Simon The Sorcerer 4: Chaos Happens
The game begins after Simon’s dream. Pick up the Glass of Milk that’s on the floor next to the table. Then combine Glass of Milk with the Wardrobe in the room. Finally use the Wardrobe.
You will find yourself in Magic Kingdom, where Simon meets Alix. After breaking up with you she gives you a Ring. Go to the Lodge. You can speak with the Woodcutter if you’d like. Pick up the Climber that’s behind the Woodcutter and in front of the pile of wood. After that pick up the Sledgehammer +2 which is found next to the hut, on the right side of the screen. Now back to the crossroad and from there to the Carpenter’s workshop. Pick up the Pot that’s right in front of you. Also pick up the Bucket which is in front of the house’s door and the Spade which is among the flowers. Talk to the Little Red Riding Hood (LRRH for short). Choose any topic you like, but at some point ask her about where her mother is, because she has a job for you. She will tell you that she needs a favor first and she will lead you to the crossroad and in front of a burrow.
-The burrow puzzle
If you try to put your hand in the burrow, a crazy flesh-eating rabbit will attack you. Hmmm…You need strategy to catch it. Go back to the Carpenter’s workshop. Pick up the Kitchen knife which is in front of you, the Oil which stand above the chicken and the Dandelion which is a yellow flower standing alone next to the steps leading to the door. Go to the Riverbank. There’s Rope right on the river dock. Pick it up. After that combine the Dandelion with the Dead wild boar. You will get a bloody Dandelion. Back to the crossroad. Go to the Lodge. Ask the Woodcutter for a rabbit trap. He will give you a Piece of wood. Go to the Carpenter’s workshop. Give the Piece of wood to the carpenter. He will make a Rabbit trap for you. Back to the crossroad (you will come here lots of times during the game). Combine the Rabbit trap with the Burrow in order for Simon to put the rabbit trap in the right place. Then Combine Blood soaked Dandelion with the rabbit trap. The rabbit will come out of the burrow and get itself stuck in the trap. Now use the burrow in order for Simon to put his hand in it and get the LRRH’s cap.
Give her the cap. She will lead you to her mom. Talk to LRRH’s mother. Ask her what you have to do, because you seem to have forgotten. She will give you a Basket of food and tell you to deliver it to Grandma who lives in the forest. Go to the crossroad and from there to the Troll bridge. Combine in your inventory the Rope with the Climber to get an Artificial Liana. Talk to the troll. After that combine the Artificial Liana with the Tree Branch that’s right above Simon’s head. He will swing and force the troll to fall from the bridge. Cross the bridge and go into the Deep forest. Get in Grandma’s house. Talk to Grandma. Ask whatever you like, but you have to tell her that you have some presents for her. After that, ask her how to get out of the woods. She will give you a Map. A map has been added in your inventory. With it you can travel from one place to the other pretty fast. Go to the crossroad. There you will barely see another Simon passing by. Simon is going to chase him. You will end up in the town, talking to Alix. Go to the alleyway. There you will meet the drunken wolf. Simon will pick up a bottle of Corrosive cleaning alcohol. Move to the Dark alley (the exit is on the top far left side of the screen). You will meet your double, talk to him and he will put you in jail.
