Splinter Cell
The following game solution raises no claim to completeness and correctness.
The description of the keyboard contractions refers to the standard allocation.
There possibly is more to think in the separate missions than is stated in the
solution (ammunition, Medi-Kit).
After one has given a game name and has started a new game, one comes after a
short film (in which one Lambert hits) in this.
Training camp CIA – Level 1
1. Calibrate equipment
Sam turns to the left, then on the right, then he(it) looks upwards and to last
downwards to the red mark (light) in the wall.
2. Climb on wall
Forwards to yellow arrow (on wall) go. Before the wall put and jump (shift key),
to the right hangeln (D key) and come up (W key).
3. Leader(Ladder) hochklettern
To the leader(ladder) on the right go, Sam automatically rises on the first
shoots(scions) if one stands closely enough before it, then
hochklettern (W key).
4. Stretched rope
On the platform put under the rope stretched at the top,
hochspringen (shift key), Sam slips to the next platform (downwards).
5. Leader(Ladder) runterklettern
To the leader(ladder) go (W key) to Sam automatically on the highest shoots(scions)
rises, then runter climb (S key).
6. Crawl
By the next barrier crawl through (C key).
7. Splits between two walls
To the left put wall, face in the direction of way(walk) turn and press two
times shortly in a row the jump key (shift key) and Sam stands in the splits at
the top between the walls. To runterspringen again press the jump key, Sam
should land very quietly(soft), simply the crawling key (C key) press before he(it)
in the ground(bottom) lands.
8. About tube by hole hangeln
Farther to the tube go putting under it and pressing the jump key (shift key).
Forwards hangeln, in time before the hole press
the crawling key (C key), so that Sam swings () the legs about the tube and so
by the hole hangeln. After the hole again on
ground(bottom) jump (2x shift key).
9. Grid hochklettern
Up to the grid go forward, Sam automatically holds on in the grid if he(it)
stands closely enough before it. With the Vorwärtstaste (W key) about the grid
climb. If Sam on the other side of the grid is the Abwärtstaste (S key) press
around runterzuklettern.
10. By crack go
Actions up to wall the Q key press, Sam leans closely against the wall, now go
through by the columns up to the end – to solve Sam again from the wall, again
press the Q key.
11. Bar(Stake) hochklettern
Up to bar(stake) preclimb, Sam stands closely enough before it, he(it)
automatically holds on to it, with the Vorwärtstaste (W key)
12. As had again the leaders(ladders) runterklettern
13. On high wall jump
To yellow arrow (on the left from gate) go and press face to the wall (with gate)
and the left shoulder to other wall, two times jump key (shift key), now Sam
jumps high enough to hold on in the wall, then pull up (W key)
14. Wall runterspringen
To the wall border go to Sam runter jumps turns round and to wall edge sticks,
then on the ground(bottom) jump, farther go by the gate which automatically
opens if Sam goes up to it.
Now Lambert announces himself again (with new tasks in the training camp)
1. Open door (space bar) or peer. Explanation: if one presses with a door the
space bar and keeps them(her,it) pressed(squeezed), one can change by means of
arrow key by various options, open, e.g. or peer. If one has the option peer
chosen Sam with the backs leans against the door and opens them(her,it) only a
crack widely, is the air purely now one can open by means of Vorwärtstaste (W
key) the door, or one concludes(closes) them(her,it) again by press the
Rückwärtstaste (S key).
2. The door is closed, therefore, inventories open (Strg key) and Dietrich by
means of left mouse key select, now he(it) is indicated in the right lower
screen window. Dietrich is indicated by click on the left mouse key largely in
the picture (in addition one must stand naturally directly before the door). Now
one can do the castle by means of
W-, S-, A-, and or D key crack.
3. Enter into space(area) creeping (C key), creep up on the man(husband) from
the back, Sam stands closely enough behind him, becomes on the high right screen
an action: character reach indicated, press in addition the space bar, Sam
catches to himself the man(husband) and can interrogate him now (space bar), one
experiences(finds out) so the door code 28469, one has this, one can knock down
the man(husband) (the left mouse key) and to the code block go near the door,
space bar press around the code block to indicate, now by means of mouse (and
left mouse key) give the code, then one can open the door and go through.
4. In the next space(area) again creep up on the man(husband), from behind reach
and to the eyes scanner -> pull Retina-Scan, there again press the left mouse
key, the eye of the man(husband) is scanned, knock down afterwards the man(husband)
and quickly by door offne now go.
5. Here one must care for darkness. Take also first the weapon to the hand (Strg
key opens inventory, there by means of left mouse key choose the weapon), with
the E key Sam the weapon in the hand, now one never aims at the high-bright and
zerschießt all. If it is too dark now, simply
turn on the infra-red binoculars (2-key on number block or on keyboard). Under
the camera Sam now any more cannot grasp(register), by the door go.
6. There execute (Q key), around the corner peer (by means of D key as long as
to the right go to Sam around the corner peers) now the weapon go (E key,
functions only if Sam around corner looks) and the camera
zerschießen (the left mouse key), again from wall
solve (Q key) and by next door go.
7. Just(Exactly) observe camera and ducked up to box(chest) run (faster start by
mouse's wheel), then again pay attention to camera and to the next shade run,
then before up to door.
8. In the next space(area) to the guard opponents creep up (C key) from the back
knock down and body about the shoulder lay by means of space bar (one stands
about an unconscious person or dead person action appears in the right high
screen: body) and in one get dark corner with the shelves hide (bodies put away
by means of space bar), also Sam remains there and waits to the guard this
action checked again is away. Then by the door go where the guard which Sam has
hit unconscious stood
9. Here it is, first of all, about the fact that Sam moves possibly quietly(soft).
Also slowly crawl (C key and mouse's wheel a couple of times downwards turn)
Vorwärtsbewegen. Forward up to rise, the jump key from crawling (C key) press
position (shift key). At the top again C key and to the right there again
Raufspringen and immediately again C key. Attention on the chains runterhängen,
sneak. If Lambert asks whether Sam (Fisher) has already started, Sam has also
overcome this barrier. By next door go and, at last, start the mission.
Body of unconscious persons or dead persons is considered(applies) to
all Level well hide!
Tiflis oldest part of the town – Level 2
Tiflis, Georgia
16th October, 2004
20:01 o'clock
Find the agents CIA blue stone and Madison
The agent Alison Madison Arbeitete during two years covers in the political
environment and after the putsch even in the cabinet of president Nikoladze. She(it)
disappeared on the 3rd October. On the 7th October one sent the special agent
Robert Blaustein to look for her. This disappeared on the 11th October.
