The Fall Trilogy: Chapter 1: Separation
The Fall Trilogy: Chapter 1: Separation
This walkthrough was created by Chie.
General Tips
From the main menu, you can adjust a variety of settings, like voice,
music and sound effects volume, screen mode and 360 degree free view from the
option menu.
You can change players by clicking on the CHANGE PLAYER in the bottom
right corner in the main menu.
360 degree free view lets you look wherever you want, and when it’s off
you will navigate with arrows on the side of the screen.
When looking for objects in a room, make sure to look below and above
eyelevel. Screenshots will also tell you whether the direction is up or
Skipping puzzles is possibly but it adds to your time at the end. Using
clues and hints also adds to your time.
Puzzles can also be done in easy mode, but this guide is written for hard
If you get stuck try going to another area, some actions must be done in
the order presentenced.
Part 1: Tutorial
Tutorial: Land Side
- This guide follows the tutorial steps.
- Click on the TASK button on the bottom left of the screen, it opens or
closes the list of your objects.
- Click on the handle on the bottom right of the screen to collect
- Objects collected are stored in your inventory and may be used throughout
the entire game.
- Click on the handle in your inventory to put it in your hand.
- Click on the column on the left to use the handle on it.
- When handle is in the right place, the mouse’s cursor turns into a gear
and shows you that you can do an action.
- Click on the handle in left side of the screen.
- Collect the whip and the hat in the bottom as inventory items.
- Place your cursor in the middle of the screen. It will say “not explored”
if you have never travelled to this area before.
- Click on the middle of the screen to move next location.
- When your setting is 360 degrees from the option menu, keep the mouse’s
RIGHT button down to look around.
- When your setting is not 360 degrees, click on the arrows around the
- You can use the arrow keys of your keyboard as well.
Part 2: Opening the Double Gate
Mini-game: Hidden stones
- Click on the entrance with the stones.
- Collect the stone tile to the right of the picture made of stones to start
the puzzle.
- Find 20 pieces of stone.
- You can use hint in the bottom right corner. It recharges slowly between
Mini-game: Jigsaw Puzzle
- Click on the pile of the 20 stones to start another puzzle.
- Use the ‘I’ button if you need instructions on how to solve the
- Click on the other button if you want to reset the puzzle. You will then
choose between two levels of difficulty.
- You can hit the ‘SKIP’ button if you are stuck and continue your game
without solving the puzzle.
- The ‘SKIP’ button needs some time to recharge before you can use it
- Keep the LEFT button of the mouse down to move a piece.
- Assemble all the pieces to repair the top.
- Correctly places pieces are glued together.
- Refer to the screenshot to see the final image.
Mini-game: Pillars
- Click on the stone tile from the inventory and drag to the console lid
- Raise all the pillars in order to cross.
- The buttons of the console activate the pillars in the same position as on
the consol.
- One button activates the current pillar and all pillars either vertical or
horizontally touching it.
- Press the buttons noted in the screenshot to finish this puzzle. It does
not matter what order you click them in.
- Continue through the door to the next area and you will pass out
The Bottom of the Falls
- Collect the pestle in the on the ground as inventory item.
- Go to the room to the right of the doorway back to the pit
Mini-game: Hidden Statuettes
- Click on the wall with statuettes in the right side to start the
- Find 8 statues in the screen.
Mini-game: 16 Statuettes
- Put the statuettes in the correct order to stop the blades.
- Each row and column as well as each of the four 2×2 sub grids needs to be
made up of four different statuettes.
- Collect the conch, the disk and the hiatus on the statue’s hands.
- Refer to the screenshot for one possible solution.
The Pulley Room
- Go to the pulley room which is to the right of the statue room.
- You will then have to find 20 pieces of three pulleys.
Mini-game: Hidden 20 pieces of pulleys
- Go to the pulleys room that is beside the statue room.
- You will then have to find 20 pieces of three pulleys.
Mini-game: Pairing
- Click on the plant top of the stones in the water fall.
- Select a flower or a fruit and find its identical partner.
Making Glue
- Back to the spot that has three pulleys.
- Click on the mistletoe berries from the inventory and drag to the
mistletoe berries to the white bowl.
- Click and drag the pestle from the inventory to the white bowl to make
- Click the glue and drag to the three pulleys to fix them.
Mini-game: Pulleys
- After fix the three pulleys, back to the pulleys room.
- Place the pulleys to the wall.
- Rotate the pulleys so that each marker is aligned with its marker on the
- Pass mouse over the pulley in order to show the rotation arrows.
- The pulleys rotate at different speeds depending on their size.
- To finish this puzzle first rotate the top disk 180 degrees.
- Next move the left disk counter-clockwise until it lines up.
- Last move the right disk counter-clockwise until it lines up.