-Getting out of the jail
In the jail cell, pick up the straw that’s right on the left side of the screen. Use the cell window. Simon will comment he can’t fit through there and after that Abra Cadabra and Alix will enter. Abra Cadabra will start talking you about the torture procedure. Choose all the last topics. Abra Cadabra will postpone the torture. Alix will talk to you a little more and then you will find yourself alone in the cell. Mix the Corrosive cleaning alcohol from your inventory with the Piss-pot that’s right next to the door. You will get a Corrosive cleaning alcohol with piss concentrate. Use it on the door. The door’s wood will be corroded by the mixture, so you can get out of the cell. Simon will say that in the adjacent cell is Goldilock, the famous lock picker from the other games. Go to the far left side of the room, where a bench is. Pick up the Glasses for magic deciphering and the Scroll. Also pick up the Glass flask, which is lying on a small stool in front of Simon. Finally pick up the red rag that’s on the floor between the Eerie machine and the cells’ doors. Combine the Scroll with the Glasses for magic deciphering in your inventory. Simon will comment that the scroll is actually a door-opening magic. Use it on Goldilock’s cell. Enter the cell. Talk to Wailing Walter the Ghost (I just love his voice…very ghostly!). Ask him about everything. You will learn that he was accused for a crime he didn’t commit and now that he is dead he can’t rest in peace until proven innocent. Talk to Goldilock. Pick up from the stone-bed the Straw and the Red neckerchief. Then as you stand in front of the stone-bed, notice a pin which looks like four coins lying on the floor in the foreground. It’s a Hairpin. Pick it up. Leave this cell and go to yours. In your inventory combine one Straw with the other Straw to get a Big pile of straw. Combine this pile with the Red rag. You will get a Red torso. Use this with the plank bed. Combine now the Glass flask with the Red neckerchief to get a Flask heads with cap. Use it with the plank bed. The Simon doll is ready. You can leave the cell. Use the Hairpin with the lab’s door. Simon will unlock it. You can now go back to the alley.
Simon will notice an invitation for Swampy society. Go to the alleyway and from there to Town’s gate. Get in Calypso’s shop. You will talk with Alix a little bit. Ask her everything both to collect information and to learn that you have to find your double’s address. Pick up the Helium balloon that’s right above your head. Now get out of Calypso’s shop and go to the Market place (the exit is on the right corner of the screen). Go to the Club house (it’s on the far right side of the game’s screen – you have to move Simon until the screen can’t scroll any more). Ask them to go in. They will tell you that you need your membership card. Talk to the Pizza chef. Order a pizza with sour cherries and anchovies (bliah!). The pizza chef will tell you he can’t deliver because he has no tires. So you have to find wheels for him. Before leaving pick up a paper cup that’s right next to the Pizza chef. Instead of wheels, pizza chef can use a skateboard to deliver. So you need LRRH’s (Little Red Riding Hood) skateboard. But in order to get it, you have to get rid of her. How? By making the fairytale true…
-Making the Little Red Riding Hood’s fairytale come true…
Go to the carpenter workshop. Talk to the LRRH’s mother. You will tell her that you can no longer deliver food to Grandma. Tell her that LRRH said she wants to do it. Talk to LRRH. After that LRRH will take the basket and leave for her Grandma. You will meet her in the crossroad. Talk to her. Simon will think about the fairytale. Go to the Deep forest and then to Grandma’s house. Tell her that you no longer deliver her the food. Go to the town and from there to the alleyway. Talk to the wolf, until you start the conversation about what he can do. Tell him he can become the fairytale wolf. Go again to the deep forest. You will meet the wolf standing outside Grandma’s house. Talk to him. Start the conversation about his voice. Choose the topic with the balloon mentioned. Go to the crossroad to notice that LRRH is not there. Go back to Deep forest. Find the wolf standing somewhere near the house. Talk to him. He will tell you that LRRH has a pepper spray and that he can’t do anything to avoid it. Tell him that you will take care of LRRH. Go to the crossroad and talk to LRRH. She will hit you with pepper spray. Tell her anything to spray you again. Do that for one more time. The pepper spray will get empty. Tell her about the spider. She will leave and go to Grandma’s where both her and Grandma will be eaten by the wolf. Go to Grandma’s and pick up the Skateboard, which is lying right next to the door. Get in the house. Wolf is sick. Pick up a Pin from the pincushion on the bedside table. Go to the market place.