In this Level is considered(applies) like in all other all bodies hide!
Guard observe at the top on balcony and before gate. Farther before to the
wooden staircase run. Before, possibly, at the top the light
ausschießen, the guards wait to themselves again
calm and start. There under leader(ladder) in wall put and
hochspringen. To leader(ladder)
hochklettern. At the top arrived before up to
trapdoor and this open and runterspringen. To the
way(walk) entlanglaufen. At the end in the tube
hochklettern, then under steep put,
hochspringen and in other building slip.
By door in the way(walk) and to the next door – caution the ground(bottom)
breaks there away. Also back in the way(walk) and to the right and by the door
on the left, the space(area) cross and to the other door in the way(walk). On
the left run on. At the end by door and carefully with fire the stair runter. On
the next floor(stick) on the right by the door. At the top is a bar(stake),
hochspringen and about abyss
hangeln. Then on the left farther and on the
right by the door in the next space(area). From this again, by the next door on
the left. Then of right(law) up to Stiege and rauflaufen.
At the top on the right by the door and to the wounded person in the ground(bottom)
go. With the man(husband) talk.
The space(area) leave again by the other door and in the way(walk) immediately
again by the door, there weapon go, upwards aim and high-bright
zerschießen. Of right(law) by the door and
farther by the next.
Sam gets a new order: black box of blue stone think. On balcony creep just and
on the left farther (below are guards). There where the railing is interrupted,
with approach quickly jump on the other side(page) (balcony). There
vorschleichen and guard eavesdrop, he(it) turns
Sam the backs too from the back creep up and knock down. Bodies on the left near
the door in corner hide. The next guard do in the house. In the first space(area)
use PC, next cross (Medi-Kit in the ground(bottom) from bathroom take). In the
right room before picture put and open. Use behind it the PC. Sam receives a new
aim again: Find the place(square) where Gurgenidze on the Mouvi place his(its)
data kept to find out how you can get in the police station. Then still the
notes in the OPSAT examine, code for blue stone balcony door 091772. This code
in the code block of the other door give. By door, on the top left is a cable,
raufspringen and
runterrutschen. One lands on a roof. By the door, at the end in border
let down (forward move, Sam turns if he(it) about the border changes in the air
and holds on in the edge). Completely to the left
hangeln and on tubes runter jump. From there on the lift, lids open and
runterspringen. From the lift to the door and
with Dietrich open. By the door, there one can eavesdrop on the policemen with
prisoner. On the railing jump, then quietly(soft) runter jump (shortly before
Sam in the ground(bottom) arises who press C key). quiet farther creep to the
stair, these quietly(soft) creep runter (the policemen Sam hear, then put below
in the dark corner, and wait to them(her,it) calm down). Then the rose to approx.
to 9 from above rise and turn to the wall and
hochspringen. Sam should stick not hochklettern,
but to himself only to the railing. Now to the right around the corner
hangeln. Come up and in the bushes jump. Quiet up
to door vorschleichen. Pay attention to the
patrolling guards. Waitings to the guard removed, then the way pretire
themselves up to next dark corner, waiting to guard and then the stair
hochschleichen. Attention at the top looks a
guard from window. Farther up to the place(square) with fountain. The court(yard)
cross, again pay attention to guard by window. Before up to closed grid gate and
on the right by the bushes, up to a trapdoor in the wall. There
reinkriechen. On the current chest on the right
one finds 5.72 mms of ammunition and in the wall two Medi-Kit, everything take.
PC use, Sam gets a new note: the code for cellar door police station 5929. Again
and by the grid gate open now. Pay attention to the guards or knock down and way
follow. At the end one comes to an access gallery at whose end a guard stands.
Best the lights about access gallery zerschießen.
Then on roof jump and vorschleichen. From the
roof on the guard jump (bodies hide). The attention whether there looks,
possibly, another guard from window. Farther run till the end and on container
jump. Press from out there wall (face to the wall, the left shoulder in wall and
two times shift key).
Now the steps runter and on code block 5929 give (who wants to risk nothing,
below the light shoots from). By the door. Observe inside guard, he(it) has gone
the way(walk) again runter, go forward, between two walls put, lean against one
and land three times hochspringen and in the
Krätsche between the walls. Now wait for watchman, he(it) is under Sam, on him
runterspringen. Way(walk) follow ducked up to
automatic door on the left. Purely go and PC use. And way(walk) farther follow.
Remove best first the watchman in corpse space. Then again to the other door in
the way(walk) go. This is closed, with Dietrich crack, weapon
zeihen, door open and do watchman. Then back in
the morgue, all PCs use, Sam finds out that in the Leichhalle (cold storage
room) a camera is appropriate. These destroy and then go to both corpses.
Now again on the way(walk) and to the left farther to the door. And the stair
scuffle. Do at the top the guard or quietly(soft) by space(area) creep.
Then by automatic door and stair scuffle go. Creep up at the top quietly(soft)
one after the other on both guards with the desk and knock down. All PCs use.
Then both spaces(rooms) on the right search and use PCs (pay attention in the
last space(area) on the right is still a watchman, knock down). Now the closed
doors crack and take ammunition. Again, the stair runter and below by the double
door to delivery van run.
Georgien ministry of defence – Level 3
Tiflis, Georgia
16th October, 2004, 23:01 o'clock
Decipher Nikoladzes secret
The CIA agents had to die because you were too near in information which
president Kombayn Nikoladze wants to protect. Vyacheslav Grinko, a Russian
mercenary, stands in close connection with Nikoladze. The both want to meet in
the ministry of defence.
- East wings of the ministry infiltrate
- Ask a driver where to yourselves Grinko keeps open
- Release no alarm
The mission begins on the roof. Follow before to the small chimney hood, there
Sam can rope down (with jump key – shift key – goes faster runter). Rope up to
an open window, there purely. The guard in the space(area) immediately goes
between both bookshelves, from the back knock down. In the space(area) a camera
is still, run past under it; ducked up to the light switch, switch off. Then
destroy camera (shoot). Since use PC in peace. To the door under camera go and
use flexible optics(point of view). Should a guard be to be seen, wait to them(her,it)
is away. Then door open in door lean (with Q key) and around corner look. The
guard observe, she(it) turns the back too forwards on the left in the shade
creep. Who is sent, observes on and outgoing watchman and knocks down him in the
shade. Then by door on the left and 1x stair scuffle – Medi-Kit get, then runter.