- Refer to the screenshot for the solution.
- After finishing this puzzle you can see the bridges have moved in the
previous room.
Mini-game: Domino Puzzle
- Back to the pit and click on the closed gate with snake statue top of the
- You will then be able to explore the puzzle with square dominoes to the
right of the closed gate.
- Place all the dominos on the matrix and check that adjacent tiles are
sharing the same symbol.
- Refer to the screenshot for the solution.
Double Gate
- Go to the double gate beside the domino puzzle.
- You will then get another new task to find a statuette.
Weighing Scale Room
- Back to the pit and click on the gap between pit ground and other
- Click on the whip and drag to the big tree above eye level at the gap
- You will then be able to explore the weighing scale room.
- Collect the statuette, four stones and the small board.
- Place the small board to the right side of the stick.
- Try to place one of the rocks in the middle of the scale; this will give
you a new task to gather baskets.
Mini-game: Hidden Baskets
- Leave the weighing scale place and back to the land side.
- Find 15 baskets in the screen.
- After finding all 15 baskets, you will then receive wicker basket in your
Using the Scale
- After going to the get the baskets, return to the room with the
- Place the wicker basket from your inventory to the middle of the
- You will then receive another task to put sand into the basket.
- Go back to the pit room to get sand. There is a pile of sand near the
hanging whip on the pit side.
- Click your hat and use it on the sand to collect it and return to the
- Place the basket on the right side of the scale.
- Place the statuette on the left side of the scale.
- Use the scale to make sure them the same weight.
- Click on the 500g stone and drag to the crystal to cut half.
- Put the hat full of sand and all stones except a 250g stone into the
- The basket weight will then be same weight with the statuette.
- Place the basket in the middle of the scale to open the first
- Click on the statue to collect.
- Once you go back to the pit, your character will then throw the 250g stone
into the hole to make a wish.
- Go to the double gate.
- Place the statuette from your inventory to the hole in the middle of the
- The second gate will then open.
- Go to the gears location inside the double gate.
Part 3: Collecting the Rest of the Objects
Mini-game: Hidden Obstacles
- You need to find 14 obstacles such as leaves and rocks in the middle of
the screen.
- There are 10 leaves as shown in the screenshot and 4 rocks after
- The mechanism will then appear and you need to find 20 gears.
- Refer to the screenshot to find all location of hidden
Mini-game: Gears
- Use the 6 collected gears on the mechanism and find a combination where
all 10 gears rotate at the same time.
- The three small gears that cannot be picked up must rotate in the
indicated direction, while the first gear on the left is the only gear that
- Pull the lever to start the machine, if all the gears move the puzzle is
- Starting from the left try to place the gears as far apart as possible
while making sure they still move after the lever is pulled.
- Refer to the screenshot for the solution.
- After solving the puzzle, you will be able to enter to the columns room to
the left of the room with covered in spider webs.
Mini-game: Hidden Painting Tools
- You will find another symbol puzzle in the fresco.
- Click on the wall to unlock the puzzle.
- There are five symbols beside the wall.
- Find 20 painting tools in the fresco.
Mini-game: Painting the Plots
- After finding all 20 painting tools, go back to the fresco.
- Click and drop the painting tools from your inventory to the wall to start
another mini-game.
- Paint the shapes keeping in mind that two adjacent shapes must have
different colors.
- Two shapes with only one point touching are not adjacent.
- There are only three different colors: GREEN, ORANGE and RED.
- Click several times to cycle the colors.
- Start at the spaces with the most other shapes touching them.
- Refer to the screenshot for one possible solution.
- After finishing the fresco, a door will open. Take the jugs from
Statue Protected by Acid
- There is an entrance with spider web blocking it on the opposite side of
the fresco.
- Click on the spider web five times to remove them.
- Click on the wall and drawing with hints about the correct order of the
jugs will appear.
- The hints will tell you if one jug higher than another, or what order the
jugs are from each other, lined up around the top of the well.
- Click on the jugs and drag to the well.
- Place the jugs in a compatible order with the rules which are engraved on
the wall.
- Refer to the screenshot for the correct solution.
- After completing the puzzle take the quiver, bow and lotus
Statue Protect by Lava
- Back to the fresco and go to the columns room.
- Go to straight across the room and enter the room with a statue protected
by lava.
- Click to panels at a time and the matching pairs in the area to the
- The pairs are not the exact same image, but are related. Like to halves of
a ying-yang, moon and sun, or land animals.
- See the screenshot for the solution, which may be randomized. In the
screenshot the colors show which pairs go together. This will never
- After completing the puzzle take the sword and the bludgeon.
Mini-game: Jigsaw Puzzle
- Go back to the columns room.
- Click on the lever in front of the twin statuettes.
- The statue will then be broken.
- Click on the pieces of statue to start another mini-game.