Give pizza chef the Skateboard. That’s how you will learn where your double lives. Double Simon will throw the pizza in the trash. Pick it up. Try to get in the tiny hut. You will take a pick. But you need something to spy on Double Simon. Get in Calypso’s shop. Talk to Alix. Ask her if she knows of any spying tool. She will tell you to go to the woods. Go to the troll bridge. See the tree hole. Simon will start talking and a dragon will appear. Ask him if he has anything that can help you spy on your double. He will tell you that there’s a mirror which is very useful for this kind of operation. But is very expensive and he sold one to a rich guy. Ask him the address of the rich guy. Now go to the town, from there to the alleyway and finally to the dark alley. Goldilock is standing on the window of her cell. Talk to her. Tell her anything and after that ask her if she knows anything about a magic mirror. She will finally tell you that she knows where you can find the rich guy’s mirror, but she wants a favor first. To find her a flask. Go to the Deep forest (or Grandma in the map). Go to the far left of the screen. There’s a yellow moss there in the shape of a cross. Use the Spade from your inventory on the moss. Simon will find Goldilock’s flask. Go back to Dark alley and give the flask to Goldilock. You don’t trust her and she will suggest giving her half of the potion. Combine the Bottle with the Paper cup in your inventory. Then give Goldilock the Half empty bottle to Goldilock. Choose the topic Ok I’ll give you half of the potion. You will find out that is a teleporting potion, but it only teleports you to the west. And you will also find out that rich guy’s house is the villa at the market place. Go to the market place. Look at the villa. Simon will comment that this is the rich guy’s house. Use the Half empty magic potion of your inventory on the villa. Simon will say that he is not going to use it until he knows where west is. So you need a compass.
-Making a compass, getting into the villa and getting the magic mirror
Go to the alleyway and from there to the Musical instrument’s maker house. Pick up the Abacus. Try to pick up the cat’s bowl. Simon will say that he can’t do it. Talk to the Maker of musical instruments. Ask him whose is that bowl. He will tell you that it belongs to his cat, but you can take it. Simon will pick it up. Now go to the market place and enter the Town hall. Pick up the Ink eraser that’s on the reception desk and the Membership cards which are on the shelf behind the desk. Right before the exit there’s a notice board, on which you can distinct a small red Magnet. Pick it up. From the market place go to the alleyway (be sure to use the exit that’s next to the Town hall). You’ll find garbage next to Simon. Click on it. He will find a Cork. In your inventory combine the Needle with the Magnet. Then combine the Magnetized needle with the Cork. Finally use Cork with compass needle on the Cat’s bowl to get yourself a compass. Back to the market place now. Use the Compass on the Villa. Now use the Half empty magic potion on the Villa. Simon will get in the house. Talk to the Rich guy. You will find out that he is hungry. Give him the Pizza box. In the conversation choose any topic you like. Finally, rich guy will give you the observation mirror. Use the trap door that’s on the floor. Simon will find a way out of the Villa. Now get back in the Manhole cover in order to go to the Villa. Try to pick up the Magic mirror. It’s too big to carry it. Use the Sledgehammer +2 on the Magic mirror. Simon will break it in pieces. Oops! You have to adjust the mirror to watch your double first. Use the Ring on the mirror. Now use the Sledgehammer +2 on the mirror. Now go to Town and from there to the Tiny hut, where your double lives.
-At the Double Simon’s house
You will see a top view of the house. On the far right side of the screen there’s a Mole cage. Use it. Simon will get a Mole. Now, on the left side of the entrance and between the bushes there’s a Dirty hole. Use the Mole on the Hole (hehehe). Use the Dirty hole. Simon will find a bone. Now get in the house. Go to the bathroom and pick up the Shampoo that’s next to the toilet. Go to the kitchen and pick up the Broomstick and the Bucket. Go to the dining room. There’s a dog, which can’t let you go further. Use the Bone on the poodle. It will follow you now wherever you go. Go to the kitchen and use the Bone with the open window. Now go back to the dining room and pick up the Rake that’s next to the fireplace. Use the Rake on the key cabinet in the hall. Use the key cabinet. Simon will find a Remote key. Use the Remote key on the Chemical lab’s door. Get in the lab and pick up the Formula for black powder. In your inventory click on the Formula for black powder. Simon will comment you can make a bomb with it. Click on the table with the Alchemical apparatus. Simon will say that the only Ingredient you don’t have is the charcoal. Go to the bathroom. Use the Bucket on the pool. Go to the dining room and use the Bucket with water on the fireplace. Use the fireplace to get some Charcoal. Go back to the lab and use the Charcoal on the Alchemical apparatus. It seems you need something more in order to get your double out of the study. Use the Shampoo on the Polished floorboards in the hall and after that use the Charcoal on the Alchemical apparatus once more. Double Simon will slip and fall and go to his room. Go into the study. Pick up the Parrot and the Inkwell with quill from the desk. Look at the desk. After some comments, Simon will pick up a Note with combination. It’s the combination to the safe, written in a rather poetic way. It’s a very easy puzzle actually, but without explaining it just use the safe. Choose 3 for the first figure, 4 for the second, 2 for the third figure and 1 for the fourth figure. Simon will pick up the Fake diamond. Use the Inkwell with quill with the to-do-list that’s on the desk. Now open the window that’s next to the door. After some while (or if you try to get out of the room) your Double will come in. Simon will get himself flat as a rug. Your Double will get the membership card and leave it on the desk. Pick it up. Leave study and the house.