Pay attention to cameras (run past). Below open door, camera observe and
immediately to the left run. Always beautifully in the shade remain and so cross
the garage (on the second camera pay attention). Immediately after the second
camera around the corner look. The driver of Grinko uses the garage even as
toilet(dress) (!!!), from the back creep up and reach (with space bar). Now one
can interrogate him, then knock down and again back to the stair. At the top
again where watchman rose and went off. Creep up there on the second guard and
knock down. Then before to the door on the right go. Immediately in the door
frame stop, at the top is a camera. If the camera turns to the left, quickly use
the light switch on the right. Now in peace in the space(area) look and use PC.
One gets the following note: sensors of the laser net in the court(yard) can be
deactivated by the computer in the main hall of the south wing from. The other
door open in the space(area) with Dietrich and on the balcony.
A short film is recorded in which one sees like opens somebody a window. On the
left on the balcony railing jump and scuffle on the projection jump and in it
stick and now to the right hangeln up to the open
window, there quietly(soft) in the space(area) jump. In the best the cook change
the subject in one 1x hip, then hide with refrigerator on the right. The cook
knock down, possibly (if he(it) is before or in the cold storage room). Then to
the door creep (the other man(husband) in the space(area) sees Sam not). By the
door and on the left in the darkness wait for the guard (equals). Before he(it)
can operate the light switch, creep up and knock down from the back. How with
all other missions is considered(applies) -> bodies well hide. By the door and
on the right go, stair down creep below watchman knock down. Now one can try to
creep quietly(soft) the left stair runter or one quietly(soft) jumps on the
railing, kneel down (C key) and does a step forward, there jumps Sam runter, an
elegant rotation does in the air and holds on in the railing. Allow to fall from
there quietly(soft) on the ground(bottom) (evt. C
key press again). Creep up on guard by computer, reach, in the shade go and
knock down. Then use the PC. One finds out from Lambert that one needs a colonel
for the Retina scanner. This also equals. Also in the darkness wait. If the
colonel in the armchair sits, creep up, from the back reach and to the scanner
go. If the eye of the colonel was scanned, this knock down (this body one cannot
hide, the time does not reach(does not be enough)) and quickly by the door. Pay
attention to the camera and to the door run (store). In the best take the laser
Mikro to the hand and open the door. Now in the court(yard) immediately to the
right prerun. Sam finds out that the elevator must be monitored. Also so put
that one can see the lift on the left in front that lasers Mikro take to the
hand (E key) and on the elevator aim. If Sam has experienced(has found out)
everything, immediately prerun to the flower grid (curl) and in it
hochklettern, because in the court(yard) it is
immediately teeming with guards. At the top by the open window jump.
In a short film one intends that the elevator comes up, also immediately by the
door in the storeroom. Take there Einweg Dietrich and wait to both guards have
passed (with flexible optics(point of view) examine). Door open and to the left
to the elevator, the switch(counter) use, purely in the elevator and
At the top and immediately on the left to the completed door go, these open in
the best with Einweg Dietrich (goes faster and one must pay attention, because
guards patrol). Light switch off in the space(area), the PC use and on border of
desk put and by the trapdoor at the top in blanket
raufziehen). Note: Sam can on the left or on the right
raufklettern, best on the right, from the door
To the way(walk) follow and at the end let down (if no guards are to be seen).
The camera in front zerschießen and to the left
in the storeroom, the leaders(ladders) high and in the roof prerun. In the small
chimney(flue), Sam can rope down again. With jump and pulled weapon Sam jumps by
the window. Guard do on the right and use PC on the left. Respect: now Sam is
attacked, all aggressors remove and use PC again. Then by the door on the left
run and by the door open now on the left runter. Take there the Medi-Kit in the
wall and farther by door. In the roof run on just (obliquely on the left) and in
the broken lift shaft forwards to the wall (tube) jump. In the tube (bar(stake))
runter slip. Below arrived Sam Schüsse hears. Quickly by the garage run and
address to the person with the delivery van.
GFO Ölplattform – Level 4
Georgien waters,
The Caspian Sea
27th October, 2004, 09:38 o'clock
Rescue Georgien communication data
The interferences of the Nato and the USA have expelled the Georgien special
unities almost without exception from Azerbaïjan. One of the last commands hide
yourselves on a Ölplattform in the Caspian Sea. From out there there rules
active data traffic with the Georgien president's palace.
- Infiltrate the oil refinery by the main pipeline
- Pursue the technical engineer
Leaders(Ladders) on the right hochklettern, at
the top on the left on the boards(shelves) entlanglaufen
and behind metric ton(behind barrel) before on the other boards(shelves) are a
matter to pay attention (: before the metric ton(before the barrel) on the tubes
do not rise, somehow Sam gets stuck there and one must restart again).
Boards(Shelves) prerun on tube up to black chest (platform) on the right. From
there runter on tubes and these along run up to the end. On the left again
raufspringen and in edge stick, to the right
hangeln and with container. Come up, farther
before and to the right on the grid platform
hochspringen. On rope hochspringen and
runterrutschen (explosion). Sam lands on a
platform (or come up). Under tube crawl through and before to tube run. Allow to
turn the tube hochklettern and on the tubes
runterspringen (in addition on the bar(stake)
hanging, Sam about the tubes and fell). There now in the (dark) hole in the tube
jump and along run.
Arrived which leaders(ladders) hochklettern and
trapdoor open and pursue the technical engineer inconspicuously (film). In a
pillar are to shoots(scions), hochklettern and at
the top on the left platform jump (shift key + A key). If only more a guard is
to be seen on the other side, these shoot and run before to railing. Scuffle
jump and immediately on the tubes or platform below jump. Then the steps high
and the technical engineer pursue.
Wait at the top for explosion and stairs scuffle, prerun and soldier do (pocket(bag)
take - Medi-Kit), farther creep to the left, on the right and on the left and
pay attention. Around the next corner look and do guard, still a moment wait and
do the second guard (with body may not be seen by the door open there). If the
guards and the technical engineers (Lambert are away now Sam gives the order to
catch the technical engineer with all means), farther to the right with the
flames. Glass splinters, there now on the right
hochspringen, farther on tube, the feet draw (C key) and by window
hangeln. Inside quietly(soft) runter jump and do
guard, ammunition and Medi-Kit take, by the door. Do Carefully! stair high, at
the top guard on the right (around corner). Technical engineers pursue (one sees
in the film where he(it) hinläuft). Stair runter
and guard do. Door open and take Medi-Kit of wall. To the back on the left (behind
tubes) run – open explosion – door and on the left runter, at the end with dead
body search the pockets(bags). There where one has come before the stair runter,
now farther runter run till one the technical engineer on a platform can reach
and interrogate, then technical engineers knock down, pocket(bag) and attaché
case take.o
This solution are translate from a German FAQ
CIA headquarters – Level 5
Langley, Virginia, the USA
31st October, 2004
22:15 o'clock
Hunt up the mole with the CIA.
