on top broken in. Governing measles, we take away on the column, from it to the construction, where is established one additional searchlight. We direct light beam to the door, which the black isolations envelopped. We leave through the door to the street (the tail end of the building). From the table we take cartridge clip, here it will be possible to be preserved. We leave from the enclosure, we be sent toward the main entrance.

Jaunt on the scaffolding

Measles and By emmi:

We move along the path to the road. We pass into the forest through the hole in the enclosure. We kill creatures. After going along the path to the left, we find energy beverage. To go necessary along the path to the right. We pass by brick fence. We find the machine of measles fallen down from the break. We select cartridge clip, we go directly to the electrical shield. After passing only further, we find electric saw. It is possible to recharge it with the aid of the electrical shield. We saw log behind el.shchitka. We pass further. We study gazetku, which is dragged along on the earth. By emmi it can it decipher. We get down to the bridge, we intersect it. We select the fowling-piece, which lies near the machine. Immediately we are straightened with two sufficiently strong and large creatures. We climb through through the hole in the fence into the following part of the forest.

The point of the retention of game will be located from the right side from the path. We go directly. Heroes will hide behind the stone, after seeing freak. A little pogodya, from the tree to us will dive the flying enemy. We are investigated with it. We go along the path to the left, at the end of which will find the electrical shield, with the aid of which it will be possible to recharge electric saw. But if electric saw is charged, then we immediately go along the path to the right. Let us saw in two log, we climb through through the hole in the fence. It is exerted in the territory of hospital.

In the right side of the territory near the coin-operated telephones we find first-aid kit and cartridge clip for the pistol. We approach the door near the ambulance. Governing measles, we are hooked on the cornice, it is adjusted. We pass to the right, zaprygivayem to the metallic box, from it we jump to the cornice. After being hooked, we move to the right side. After proving to be there, we are investigated with the flying creatures. We jump through the hatchway downward of addition. It is discovered door By emmi. We take away back to the roof. We help Emmi to make the same. Then through the window we climb through inside the hospital.

It is recovered it is young in obshchage

Sven Mey:

We preserve game near the entrance into obshchagu. Main entrance is closed, code lock is broken. We pass to the right. We there pull lever in order to open gates. We enter. We go directly and to the left downward on the slope. Zaprygivayem to the porch (in the place of more left than the box). Governing Sven, we move aside box to the right to the support. We take away to it, then to the tile. We divide window, through it we fall inside obshchagi.

We rise along the stairs upward. We kill the flying creatures. Governing Mey, we reveal code lock. Code FREUD. We penetrate the door. We rise upward. We shift to the side the thrown-down vending machine. We penetrate the door, which was after the automaton. We go to the left, we penetrate the dual doors. Here we encounter with the enormous monster, which attempts to kill it is young how much we they did not shoot at it, to kill monster, unfortunately, it will come out only after it will be straightened it is young.

In the hospital

Measles and By emmi:

We preserve game with the aid of the flower on the wall. We pass for the angle of corridor. We penetrate the extensible door into the rest area. From the table we take report. From the upper lid of the boxes (measles it will help By emmi) we obtain the third small small key. In the angle near the door we find box. It is discovered by its three small keys. We inside find the electrical pistol (it is charged it with the aid of the electrical shields). From other side of boxes we find cartridge clip for the pistol. We look at the periodical table. Governing Emmi, we find on the table (we decipher) the scraps of paper. We must compose the map of hospital of them. This is easy to make. But before getting down to work, we are investigated with the parasites attacked us. Numbers 0108 will be written on the assembled map. We leave from the room. We introduce on the code lock to the left of the double door code 0108.