Go to Calypso’s shop. Talk to Alix. You will find out that the voice of the parrot is Calaba’s, the king’s assistant and that he plans to make a weapon. Use the Parrot on the Instant Machine. You will get an Alphabet soup made from the parrot. Now go to the market place and from there to the Club house. Ask to get in. You have the membership card, so you will get in. Pick up the Dart board that’s hanging on the wall. Open the wardrobe and pick up the Box with white gloves. Talk to Swampy. Before you tell him you need his help he will give you swamp stew.
-Getting rid of Swampy’s stew
You need something in order to get immunized to that disgusting taste.Go to the market place and talk to Yogi. Tell him you have a problem that might be solved with yoga. After telling him about the stew he will ask you for a favor first. You have to show him a new kind of pain. Go to the town hall. Go to the alleyway. You will find the rich guy there. Talk to him. Finally he will give you his Tax assessment. Go back to the market place and give the Tax assessment to Yogi. He will feel a new pain and help you get immunized to the stew’s taste. Go to the club house. Talk to Swampy. Simon will learn important information, which he will share with Alix after talking to Swampy.
Go to the Castle. Get into the building site. Notice the chalk drawings and pick up the Building plan-Hinkernwinkernstein’s sketch from the trailer. Go to the market place and enter the town hall. Pick up the Cardboard model of the castle. In your inventory combine all the models and plan of the castle. It seems that you have to get in to use them. But how? All you need is a ghost. Go to town and from there to Calypso’s shop. Pick up the Model of the castle made from plastic bricks. Talk to Alix and learn some more information. Talk to Calypso and tell him that you saw a job offering for a castle ghost. After that tell him that you need someone to explore the castle. You will meet outside the chalk drawings at the castle. Simon will find out that Calypso needs a chain and some acting classes. Use the map to go to the river bank. Talk to the Director. Talk to him about everything, but most importantly ask him if he can teach Calypso some acting lessons. He will ask you for a favor. You have to provide him a magician’s robe, a flute and a halberd.
-Finding the halberd
Go to the troll bridge. Aha! The troll survived the fall and is there with a halberd. In your inventory click on the Abacus. You will end up with Wooden pearls. Use these Wooden pearls on the troll. He will fall again. Pick up his halberd.
-Finding the flute
Go to Grandma’s. Pick up the Money sock that’s right next to the bed. Go to the market place and from there to the town hall. Pick up the “Wanted” sign. Go to the lodge. Talk to the woodcutter. Go to the carpenter workshop and tell the carpenter that he is needed at the lodge. He will tell you that he can’t leave the place while his wife is there. Give the “Wanted” sign to Little Red Riding Hood’s mother. She will leave the place. Talk to the carpenter again. He will go have some beer. Check on the chair leg that the carpenter was working on. Pick it up. Go to the maker of musical instruments (he is in the alleyway near the town). Give him the Chair leg. He will tell you that he can’t do anything because of the music ban. Talk to him and learn more about the music ban. Go to the town hall (at the market place). Talk to All-purpose-officer. He will tell you that he’s thinking of a way to make the music ban even harder. Use the Type case+wooden frame that’s behind Simon. Simon will say that he can’t do anything while the officer is in the room. Talk to all-purpose officer and ask him information about an imaginary form. While he searches for it, use the Type case+wooden frame again. Simon will make some changes. Get out of the town hall and check out the notice board behind Simon. A new notice about the end of the music ban is there. Simon will pick it up. Go to the maker of musical instruments and give him the Chair leg. Tell him that you found a notice. Tell him you have a chair leg. He will make a flute out of it. Get out of the shop and reenter. Talk to the Maker of musical instruments again. He will give you the flute.