Only few hours(lessons) after the attack on the Ölplattform the Georgien
president provoked a wave of disastrous counterblows on the high technology of
the USA. The single trace which could lead to Nikoladze is the mole which one
supposes in the rows of the CIA.
Waitings to the guard which comes from the front, goes again in the direction of
car or immediately start running along the fence, on the other side(page) run
and there with generator in the grid hochklettern
(in front on the left the barbed wire is broken at the top). On the other side(page)
jump, then on the generator and from there on the projection (about light) and
from there on the projection by the left window. Windows open and quickly run by.
In the next space(area) (generator space) observe the technical engineer, he(it)
is away, runterspringen and about grid climb (approx.
in the middle between the tubes in the blanket is place(square)). With passage
in the shade put and knock down technical engineer. Farther along the way(walk).
With camera in the shade run past. With the stairs it will be difficult. At the
top there stands a technical engineer. Best once jump, the guard hears this and
comes runter. Now a positive moment wait (possibly, behind stair put and wait to
guard passes) and the watchman knock down. Then stair high creep. By big glass
window quickly ducked past and quiet stair runter. With the way(walk) on the
right by the door. PC use and take Medi-Kit.
By the other door in the space(area) quietly(soft) move, climb immediately on
the right above the device (on which guards outside pay attention). and in the
next space(area). In the hall somebody phones (with mobile phone), wait to this
with the elevator disappears. Best one gets either on the right in the space(area)
in front with the guard or still better on the left in front a box. Creeps
before till them sews to the guard and throws the box at the other end of the
space(area) (with E key Sam takes the box to the hand and with the left mouse
key throw away). If the guard is in search of the cause, quickly shut down to
the elevator and with this. From the elevator and in the shade remain.
Way(Walk) follow from a door on the right there comes an assistant. Waiting to
this in the opposite (Copy) space(area) gets over. Now the space(area) from that
of the assistants came entering and not switching off the light, this attracts
the patrolling guard. The PC use, one gets a new note: code for server space in
2019. Then from the space(area) and to the right creep and eavesdrop on
entertainment of the guards. Then back and the way(walk) in counterset direction
follow. Quiet go through by the automatic door at the end. In the space(area)
quietly(soft) creep up on the man(husband) by glass window and knock down (besides,
on the guard before the window comes paying attention). Bodies in the completed
space(area) (with Dietrich open) hide. Medi-Kit and Taser from there take. Now
again on the way(walk) and this along run, now one is able to get past in the
window, still knock down, possibly, the other watchman (does whole simpler).
Shortly before end of the way(walk) pay attention. On the left is a windowpane
with guard and a technical engineer stands with a door, or he(it) goes again
shortly after behind to a space(area). Now take first quietly(soft) the
technical engineer, possibly, and to the back go and there unconscious hit (bodies
hide). From the storage room still take Einweg Dietrich. Then observe man(husband)
in the illuminated space(area), he(it) turns off Sam the backs, quickly purely
and the light switch off, he(it) goes to the light switch to turn on again it,
quickly knock down. The pocket(bag) search and take a note: code maintenance
space 7687. This in the door in the code block give, quietly(soft) creep in the
next space(area). One can try to knock down to shoot the technical engineer in
the darkness and then the guard or vice versa. Then go to the next space(area),
Medi-Kit take and use PC, one gets a new note: code give emergency current
battery space 110598, this immediately with the code block of the door.
By door then runter and here either in both technical engineers
gekonnt creep past or to only technical engineer
completely behind do (before he(it) can release alarm) and then second (this
runs max. scuffle up to door). Then the way(walk) follow and stair scuffle. At
the top like Taser, ring projectiles and SC-20K take. Farther by door. In front
a guard or from distance phones Taser do (in addition SC-20K and then Taser from
inventory with left mouse key select, then with the E key fire the weapon to the
Handnehmen and with the RIGHT mouse key). Farther before. Of right(law) in the
big space(area) a guard goes up and down, for positive moment wait and knock
down. Besides, one must pay attention to the other guard patrolled. Also these
do. Then on the left to the automatic double door are a matter to cross (two
double doors). Then give first on the right the code in 2019. The technical
engineer knock down below, in the other space(area) on technical engineer creep
up and also knock down this (both bodies hide).
PC use with pillar. Now one receives the order to think Doughertys PC. Also
again from the server space and in the big space(area). All PCs (or only PC in
space(area) on the right where before guard rose and went off) use, one gets
code for the weapon department 110700. Now from the big hall to the right
farther. Since shortly before protected (metal detector?) creep. There is on the
left a window behind which a guard stands. these do and rise by window. To the
way(walk) follow and in the main hall. There with the lifts along creep (pay
attention to both cameras in the blanket). A guard comes the big stair runter
and goes to a way(walk), there must Sam also there. Waitings to the guard
rausgeht, reinschleichen
and way(walk) on the left follow. Attention: around corner an illuminated space(area)
is with window behind which an assistant stands who hits alarm, if he(it) sees
Sam. Also in it creep past. Forwards and on the left the stair runter. below is
a camera. Sam to the corner put to him(it) the code block can use. Now the code
110700 give in the code block. Quickly, but quietly(soft) by the door and
immediately on the left in the half darkness persevere and eavesdrop on
telephone call. Waiting to the watchman to the beverage dispenser goes, guard
from the back knock down. The PC use and to next space(area) go, there also PC
use torch take. Door with Dietrich open, by the space(area) to next door and
with elevator rauffahren.
At the top from the elevator. Doughertys office has the number 508, this is
considered(applies) of finding it. To the way(walk) along by door. In the next
space(area) in the shade remain and in the large room office. Doughertys office
No 508 is in front the left office. In other space(area) both PCs use. Now
Doughertys PC use, now Sam Dougherty should kidnap. Also from the office and
because way(walk) on the right runter up to a double door (on the left). Go to
the meeting place purely and with armchair rows (on the left) to centre aisle.
Now wait to the speaker a call agrees and all one break do. Waitings to the
guards (up to) the hall leave. The centre aisle
weiterschleichen and farther up to door. These open with Dietrich and.