We pass further into the depths of the hospital. From the box we take cartridge clip for the fowling-piece, to the right from the table on the wheels we take report. To the left and monsters us will be to the right of located. We hold gun on the manufacture. If we go to the right of the double doors, through which we visited into this corridor, then let us there find el.shchitok and broken elevator. We go to the left of double doors. We go in chamber G137. we move aside there the couch, under which will lie small key we leave. We go in chamber G136. from the table in the angle we take cartridge clip for the pistol. We divide window in the chamber. We are selected outside. We divide box, at it the cartridge clip for the fowling-piece will lie. Governing measles, we are hooked on the protrusion above the nearest window. From it we jump over to another protrusion and so we reach the fire stairs. We there turn wheel in order to open hatchway in the fire stairs. Governing Emmi, we get down downward on the stairs. We rise along the fire stairs. Governing measles, we help By emmi to rise to us. We take away in the chamber through the window.

Here we encounter with the severe monster, to kill which so not that is simple. After being dismantled with it, we pass for the bed with the screen. On the utility cabinet we here find passage, and on the wall the point of the retention of game. On the opposite side from the utility cabinet under the chair we find first-aid kit. We leave through the door from the chamber. We is exerted in the corridor with the elevator. We return to the starting point, from where we began to roam on the hospital. We divide glass- on the door. We go inside the accomodation, where roentgen makes. We use computer. We kill the flying and walking creatures. We penetrate the made opening to wall. We take from the shelf small key we pass to the roentgen itself (room after the glass). We there find the second passage. We leave from the accomodation. We move to the door of safety (white door). Are utilized two passages. We go.

After the scene of the transformation Of kenni into the monster, the heroes will run into into the elevator, where will have to pokhimichit' with the control panel. There are four wheels with four pebbles of different it is color. It is necessary to turn wheels so that the pebble, for example, on the lower side of upper to the left wheel would coincide by color with the pebble on the upper side of lower to the left wheel. I.e. schematically thus:


  S o
To Z Z k
  O s
  O s
Z k k o
  With Z

Where o - orange, H - green, k - is red, s - dark-blue (color exemplary).

Sven Mey:

Over the area before the hospital we kill the flying creatures. We go in the tambour of hospital. We divide glass- on the box, after which will be established the wheel. It is pivoted rapidly wheel in order to shut the gates of hospital and not to give to large monster to fall inward. We pass to foyer. Here electrical shield for the charging of weapon is located on the wall. We penetrate the double doors to the left into the room, where they were based measles, By emmi and teacher. We speak to the teacher, it will give one instrument. From the counter we take cartridge clip for the fowling-piece. We penetrate the dual doors. We kill two creatures and parasite. We divide shop window, we take first-aid kit. From the shelf of shelf we take cartridge clip for the pistol, from the utility cabinet in the angle - small key we approach the computer. We break open it with the aid of the skills Of mey (code EINSTEIN). Then we take printout with the instruction on the preparation of explosive. Opposite the acid we see numbers 1634. We approach the shop window with the code lock, after which are stored dangerous substances. We introduce code 1634. We take acid.

Now, when we have three small keys, we can open box in the room, where remaining children were based. Arbalest will be inside found. Governing Sven, we roll away to the side the office, which shuts door. We penetrate the door, then through the dual doors. We kill parasites. From the cabinet we to the left take small key near the entrance into the cameras of storage of corpses from the shelf we to the left take glycerin. Inside the room of the cameras of storage we divide glass- in the box confronting on the table. We obtain from there ice. From the table to the right of the entrance into the morgue we take report and cartridge clip for the pistol. We leave from the accomodation. We approach the ruins. After jumping over through the panel from the right side, we will prove to be in another room. Will be here found near the shell small key, on the shelf in the center of room report, from the shelf only it is further shelf - jar with the soda. We remain with the aid of the flower on the wall. After it we find cartridge clip for the fowling-piece, and in the cabinet bleaching agent. We approach the shop window with the flask and the thermometer. Explosive will be here created. Following the instruction selected previously, we first fill bleaching agent, then acid, ice, glycerin and soda. Dynamite is ready. We return to the room to our. We select by the active characters of Sven and measles.