-Getting the magician’s costume
Go to town and enter the Double Simon’s tiny hut. Go to the study and pick up the Love letters from the bookcase. In your inventory use the Ink eraser on the Love letter. Go to Calypso’s shop. Use the Love letter on the Doormat that’s in front of Calypso’s shop’s door. Alix will get out, find it and leave the shop. Enter the shop and pick up the Magician’s costume.
-Getting the ghost’s chain(by proving his innocence)
You can find it on the shelf on the far right side of the screen. Now you have everything but the chain. Go to the dark alley and talk to Wailing Walter the ghost. You will learn that he is innocent. Pick up the building plan of the castle that’s in the barrel in the dark alley. Go to the club house and talk to Swampy. Tell him that you’ve checked the membership cards and that you know how many people are attending. Talk to him more. Swampy will get angry on you and leave the place. Use the Sledgehammer +2 from your inventory on the nail tip that’s right above Mona Lisa’s portrait. The painting will fall. Pick up the Mona Lisa painting. In your inventory use Mona Lisa on the bucket and sponge. Simon will unveil another painting underneath. Go to the town hall and give the Box with white gloves to the all-purpose-officer. Tell him you need some information on a theft. He will tell you that the painting needs to be identified by an expert. Go to the Maker of musical instruments and give him the Modern Art. He will identify it as a Peekasioo. Go again to the town hall and talk to the officer. He will admit Walter’s innocence and give you his Release Papers. Go to the dark alley and give them to Walter the ghost. He will disappear. Pick up his Ghost chain. Go to the castle and give the Ghost chain to Calypso.
Go to the river bank and talk to the director. Tell him that you have his props. You have everything that is needed for Calypso’s lessons. Go to the castle and meet Calypso. He will tell you about the secret passage. Go to the castle yard. Check on the House of Chamberlain. Enter it. You will meet Calaba and learn about his plans. Go to the troll bridge and talk to Terribilix.Talk to him about everything. Ask him what would happen if he ran out of real diamonds. Ask him if he also buys gems. He will tell you that what you have is just a piece of glass. Simon will say that there must be a way to convince him to take the fake diamond. Go to the Double Simon’s tiny hut. Get into the study. Pick up a piece of paper from the paper tray. It’s a diamond order. In your inventory click on Granny’s money sock. It will unveil a message. Go to river bank. Talk to the hunter who’s on the observation tower. Tell him you have a job for him. Go to grandma’s. You will meet the hunter who is actually a surgeon. Talk to him. He will say that he needs a scalpel and a tranquilizer.
-Finding a tranquilizer and a scalpel
Go to the carpenter workshop. Notice that the depressed chicken committed suicide. Pick it up. You will also pick up a nail. Go to the market place. Talk to Yogi. Ask him if he can sharpen the knife. Tell him you have a nail. He will sharpen your knife. Go to the alleyway. Through the manhole get into the rich guy’s villa. Use the Dartboard with the floor contraption that’s among the traps and next to Simon. Simon will press it and a tranquilizer dart will fall onto the board. Go to grandma’s. Talk to Dr. Hunter. Tell him you have a tranquilizer dart and a scalpel. He will do the operation and free Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood.
-Getting your double to order a fake diamond
Get in grandma’s house. Talk to her. Tell her about her investment possibilities. Go to town and enter Calypso’s shop. Look at the Great tome that’s on the table. Simon will read an extract and find a flyer. Go to grandma’s again and give her the flyer. Go to the troll bridge and talk to Terribilix. It seems Grandma just ordered the last diamond. Simon will say that now it’s the time for his Double to order a diamond. He will say that the parrot(who is a soup right now) can help. In your inventory click on Alphabet soup. You will end up with the letters from the alphabet soup. Click on them. Choose “Simon you slowpoke where’s my diamond?” and after that choose “Just bring me the rock…”. Now the soup is sorted. Go to Calypso’s shop and use the Sorted alphabet soup on the Magic water of Arakh (it’s a bucket on the left side of the screen). You will get a Modified parrot. Go to Double Simon’s tiny hut and get into the study. Use the Modified parrot on the bird’s pole. Simon will put the new parrot back to its place. Go to Terribilix at the troll bridge and talk to him. Ask him if he has another diamond. He will tell you he is out of stock and will take your fake diamond. Go to town. You will see Double Simon receiving the fake diamond. Get in Calypso’s shop and talk to Alix. Tell her you can prove your Double is no good. You will watch a cutscene where Calaba completes his weapon with the fake diamond. Oops! It seems Double Simon was a nice guy after all and your fake diamond did the job wrong! Well the game’s not over…Calaba kills the king and the two Simons. So you, Double Simon and the king will end up in the Underworld (or Hades)!