Farther to the left, in the breaks space
vorbeischleichen and before up to a door on the left (with flexible
optics(point of view) reinschauen). Possibly, two
men(husbands) (incl. Dougherty) observe. One can wait to Dougherty is away, or
also immediately reinschleichen and to PC go and
use this, Sam gets a note: information-procurement head office code 0614. Again
creep and immediately with doors on the left in the wall in code block 0614 give.
By the door in the next way(walk). In the next way(walk) to the right to the
door. Behind this stands Dougherty. Attention, outside in the garden patrols a
guard, for positive moment wait and knock down Dougherty, bodies back in way(walk)
work (or not knock down and only reach, in way(walk) go and there knock down).
Then and guard do. Doughertys unconscious body get and take, by the garden go up
to metal bar, follow these up to door. One gets news that one is fetched, but
own assistants are held to the gate. Dougherty for the first time on ground(bottom)
lay. Door open and extremely quietly(soft) the stair runter rise. Below in the
big space(area) creep. The technical engineer do if he(it) is found(seems) to
the pillar. The body hide. Now on a generator jump (between two generators put
and quickly two times behind the shift key each other (jump) press. The guard in
the space(area) notes something and comes the way(walk) runter. From above on
the guard runter jump. Taser of shelves get and to the door creep the stair
runter look and guard below do (best with key). Now Dougherty get (or also
later). Dougherty the stair runter carry and go to the right, in front on the
corner (where leader(ladder) is to runtersteigen) the body for the first time
put away. Below stand our both assistants and a guard. The leaders(ladders)
runtersteigen which disregard three persons for
the first time. Farther to the right, there at the end is still a guard (the
stair rises now and then). Before creep up to stair, wait for guard and from the
back knock down. Now before to three persons creep up on guard and knock down.
Our assistants thank and want to have the unconscious Dougherty. The
leaders(ladders) rise, Dougherty lift and drag the way farther the stair runter
up to the delivery van. There bodies put away.
Kalinatek building – Level 6
Langley, Virginia, the USA
1st November, 2004
01:24 o'clock
Access to the code key get
Russian mercenaries have with the destruction of proofs, for their(her)
activities with Kalinatek begun. Before their(her) discovery Grimsdóttir in the
building has hunted up a hacker by the name of "Ivan". Ivan is in the possession
of a code key, the Third Echelon in the search for Nikoladze could help.
Before too white delivery van take SC-20K and ring projectiles to the hand and
for guard wait and with right mouse key do! Then do the other guard. Medi-Kit
from little monitoring house get. by the door and stair scuffle. At the top pay
attention and guards eavesdrop. With imprisonment camera check the position
outside. Rausschleichen, from the back in guard and knock down. The others shoot.
Get from little glasshouse Medi-Kit. Then before to box pile under open window,
this scuffle and from window on hung up pile outside jump. Now on bar(stake)
hochspringen and
vorhangeln, under Sam the glass way is to be seen, runter jump. To the
left at the end go forward and glass zerschießen and runter jump. Now quickly
prerun and on the right purely in corner put, wait for guard and do. Pockets(bags)
clear, one gets a code for the security door 97531.
By the automatic glass door go and on the right in the code block 97531 give.
Door open and evt. Light switch off. Ammunition
take. By the next door, in the next space(area) quietly(soft) up to opening in
wall and come up. To the way(walk) follow on and at the end under jump. Before
to the light switch and operate. Waiting to somebody comes to turn on the light.
Also do and all others. Then by the door. Respect: in the way(walk) are,
possibly, imprisonment mines (which react to movement) appropriately, either
quickly run through or the mines defuse (in addition extremely, creep up
extremely slowly on the mines and if Sam is directly before it – stumbles
against wall – mines defuse choose).
Farther up to elevator run (in the way(walk) on the right a Medi-Kit is still in
wall) and reinkriechen.
Quickly again from elevator and completely quickly to the right run on till the
nearness of the open door. Wait for opponent and do. Way(walk)
vorschleichen and on the left put in open door.
Wait for next two opponents and do. Again and farther. Quickly the next way(walk)
run past the imprisonment mines (or in the office) – or mines defuse. From the
storeroom Medi-Kit take and back to the open door. Carefully! to the technical
engineers go and on mines creep up and defuse (once more: in addition extremely,
creep up extremely slowly on the mines and if Sam is directly before it –
stumbles against wall – mines defuse choose). Now one experiences(finds out)
from the technical engineers the code for the archives 33575 and there a bomb is
appropriate which must be defused. The countdown runs. also again, to the left
the way(walk) up to door run, there on code block 33575 give. Now completely
quickly by the spaces(rooms) run past the imprisonment mines. Up to closed door,
these open with Dietrich and purely, to the left, the fallen down filing cabinet
scuffle, run about that point and defuse bomb.
Now one should unlock the fire doors. Also again and immediately on the left.
Creep up at the top on guard and knock down, same with guard below in stair.
Since cross hall and to the left behind choose the stair runter, possibly,
before from the inventory an imprisonment mine. Downwards up to corner and
around corner look (film). Now attach quickly the imprisonment mine and stair
scuffle. At the top wait to explosion was to be heard. Then again runter (evt.
one can wait to the bodies stop to burn, or one goes on the other side(page) and
jumps behind the bodies runter. Then quietly(soft)
vorschleichen, a guard still is there. These do and go on. At the end
take the ammunition of the table and the Medi-Kit of the chair. Then in the wall
use the switch(counter). Again pull the stair. Attention in the hall new
watchmen have appeared. These do the note and with one: key code back door 3rd
of floor(stick) 1250 think.
With the door at the top in code block 1250 give. Purely, stair rise, guards at
the top in office do. In a space(area) with dying talk. Farther up to corner.
Wait for guard and do. Get from space(area) on the right two Medi-Kit. Farther
the way(walk) follow, with glass front creep quickly past and then quietly(soft)
in the space(area). Man(husband) do with PCs. PCs use. The fire doors are
thereby opened. The door open now cross. The stair scuffle and at the top by
door creep. In the darkness remain, possibly, wait to a guard for toilet(dress)
goes, or immediately both do. Then cross space(area) and on the right in toilet(dress)
are a matter to pay attention (if one has not done yet both, is here still a
watchman). At the top by trapdoor and way(walk) to the left follow. At the end
watchman do runterspringen and with Ivan talk.