Sven measles:

We move to the output. Through the way we to the left find large brickwork. We undermine by its dynamite. We penetrate the hole into the warehouse accomodation gaping to wall. Governing Sven, we get down downward on the stairs. On the storage, dividing boxes, can be found 2 first-aid kits and energy beverages. We roll cart with the boxes from under the stairs piled up to it. Governing measles, we jump to the boxes on the cart. Governing Sven, we roll cart to the opposite side. Of measles it will be able to zaprygnut' on the regiment of shelf, to creep to the right, to jump over to another shelf of shelf and so to the shelf, gley will lie cartridges for the fowling-piece. We take away to the upper point. Governing Sven, we drag another cart with the boxes closely to measles so that that could jump to the boxes. Then we drag cart to the opposite side to the end. There measles, it zaprygnet to the shelf, which will lead it to the elevator, the door and the point of the retention of game. Is utilized elevator, it will descend somewhat lower. But this it will allow, governing measles, soak to be taken away upward to Sven, if that is stand under the platform of elevator. We remain, we penetrate the door.

here us expects battle with that becoming the monster Of kenni. We shoot and avoid the entry in us of dark mucus. After the heroes will be replaced on wall Shannon, again we shoot at Kenni. Soon it will run away. But, unfortunately, battle will prove to be fateful for Mey. it it will perish.


Walls and Shannon:

When heroes it will go home, they in the machine will fall down from the curb. We go to the entrance into the dam. Governing Stenom, we break open door. It is necessary altogether to only push through the master key between the metallic bars to the opening to the right. We go inward. From the cabinet, after helping each other, we take the dazzling grenade. We here use the point of the retention of game. Governing Shannon, we approach the door, by the wrapped dark force. Using abilities Shannon, we destroy this dark force, pressing intermittently on the button and holding bright spot on the dark spot on the strip.

We penetrate the door. We pass to the end of the corridor, killing parasites. After breaking wall, large monster will break into the corridor. We kill it. We penetrate the opening to wall into the room. We take from the shelf key governing Stenom, we reveal the door of the box, from which we obtain small key we go conversely along the corridor. We go in the open room to the left. In it electrical shield and box is located. If there are 3 small keys, then is discovered the box, in which we find new weapon. If no, then will possibility this make only later, governing measles and Sven. We leave into the corridor. By the selected key it is discovered metallic door along the left side. We enter. We pass to the control panel of vapor (another hero it will arise near the passage). Governing the fact, who stands after the panel, is pivoted 3, 5 and 6 gate (schematic of gates below). Character in passage passes into the middle. the 1st gate is further pivoted. We pass directly and to the left. We there turn wheel in order to generally cut down the entering of vapor. We rise along the stairs. We go in the door. In the room it is discovered the panel cover of control.

1 2
 3 4

Measles and Sven:

We go through the door, which it previously revealed walls, in the structure of dam. Governing Sven, we move one box to another. Then, pressing intermittently on key F, one box we place on another. After being switched at measles, zaprygivayem to the boxes, from there we are caught for the pipe. It is moved to the right, we jump downward in order to prove to be after the grid. We pull lever in order to open door for Sven.

In the accomodation we take from the box to the left small key we remain with the aid of the flower on the wall. If it is necessary, then we use electrical shield in order to load weapon. We get down downward on the stairs, we penetrate the door. We move along the water upward of screen. We kill all by monster. Penetrating the door at the end of the aqueous channel. It is exerted in the accomodation with the turbines. We get down downward on the stairs. Governing measles, it is carefully run past the first pair of turbines. Then, if are necessary cartridges for the fowling-piece, zaprygivayem to the protrusion to the left. If no, then immediately to the bridge to the right. From there we are caught for the pipe, along which we are moved to the left. We jump downward, we pull lever in order to lower stairs for Sven. After being switched to Sven, it is run past all turbines, we take away on the stairs to measles. We climb into the ventilating shaft.