- After rebuild the jigsaw puzzle, you will receive statuettes as inventory
- Exit the room and go to the room of columns, to the left of this door in
the main room.
Command Board
- Back to the columns room.
- Click on the lever in the twin statuettes.
- Use the direction control found between the two statuettes to move the
marbles to their destinations.
- The marbles can only travel across the black lines, but if they fall in
the square holes or outside of the board you will need to start over.
- Use directions without a line to move only one marble whenever you
- Refer to the screenshots for one correct solution.
- To solve the puzzle click these directions:
UP, UP to get the marbles to the left and right corners at the top.
UP, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT to get them on the left side, top and bottom
- Lastly, press UP, UP, UP, UP, RIGHT, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, DOWN, DOWN to get
both marbles to the goal.
Part 4: Aligning the Mirrors
Tripod’s Door
- After solving the command board puzzle, the entrance through to the
tripod’s door room will then be unblocked.
- Follow the tracks and click on the door with the tripod holding up missing
center piece.
- After clicking on the first door, click on the other door with the missing
center piece, you will then need to collect 8 mirrors.
- Refer to the screenshots for the locations of the mirrors.
Mini-game: Hidden Sticks
- Click on the tripod door to get you next task then go back to the columns
- Find 20 sticks in the columns room.
- Refer to the screenshots for the locations of the sticks.
Tripod’s Door
- Back to the tripod’s door.
- Click and drop the all sticks from the inventory to the tripod below the
mirror on the door.
- The last stick will then fit into it and you will receive the tripod as
inventory item.
- Click on the door again to get your next task, finding holders and placing
mirrors in them.
Mirrors and Holders
- Back to the columns room.
- Find three holders in the columns room.
- Attach mirrors into holders.
- Go to the fresco room.
- Find a holder in the fresco room.
- Attach two mirrors into the holders in the room.
- Back to the columns room.
- Go to the bottom of the falls.
- Uncover one holder and attach two mirrors into holders in the room. You
will then have attached all of the mirrors.
Finding Direct Sunlight
- Back to the pit.
- Find three marks for the tripod on the ground and place the tripod there
from your inventory.
- Click on the tripod that you placed and the lens will then fall off and it
will be broken.
Mini-game: Jigsaw Puzzle
- Click on the broken lens on the ground to start this mini-game.
- Assemble all the pieces to repair the broken lens.
- Correctly places pieces are stuck together.
- Use the thick, round outer ring to help you put the pieces
- Refer to the screenshot for the final solution.
- After assembling the lens, place it back on the tripod.
Direct Sunlight to the Keyhole
- Adjust the mirror in order to point the sunlight to the fresco.
- Go to the fresco.
- Adjust the mirrors in order to point the sunlight to the column
- Go to the column room.
- Adjust the two mirrors in order to point the sunlight to the bottom of the
- Go to the bottom of the falls.
- Adjust the two mirrors in order to point the sunlight to the column
- Go to the column room.
- Adjust the two mirrors in order to point the sunlight to the tripod’s
- Go to the tripod’s door.
- Adjust the mirror in order to point the sunlight to the keyhole on the
- The door will then open and a new area will be available.
Mini-game: Big Statue
- Go to the big statue location.
- Click on the hands in order to open up all the hands.
- Clicking on a hand will open up that hand and the two hands above and
below it on the other side.
- If there is no hand below or above the clicked hand on the other side,
only one hand will open on the other side. Use this to your
- Refer to the screenshot for the solution; the hands can be clicked in any
- Set the collected objects from the other statuettes on the hands once they
are all open.
Hands of the Big Statue
- First, put all objects on the hands, it will then tell you want objects
are in the correct place.
- The correct places are wherever the objects were in the statues where you
found them.
- Next, the right number of correct positioned objects will then appear in
the bottom of the screen.
- Put all objects on the correct hand, as shown in the
Mini-game: Hexagonal Dominos
- After fit all the objects in the correct position of the statue, the door
on the other side of the tripod door will open.
- Before you go through this new door, you need to solve another domino
- These dominos are hexagonal in shape, and all six faces need to match with
the dominos surround them unless they are at the edge.
- The trick to finish this puzzle is to find combinations that have only one
possible pair and put those in the middle to start.
- Then find impossible combinations in the same dominos, and put those
pieces on the edge.
- Try to only focus on one or two sides of a domino at once when you are
looking for a match.
- Refer to the screenshot for the final solution.
Behind the Hexagonal Domino Door
- Go inside the hexagonal dominos door.
- Take the bowl.
- Go back to the pit and use the bowl on the sand on the ground.
- You will then know the bowl has hole in it.
- Go to the weighting scale place in the pit and collect your hat full of
- Go back through the domino door.
- Click and drop the hat to the middle of the screen.