By the door to the elevator and upwards go. At the top to the left behind
stacker put and evt. on three men(husbands) a
fragment grenade become. Farther run (by door and about box pile upwards
climbings, in other space(area) jump. to the right and two guards do. Ammunition
and Medi-Kit take. Farther by the next space(area) to door. Fragment grenade
hold ready and immediately throw, as long as in the next space(area) the guards
appear. All kill. Then before up to leader(ladder) in the wall and
hochklettern. In the next space(area) jump. Two
Medi-Kit in wall take. On a pallet one still finds fragment grenades. Dan by the
door and on the right farther. Next passage quiet stair high. To the left up to
pallet. In the next way(walk) all do. Go to the right space(area) on the right
and take Medi-Kit and ammunition. Farther in the next and outside guard do.
Attention on imprisonment mines. Farther before and next guard do. Of right(law)
take(accept) with crate Medi-Kit and ammunition. Farther go and outside to
passage. Stair with red light high and all guards do (three). Farther runter and
the space(area) cross. and runter. All do (2 – 3) on stand (best with zoom shot
/ mouse's wheel, besides, the air stop / right mouse key). To stand before run
and hochklettern. Before too whacked assistant.
Chinese embassy(message) – Level 7
Yangon, Myanmar
11th November, 2004
20:13 o'clock
Find the connection between Georgia and China
Thanks to the data of the Pickett GAP of program, Third Echelon could pursue the
conversations of Nikoladze up to the cinesischen embassy(message) in Myanmar. A
possible connection between Nikoladze and the People's Republic of China must be
proved, before gehnadelt can become.
Aim: CIA agent hit under big red shield
From new assistant turn away (turn round) and on the right in the passage on the
container climb and about wall. Actions, two guards patrol. Carefully! both
quietly(soft) knock down or if a guard goes to the left, the other reach to the
back in shade go and knock down. Pockets(bags) clear and then knock down other
guard. Before to the burning metric ton(barrel) go and there climb
leader(ladder). Quiet about ground(bottom) go (below on street are guards). On
the stand rise and leader(ladder) hochklettern.
At the end go and on rope jump. The guards on the street observe and at a
positive moment on the other side(page) hangeln. Runterspringen and in shade
run. The Medi-Kit take(accept) and on projection go on. Around the corner on
grid go and leaders(ladders) runter climb. On the ground(bottom) jump. Behind
container hide. The guards observe and run on street in shade. About the open
place(square) run to open channel grid and runter rise (on both guards pay
Under to the right farther, then on the left. Guards observe. Then before and on
the right always just from, by open door. Farther just from, then on the right
around corner (guards by far follow). Do the first guard (in the best with ring
projectile). Farther prerun to an on the right opening at the top with
leader(ladder) to see. This raufspringen and
hochklettern. Attention at the top patrols a
guard. If this of the trapdoor leaves, raussteigen
and immediately climb on the left behind on the stand. Of right(law) farther
jump on bar(stake) and about broken boards(shelves)
hangeln. Quiet on boards(shelves) jump and on the right up to open window
go. Get into the window and bar(stake) hochklettern.
At the top with the exit one meets the agent.
On roof prerun and lift ammunition. The small stair rope high and at the end.
Below do guard with Taser and farther creep. Now on street in two guards
vorbeischleichen (or do). With the first passage
on the right reinschleichen and on the left in
corner places. Waiting to the guard with the flashlight to the stand to turns,
quietly(soft) creep up and knock down. To the way follow on the left on
place(square). Behind white delivery van wait for guard, in the shade knock
down. Also knock down, possibly, the guard with the open gate. Then to gate run.
With delivery van and immediately under truck supporter hide. If the guards have
calmed down. To the next truck supporter on the right run. Not too far before,
because also a dog is nearby which takes(accepts) the weather, otherwise. Dog
and watchman observe at the positive moment to the right around corner run, by
water (the dog loses so the track) and on the other side in the darkness wait.
If everything is quiet again, with the pavilion on the meadow creep. To the
shrubs put and pull the laser Mikro (E key). Now direct upon the window on the
left about the entrance and monitor talk. Lasers Mikro again pocket. Wait for
the car, it stands with the gate, lasers Mikro again pull out and direct upon
rear autowindow. After the end of the telephone call, in the direction of
entrance creep. The guards knock down (possibly, with key and / or shot at ring)
or by means of deflection system (SC-20K deduces with Ablenkgeschoss, then right
mouse key) change the subject and up to wall run. Of right(law) on the wall (approx.
height little awake house) on the tube upwards climb about wall and on the other
side again about a tube runter. To the assistant on the right go and with her
Mouke Tsoe Bo – Level 8
Slaughter-house, Yngon,
Myanmar, 11th November, 2004,
22:52 o'clock
Caught US soldiers save.
In a final act of the hate for the USA Nikoladze wants to let caught US soldiers
during an Internet transmission execute. Besides, Vyacheslav Grinko should lead
the fatal direction. These executions must be prevented, also to stabilize the
relations with China.
Aim: roof antenna destroy
All opponents remove. Before to door purely and Medi-Kit take. PC use, now Sam
finds out that in the court(yard) mines were put. Now quickly with open Spint
hide, a guard enters into the space(area). Watchman do and clear pockets(bags).
With flexible optics(point of view) check position before door. Then and to the
right creep. In the building on the right is a balcony, there one can attract
the first guard, move, possibly, quickly or jump. Use best key or ring
projectile. Then before and once the warm picture camera use (key 3 to number
block), direct upon ground(bottom) and so recognize the put mines. Now about
fence climb (to the amount of box(chest) in lattice fence on other side(page)).
Floodlights observe. Do best immediately the guard in the balcony completely in
front (with zoom shot). Then with boxes(chests) to the left behind run, and hide
behind big box pile. Floodlights observe and then to the left behind cone of
light herlaufen. In the best turn on the warm
picture camera. Before up to a box(chest) (on the right, not directly in the
fence) and about that point climb, immediately about the next and then to the
right run. With the containers take(accept) the Medi-Kit and about container in
crack at the top jump (unfortunately, no more exact solution has here, but one
can use to the trouble(need) a Cheat: F2 press and give FLY, then
"hochschweben" and before trapdoor again F2 and
FULL give).