After proving to be in the accomodation, we separate containers with the barrels. From the cabinet we to the right take the dazzling grenade and tools. We penetrate the door after the containers, if earlier you did not open box by three small keys and did not take new weapon in the open room in the corridor, from wall of which broke enormous monster. But if this manipulation was made earlier, then in the accomodation with the containers with the barrels we move past the vapour pipes. We rise along the stairs and go in the door so that will meet with Stenom and Shannon. From the control panel we take cartridge clip for the pistol. On the open panel it is utilized tools so that the elevator would earn. We remain, and then on the elevator already get down to By emmi.

Shannon and Kori:

Will happen one more - the latter - battle from Kenni. Plan of the actions of such. We shoot at the monster Of kenni the weapon, until it to some period proves to be immobilized. At this moment we run up to the gates near the monster Of kenni, and, pressing rapidly on key Space, we discard to it from the crane turbine. We perform this operation three times.

Flight from the dam

After battle the possibility will preserve game. We use. We select first-aid kit from the floor, cartridges for flashball (above the screen of step downward). We get down to the bridge to the right. Governing measles, we are caught for the edge of bridge in that place, where in the enclosure hole. It is moved to the right, we jump over to other side. We take away upward, we go to the right to the end of the bridge. Near the ruins we select cartridge clip for the pistol and boards. With their aid of measles will make for Shannon wooden bridge. We go further along the path, killing monsters. We penetrate the gates. We go to the house. If we break box, then in it let us find cartridges for flashball. We pass into the accomodation, where boat will hang. We lower levers in order to go down boat to the water. We go to the moorage, we sit down ourselves into the boat. Let us swim to the buoys.

Then let us swim on the water, kishashchey by the flying creatures, to another moorage. We there find charging. We kill parasites, we advance, upward along the mountain. On the bifurcation we displace to the right to the log (after going to the left, let us find grenade). We saw log by electric saw. We pass further. We battle with the monster in the field. Then we approach the protrusion (on top the passage, envelopped by dark force). Governing measles, zaprygivayem to this protrusion. Then we help to rise Shannon. Governing Shannon, we get rid of the force of evil, which bars further way. We pass further.

We pass under the support of campground. Will be there possibility to our heroes taken away upward. We preserve game, with the aid of the flower on the wall. We divide all boxes, we find arrows for the arbalest and cartridges for flashball. We get down on the wooden flooring to Sven, By emmi and to professor.

House of the freak

Sven By emmi:

Let us swim on the boat to the moorage. We kill parasites and one creature of small size. We use if necessary electrical shield in order to load weapon. We select cartridges for the fowling-piece. We go to the cemetery. Governing Emmi, we compose from the pieces, which lie on the earth near the entrance, one-piece tile. The figure will be depicted on it. Attentively we look at the epitaphs on the cemetery (it is possible to lower them and to raise). The figures are substituted on them. The purpose of riddle lies in the fact that to leave only those epitaphs with the figures, which are depicted on the tile assembled by us. Let us number epitaphs from left to right and from top to bottom from 1 to 13, costing to them by face. We lower tiles under numbers 1, 3, 7, 11, 12, 13. Will be opened the passage, after traversing which, we will prove to be in the court of the house, where certain freak lives. We remain. In the court we kill all creatures. Then, governing Sven, we move aside the washing machine, beyond which is located the door. We penetrate this door into the hothouse. From the table we take energy beverage, divide box, we take cartridge clip for the pistol. After opening the following door, freak will carry off Sven.

Shannon and Sten:

On the moorage, if it is necessary, we use electrical shield. We move to the cemetery. We kill two creatures. We penetrate the cemetery to the house, where they visited Sven By emmi. That door will prove to be covered. On the clearing we find cartridges for the fowling-piece. We are investigated with all monsters, then we rise to the porch. Governing Stenom, we reveal the lock of door. We go inside the house. We pass into the drawing room. From the dinner table we take energy beverage. From the chest of drawers small key we divide boards in fireplace, we go inward. We on top see the blinking cross (let us take it more lately with the aid of measles). Governing Shannon, it is discovered door in by the guest, envelopped force of evil. We pass. We are encountered from measles, By emmi and professor.