After the cutscene ends, talk to Orpheus, who‘s sitting on the stairs. Get in
the Department of Postmortal affairs. Talk to Hades and ask him for release
papers. He will give you a stack of Applications. Get out of the office and move
to the left of the screen. Go to the barren grounds. You will find your double
and the king standing there. Talk to your double and choose the second topic.
They will start apologizing to each other. After finishing the conversation,
give the Applications to Double Simon. He will fill them in and give them back
to you. Check out the dead chicken next to Simon. Use the Dead chicken from your
inventory on the dead chicken. It will make a Depressed egg that Simon will pick
up. Go to the Town of the dead and enter Hades’ office again. Give the Filled in
applications Hades. He will tell you that he doesn’t have an approved stamp any
more. Tell him about the lunch break. He will say that he would like an egg
sandwich. Tell him you have a yummy egg. He will say that he wants it boiled.
Get out of the office and move to the right side of the screen. You will see
Fence, a little dragon. Ask him if he can cook the egg. Get in Hades’ office
once more. Give Hades the Cooked egg. Pick up the Egg slicer that will fall from
the desk. Leave the office and talk to Orpheus. Tell him you have an instrument.
After the cutscene, move to the right side of the screen until you find
Eurydice’s party tomb. Knock on the door. She will tell you you need an
invitation. Go to the barren grounds and from there to the bank of Styx.
Hmmm…There’s a surveillance system installed. So you will need a disguise to
help you get out.
-Getting out of the Underworld
Go back to the barren grounds and knock on the tomb door that’s next to Double
Simon and the king. The great Banshee lives there. Tell her that her voice is
not bad, but you know someone who sings better. Go to Hades’ office and pick up
the Megaphone. Get out and use the Megaphone on the Fire pan that’s in front of
Orpheus. Go to the barren grounds and knock Banshee’s door again. She will say
she doesn’t want to go to Eurydice’s party any more and she will give you the
invitation. Go to the Town of dead and from there to Eurydice’s party tomb.
Knock on the door. She will let you in. Pick up the Wine jug. Use it on the Fire
pan that’s next to Eurydice. Pick up the Wedding dress with veil. Go to the
barren grounds. Talk to Double Simon. He says he won’t come with you because
it’s not legal. Go to the town of the dead. In your inventory click on the
Wedding dress with veil. Simon will dress up as a Eurydice. Talk to Orpheus. Tap
him on the shoulder. You will follow him to the bank of Styx. You need a coin to
take the boat and leave. Go back to the town of the Dead. Talk to Ovid. Ask him
for a coin. He will tell you to find Sisyphus and bring him for an interview.
Get in Hades’ office. Talk to him. Ask him how many cups of coffee he drinks. He
will go for a refill. While he is away, pick up the door stop. Leave and go to
the barren grounds. Move to the left side of the screen, until you find
Sisyphus. Use the Door stop on Sisyphus’ rock. Tell him that Ovid wants an
interview. Go to the town of the dead and talk to Ovid. He will give you a Coin.
Go to the bank of Styx and use the Gold coin on the Ticket machine. You will
escape the Underworld and get back to the river bank at Magic kingdom.
From now on you can control both Simons.