Along the way(walk) creep and rausklettern. One
can try to go quietly(soft) about the roof up to aerial. But mostly one is
discovered. Under / behind stair hide, wait for enemies and do all. Then before
to the aerial run and use switch(counter) (film). Now the stair high in the
nearness of the door for which (two) aggressors wait and do. Then still after
before on the balcony run and there from the already done guard clear the
pockets(bags). Back to the door (with Dietrich open), purely and the stair
runter. Behind a metric ton is an imprisonment mine. Creep up and defuse. The PC
use and take ammunition. Then stair scuffle quietly(soft) by the next door and
stair runter. Door open and to railing creep. High jumpings and quietly(soft)
let down. Below Medi-Kit take(accept) and do guard with entrance. A guard still
is behind with the showers, also these do. Then use PC and and on the left the
way(walk) farther by double door. Around the corner to the door, quietly(soft)
reinschleichen and guard do. PC use. Then and
immediately on the right near door the trapdoor in the ground(bottom)
runtersteigen. the way(walk) follow. Shortly
before end pay attention, at the top only a grid about this is a guard goes.
Farther before and bar(stake) hochklettern. To
the right jump (shift key + D key) and come up. Quiet about blanket creep up to
opening. Best the guards below with deflection system do. Then
To fog go and enter into the slaughter-house. By the slaughter-house one most
simply comes, if one the warm picture camera turned on
läst. By the space(area) creep and for the guard wait, do. In the next
space(area) still two opponents do, before they can throw fragment grenades.
Then cross the space(area). With next passage do guard and with a roll(role)
forward along the automatic firing device in the space(area) get. Then to the
left go up to automatic firing device and switch off. Medi-Kit before next
passage take and go after passage three times on the left. With too next
passage. Two guards do and go on to the left in the next space(area). Warm
picture camera switch off and see an opening in the ground(bottom), this
runtersteigen. To the way(walk) to at the end
follow, get up (in addition one must stand right in the middle of the trapdoor)
and come up.
At the top the stair quietly(soft) runter rise and do guard in the next space(area).
Then get stair high and Medi-Kit, and again runter and immediately use on the
right behind the switch(counter). Runterspringen and the way(walk) follow.
At opening do guard and. To the left and immediately in the next space(area) do
on the left the guard. Go back to the way(walk) and to the next stable.
Automatic firing device switch off on the right and take ammunition of metric
ton(of barrel), metric ton(barrel) notice, here lie objects (bottles) on the
ground(bottom) which Sam will still immediately need, but for the moment allow
to still lie. Then on the way(walk) and before up to the next stable. Before the
passage take on the left the Medi-Kit. At the end of the stable one sees two
guards. Now quietly(soft) in the stable and immediately to the left creep. There
hochspringen and go forward till one behind the
automatic firing devices runter can jump. The IFF (enemy friend's recognition)
switch off and back creep. Now with the metric tons(with the barrels) a bottle
(object) get to the passage go and the object to the stable throw (in addition
first the E key press, aim and with the left mouse throw away). The guard note
that and run the way(walk) runter, however, are done by the automatic firing
device. Now again to the automatic firing devices climb and completely switch
off. Farther by the next stable and with automatic firing device
vorsprinten (or roll, run in addition standing
and in run the C key press).
Way(Walk) follow on the right and on the left hide which do to both guards and
follow way(walk) farther (two times on the left). At the end take ammunition of
the shelves. Now all imprisonment mines attach one has at a disposal. Then go up
the centre aisle which switch off the left automatic firing device and go to the
left space(area). There on the soldiers hit. Again and automatic firing device
turn on, and IFF switch off. The right automatic firing device switch off and in
the right space(area). With Chinese talk (film). Best store, before Sam goes.
All opponents from the imprisonment mines have escaped, do and also Grinko.
Chinese embassy(message) – Level 9
Yangon, Mynmar
12th November, 2004
00:11 o'clock
Look for Nikoladzes secret
As a result of the rescue operation with the slaughter-house Feirong with an
almost entire(complete) atom bomb from the embassy(message) plans to flee. An
approaching war only prevent between the USA and China
läst to itself if Third Echelon proofs thinks of the fact that Feirong
does not act on behalf of the government.
- Infiltrate embassy(message) about high floor
- Get access to the server in the cellar, access to Feirongs archives
- Feirong do not kill
Turn round and on the right in the court to the door
rausgehen. Flexible optics(point of view) start with door. Cook observe
inside. Door open and to refrigerator prerun. One can eavesdrop on the talk of
two guards in the restaurant. On the left prerun (when the cook Sam turns the
back) and there about the leaders(ladders) in the warehouse rise. From this
position from the lamp at the top zerschießen and
carefully leader(ladder) scuffle. In the opposite building a guard goes in a
space(area) up and down which has a flashlight. Positive moment wait,
raufklettern and guard do over there. Then about
the boards(shelves) on the other side(page) run. By the destroyed house farther
on the balcony. There under administration(pipe) at the top to other building (embassy(message))
runs get in which one positions himself to the railing and two times in a row
hochspringt. About the administration(pipe) slip
to the embassy(message). There about the projection around the corner to the
canopy get. Fallenlassen and farther around the corner up to tube go. In it
hochklettern in opening purely and by the grid
Below in the rear space(area) Medi-Kit get by opening to the wall (with tubes)
go. To the wall put (Q key) and so by the columns go. Since press at the end (again
Q key), the tube runter slip. Below again along the wall go on. In the computer
space quickly all guards do, before one goes by the door and destroys the PC.
Then by the door and PC use. To the next door and by the next door on the right
in the storeroom. Two Medi-Kit get and again in the way(walk). up to next door.
By and the stair high. At the top before door operate on the left the light
switch. Creep up on guard and reach. The stair go down and knock down. The other
guard with the key do (out of sight of the camera). Then on the right farther
and immediately purely with the first door. Quiet creep in the next space(area)
or in the next space(area) do both guards. Medi-Kit and ammunition take and
switch off in the next space(area), light. The flexible optics(point of view)
use in door and outside observe both guards with the door. So soon they are
inside, run to the code block with door and turn on warm picture camera and look
at the code block. The pressed keys are still visible, the first pressed key
disappears naturally first (second as next etc), and so one recognizes the
number 1436 and gets so in the hall. Immediately at the top the high-bright
zerschießen, best immediately again, wait and
again purely in the hall. With the door stop. Stick to door
hochspringen and at the top with the vases and
come up. With the vases to the right are a matter to press (with Q key in wall).
The guard do below and the light zerschießen.
Runterspringen and automatic firing device evt.
switch off. The left (pull up) vase zerschießen
and again hochspringen. Light switch off at the
top zerschießen
raufspringen and IFF (quickly act). The guards are done so. Automatic
firing device switch off and to the next door on the left
reingehen. The space(area) cross and with the
other door again. There (probably) lie the other whacked guards who clear
pockets(bags) and choose the same way back automatic firing device. There to the
border put and hochspringen and in the bar(stake)
stick. Feet pull and before hangeln about bar(stake).