Walls, measles and By emmi:

We make with active Emmi and to measles. From the upper lid of book cabinet we take small key we leave into the drawing room. Governing measles, from the fireplace we take from the platform on top cross. We return to our. We penetrate the door to the left of the bench, near which stands the professor. From the shelf we take small key, from the earth - cartridges for the fowling-piece. Hence it is possible to leave hothouse. We return to our. From the box, after opening by its three keys, we obtain new weapon.

We select wall and By emmi. We rise on the steps, we displace to the right. We reveal door. We pass into the corridor. We go in the door to the left. From the wardrobe cabinet we obtain cross. We read the diary, which lies on the stone. We look at the chest of drawers with the pictures. We leave into the corridor. We go in the door on the contrary. Governing Emmi, we look at the photograph in the tank (we decipher by button F). On it it is represented three columns with the hands and the crosses at the correct places. We return to our. We penetrate the door opposite the bench, near which stands the professor. It is exerted on area with the columns. Here there is the possibility to preserve game. We put in the hands crosses. We approach the control panel of crane to the right. Taking into account the arrangement of columns in the photograph, we arrange them on the area into places for 24, 13 and 07 (field is numbered from left to right from top to bottom, if we look at the door).


We penetrate the door.


Shannon and Sten:

We go forward. We kill monsters, use charging. From the barrel we to the right take gate. We further break boards to the right. We pass. We go directly and to the left. Along the way we select cartridges for the fowling-piece and kill monster. We put in the door gate. It is pivoted it. We penetrate the door into the following corridor. If we go to the right, then from the box it will be possible to reach cartridges. In the offshoot to the left, if we stretch for the lever, then will be opened the niche, from which it is possible to take first-aid kit. At the end of the corridor (if we go to the left of door, through which we entered) we demolish wooden supports. Let us move away. On the obstructions we rise into the house. We kill flying creatures. We pass into the toilet. We arise to the plate, from it we climb up into the ventilation duct.

We preserve here game. Near the cabins we take energy beverage. We leave from the toilet. We divide glass- on the door on the contrary. We go in the room. We kill monster and parasites. We take cartridges. We leave. We pass in Hall. We are straightened with three creatures. We select cartridges. To the left of the double doors on the plates we take away to the second floor. We go to the left to the end. We divide wooden boards and jump downward. We leave through the double doors to the street, where we meet rest.

Measles and Shannon:

We select measles and Shannon. We go to the building in front, we displace to the left. On the wall we find electrical shield. If we break boards and to visit into the darkness, then it is possible to find small key we go further to the left, we penetrate the wicket. On area we battle with the parasites and their mummy. We find on area cartridges, after the enclosure near the wall of house from the brick we take small key we divide the boards, which boarded up passage (near the grid). We approach the technology. We arise for the control panel. We hook the tyazhelennuyu weight and then we break wall to the left. We pass into the library through the broken wall. We there kill two creatures. Governing measles, zaprygivayem to the protrusion, after rising on the steps to the left. We accomplish acrobatic methods in order to reach to the distant part to the right, where from the box it will be possible to take cutting pliers. We get down conversely downward. We return to our. After passing past the charging, we go strictly directly. We approach the wicket, on which will hang the lock. We break by its cutting pliers. Near my I recommend to only now preserve game; also cartridges for the fowling-piece will appear near their on the barrel.