-Getting Double Simon and the King up to Magic Kingdom
Go to the troll bridge and from there to the Temple of the Dead (the exit is on
the upper left side of the screen). Talk to the monk. You will find he needs a
successor. Click on both boxes that are in the temple. You will pick up a Black
Candle and a Stamp. Open the window of the temple. It won’t budge. Use the Oil
on it and then open it. This will cause light to come in, the vampire cat to
fall from the elevator shaft and Cerberus to run after her. Switch to Double
Simon. Get in the unknown tunnel. Talk to the elevator shaft. The Simon will
start a conversation and the monk will get convinced that you can be his
successor. So he will leave the place. Switch to Simon again. In your inventory,
use the Stamp on the Filled in applications. Put the Stamped applications in the
elevator and use the elevator switch. Switch to Double Simon. Pick up the
Stamped applications and get in the elevator. The King will come with you.
Go to the troll bridge. The roll is back for the third time! Switch to Simon.
Talk to the troll and tell him that you won’t bother him any more. Tell him you
will secure him with an extra rope. Go to the Grandma’s house and pick up the
Sheet from the chair. In your inventory click on the Sheet. It will become a
Rope of strips. Go to the troll bridge. Use the Rope of strips on the troll. Get
in the Temple of dead and use the Tied rope of strips from your inventory on the
elevator (be sure that the elevator is up). Use the elevator switch. The rope
will drag the troll to the Underworld. Switch to Double Simon and go to town.
Talk to the King. He will follow you in Calypso’s shop. Get out of the shop, go
to the troll bridge and switch to Simon. Go to town and get in Calypso’s shop.
Talk to the King. Click on the King. Click on Instant machine once more. Simon
will say that he doesn’t want to do it himself. Go to the market place. There’s
a competition going on there with two demons taking part in it and cheating.
Talk to them to learn some things about Calaba’s future plans. Talk to the
All-purpose-officer. Tell him that you are ready to go for it. Ask him what the
rules are, what’s the prize and after that tell him you are ready.
Before the race: Switch to Double Simon and go to town. Get in Calypso’s shop
and click on Instant machine. You will get a King in form of instant powder.
-The race
Be sure that Double Simon is at town Leave him there to wait and switch to
Simon. Talk to the castle guard and tell him you are ready. The race begins. The
demons are too fast. The instant moment they show up at town double click very
quickly on the exit to the market place. If you do it right, Double Simon will
finish first. But you have to do it before the demons pass by Double Simon. If
you don’t succeed don’t worry. The race will go on until you manage it.
-The chess
The clever demon gives advices to the stupid one and the will keep defeating
you. You need something to keep the clever one away. Switch to Simon and go to
the alleyway. Check out the Hopscotch. Use the Black Candles from your inventory
on it. Switch to Double Simon. Talk to All-purpose-officer and tell him you have
to pay a visit. The clever demon will follow you and he will get trapped in the
hopscotch. Return to the market place and defeat your opponent.
-The weightlifting
Hmmm…Hard to beat the demons. Maybe if they were disqualified you could win.
Check out the mineral water that the demons drink on the table. If you could
slip something in…Go to town and switch to Simon. Go to the market place and
from there to the club house. Knock on the door and tell them that you are
immunized. Talk to Swampy. He will say that he doesn’t want to see you any more.
Simon will think to prepare a decent stew. Go to town and enter Calypso’s shop.
Use the Dead Chicken on the Instant machine to get an Instant chicken soup. In
your inventory use the Instant chicken soup on the Pot. Use the Pot with instant
soup with the water of Arakh. This will get you a Chicken soup. Go and give the
soup to Swampy. Tell him you made it yourself. Tell him it will make him strong.
Go to the market place and use the Swamp stew on the demons’ mineral water. This
will get the demons doped. Talk to all-purpose-officer. Tell him you have to
report a doping suspicion. After the cutscene talk to him again and tell him you
are ready to lift the cotton buds.
This will end up the competition and the all-purpose-officer will give you a
Gold medal.
Go to the castle’s secret entrance and talk to the guard. Tell him you have a
shiny medal. He will let you in. Switch to Double Simon and go to the castle’s
secret entrance also. Get in the castle yard. Switch to Simon. Get into the
Throne room. Pick up the Gold Medal that’s right next to Simon. Switch to Double
Simon and give the King in the form of a soup to Simon. Switch to Simon and
click on the stack of boxes. Simon will hide behind them. Double Simon will
enter the throne room and Calaba will start chasing him. As Simon enter the
throne room. Use the King in form of soup on Calaba’s goblet. Watch the ending