One can observe from out there now the guards how they use the Retina scanner.
Also vorhangeln till one behind the guard
runterspringen can, however, this must happen
extremely quietly(soft) (C key press before Sam in the ground(bottom) is). The
guard reach and to scanner with door go, knock down, switch off purely by the
door and guard. The PC use in the space(area) and by the rear window
Below the lights with passage zerschießen. Then
go forward and outside the guards and the dog observe. At the suitable moment to
the right hinunterlaufen by the water up to grid
door vorschleichen (or run, Sam is for the first
time by the grid door, the guards do not pursue him any more).
Then do the guard (beyond sight area of the camera). Under the camera up to door
run and reingehen and farther to next by the door
and on the other side of the space(area) is a guard which Sam must pursue to get
by all doors. By the shelves and again warm picture camera in code block apply,
one gets the code 9753. Purely in the next space(area) Medi-Kit and ammunition
take and switch off light if guard calms down, involve (on the other guards
outside in the warehouse pay attention and in the darkness do (or he(it) should
come after the Lichtausschalten to the space(area), doing immediately quietly(soft)
or also all other guards). Then outside other (three) guards from the distance
do, pay attention to camera and at the other end run. There is again a camera,
in this apply the camera destroyer (or also not, now the alarm does not
interfere any more, the guards has already done Sam). Then on the small box(chest)
and farther on the box pile jump and come up. Then before run and by door (on
the right below the TRUCKS are to be seen). By the passage (film). Now quickly
the bar entlanglaufen and from above aim at the
gas pump and shoot – explosion.
Downwards run and trapdoor in the ground(bottom) open,
hinuntersteigen. Below do the guard. and farther remain after before in
the shade. Another guard soon appears, this must follow Sam. With the first door
again apply warm picture camera in code block and open door with code 1456.
Farther and purely in the elevator and upwards go. At the top with the closed
door with warm picture camera recognize the code in 1834 by the code block and
give. By the door and a shot hear running to the next door and applying again
warm picture camera and giving code 7921 in code block. Then prerun and for
short talk the general reach and interrogate. Then Sam pulls the general to the
PC and receives other information.
Then and on the left – respect explosion. By the passage, other explosions
follow. Quickly by the door and then by the burning curtain. About the railing
jump and by door to the stair. Once runterlaufen
to window, this open and runterspringen. Then to
the helicopter start.
President's palace – Level 10
Tiflis, Georgia
13th November, 2004,
00.04 o'clock
Find Kombayn Nikoladze and the Ark
Kombayn Nikoladze has returned in the Georgien president's palace to get the
weapon which is known up to now simply as an "Ark". The fact that Nikoladze
comes individually back after Tiflis points to the fact that the weapon is very
important. The threat by Nikoladze and the Ark must be eliminated at all costs.
Aim: Ark procure act
Before to cliff go. The left shoulder in wall and face for the rise (on Sam
scuffle must go). Then two times jump and come up. To the wall handle to jump on
tube, face to the wall with tube and shoulder on the right in wall, again two
times jump and hochklettern. At the top to the
right jump (W key + D key + shift key) and come up. In the tube
hochspringen and to the left
hangeln, runterfallen
leave. On the next tube jump, farther hangeln and
at the end runterfallen leave, stick to
projection on the wall and on the right around corner
hangeln. At the end again to the right jump (W key + D key + shift key)
and come up. With approach quickly jump on the next rock and farther to the next.
There runterfallen and in edge stick, to the
right and come up. In tube hochklettern and at
the top come up. Again runterfallen leave, stick
to edge and to the right hangeln. Pay attention
to the dogs, take(accept) quite quickly weather. The dogs, possibly, with shot
at ring out of fight place. Then two lights in the park
zerschießen to which cones of light of the tower pay attention and run in
the labyrinth. Run for the first shrub immediately to the left and then way
follow. Guard do (so one gets the code for garden gate) and with garden gate
code 2126 give, besides, pay attention to the guard outside. This also do and
then to the left runter with oblique and on the right the grid in wall open.
Below pick up the Medi-Kit and stair. At the top again Medi-Kit take and quietly(soft)
creep in the next space(area) on carpet to the right. There one sees paying
attention protected door (on laser with laser beams, one sees with infra-red
binoculars). Now in the right rear corner creep. Some guards soon appear. Simply
in corner hold out, since they go at the opposite end of the space(area). Now
with the door the middle lasers are switched off, to the door creep and go
through. Before stair on radiator jump and hochspringen.
To the left hangeln and in middle of stair allow
to fall. After obenspringen and come up. By the
door go and do all guards. In the pockets(bags) one finds a note code 70021,
this code at the top with door give. By and all do (who wants to save ammunition,
is very important in this Level, does so many guards as possible quietly(soft)
and inconspicuously from the back). Stair runter and Medi-Kit get. Again scuffle
and along the way(walk) to passage with camera. Light
ausschießen. Door with Dietrich open. Laser beams observe, the lower ones
go out shortly, quickly crawl through. With next laser beam again pay attention
which jump high erlischen, about that point. The
guard do. PC use from other space(area) Medi-Kit get and again by the
Laserfallen, past camera and to the left of guard do. Farther by the next door
to camera, past and by the next door.
Actions and library code 66768 give. Opening and all guards do. With the
elevator go downwards. Now it is good if one still enough ammunition and
Medi-Kit has, all guards do.
Then search passage and downwards go. Below Nikoladze snap and interrogate, then
go to scanner.
As long as the light has fallen out, all shoot and again high in the library.
There by the door open now in the garden creep. Best guard on the left by far
pursue in the middle of the garden, between the shrubs run in the middle and
behind shrubs hide. Waitings to the guards on the left and on the right again to
other direction go, prerun up to wall and on the right the active tube
raufklettern. To the left jump (W key + A key +
shift key). Downwards jump. Now Sam receives the order to kill Nikoladze.
Ammunition take(accept) still quickly (from opening) and to the right at the top
aim and Nikoladze shoot. Then by door stair half runter,
hochspringen and persevere to guards are, Then
runterspringen (quietly(soft)) and by the hall go. If necessary wait to
only one guard in the hall is, these do and jump in front with double door on
chest on the left, come up and from out there on the balcony, and go. Below
still wait four guards. In the balcony creep at the other end, on railing jump
and quietly(soft) downwards jump, by the double door. Now Slacken enjoy.