We penetrate the wicket. From the earth we raise cartridges. We go directly. We arise to the hoist and turn wheels in order to rise upward. After rising from the floor we select small key near the door, then we penetrate the door. We pass into the room to the left. We kill monster, preserve game with the aid of the flower. We jump downward through the opening in the wall. We kill three flying creatures. We divide glass- on the cabinet, from which we obtain dynamite. We undermine the fragile part of the wall by it. We pass. It is exerted in the corridor, where excavator stands. We kill two creatures, from the box we obtain cartridges. With the aid of wall it is possible to open box near the excavator. But in it there is nothing important. We pass into the end of the corridor. We destroy chairs so that it would be possible to open the double doors and to leave to the street. With the aid of Shannon in the corridor we destroy the force of evil, which envelopped door. We divide glass- on the door, we pass inward. From the table we take cartridges. Is discovered the box by three small keys, from which we obtain uberfonar'. With the aid of the cutting pliers we break lock on the cabinet. We from there obtain canister with the gasoline. We repair excavator by gasoline. We arise for the control panel. We throw out weight from the ladle to the street. Now we go there themselves. We arise for the destructive technology, we hook weight. We break wall to the right. We penetrate the opening to wall. We get down downward. Governing measles, zaprygivayem to the protrusion. We help to be taken away a partner. We preserve here game, since further one must be slain with the main enemy. From the earth we also select cartridges. With the aid of wall, we reveal lock on the door.

Main enemy

The plan of actions is such. There is charging on the wall. With the aid of it we charge electric saw, it will prove useful to us in combat. We shoot in freak. After some quantity of obtained loss it will hide after the roots of tree. Then we shoot at auto of tree, until one of is trunk it will not fall to the earth. Let us at that time and saw in two by its electric saw in that place, from where the blood oozes. Data of action to repeat until three stems not are sawn. When this occurs. We battle with the freak. Simply intermittently we harvest to key Space some time.

End of the end

Shannon and Sten:

End? As not so. After captions the subject of game will complete fint by ears. After passing in the ambulance to the tunnel, there Shannon and Sten will know how to be selected. We preserve game. We leave from the tunnel. Two monsters will appear. There as there is no weapon, then we make feet, mchas' along the path to the right. After reaching to the building, where party passed, near the machine soon of aid we take first-aid kit and energy beverage. We go inside the building. We penetrate the door to the right into the accomodation, where there will be enormous monster. We go around by its side. From the floor near the hole in the wall we raise first-aid kit. We penetrate the hole to wall, then through the door. From the table we take one additional first-aid kit. Governing Stenom, we reveal lock on the following door. We enter into the accomodation, where there was tantspol. There parasites and their mummy. We rise to the second floor to the left. We penetrate the door to the balcony. Further we pass into the accomodation, where lies the body of man at the white dressing gown. Near it we select from the floor to bit, pistol and second locket (one it was already). We approach the large doors with two niches. We put in the niches lockets. It is pivoted external wheel and lockets it is similar to the picture:

We penetrate the door. Governing Shannon, we destroy the force of evil in front. Then we battle with two creatures. We take disk with the symbol before the porch, then we penetrate the door into the accomodation with the columns. We preserve here game. We penetrate the dual doors in front into the showroom. We divide shop window. We take the second disk with the symbol. We leave. We rise along the stairs to the right upward. We put two disks in our places. On each disk there is from one side the stone, and with another - 8 points and symbols. Stone corresponds some to point, and point - some to column below. The numbers are written on each column. Pebbles as a result indicate columns 1 2 4. Numbers on the columns each time different.


We introduce on the panel to the left of the large door those numbers, which are indicated on columns 1 2 and 4. We pass. We go forward. We leave through the door to the right to the street. We select from the earth the bag, at which will lie all our things. We get down along the path downward. Then we penetrate the door on area before the stadium. We preserve here game, then we pass to the stadium, where us will expect last battle with the monster Of kenni.

To kill it is not easy, but possibly. Main thing to adhere to plan. But it such. We shoot in Kenni. When it is immobilized. We lower levers on one of four boxes. One box will prove to be envelopped by dark force and it it is necessary preliminarily with the aid of the skills Shannon "to reveal". Another box must be forced open with the aid of the master key wall.




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